As of Mon Feb 17 7:30:50 2025
Type: A Message Server window for AIPS in X11.
Use: MSGSRV (formerly MSGSERVER) is a program that runs inside an X
Window system terminal emulator and listens for AIPS message
output from one or more AIPS sessions. The sessions can be local
or remote. It prints the messages inside the terminal emulator
window and tries to identify the originating host of each
You can choose which terminal emulator to use by setting the
AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR environment variable before starting AIPS.
Possible values include the following.
xterm The terminal emulator that comes with MIT's X Window
System distribution. This is available on most
machines but may be unsupported or optional software.
It is usually the safest choice if you switch between
machines running different versions of UNIX. This is
the default.
aixterm The AIXwindows terminal server on IBM RS/6000
cmdtool The OpenWindows terminal emulator available on Sun
workstations. Source for cmdtool is freely available
so it may be installed on other machines.
dxterm The DEC terminal emulator for ULTRIX workstations.
hpterm The Hewlett-Packard terminal emulator for HP-UX.
shelltool The same as cmdtool but without a scroll bar.
none No terminal emulator (MSGSERVER will not run).
The message server window will pop up on your display if the
emulator is not "none". When things are not working properly,
it will remain visible only briefly and then go away. To have
the window remain until you use your computers window manager
to remove it, set the environment variable
setenv AIPS_MSG_HOLD YES (tcsh type shells)
export AIPS_MSG_HOLD=YES (bash type shells)
before starting AIPS. This will give you time to read any
error messages that appear and to capture them to send to for assistance.
In version 31DEC24, the verb STARTTV will allow you from within
an AIPS session to restart the message (and TV and TEK) servers.
Previously, they were only started when the user started an aips
You can use the X Window System resource mechanism to customize
parameters such as the colors of the message server, the initial
position in which it appears and so on. You usually specify the
resources by typing them into a file that lives in your home
directory and is called either .Xdefaults or .Xresources (the
usual rule is that you use .Xdefaults if you start the window
system with a special command after loggin in and .Xresources if
you log in through a special window but there are excpetions:
consult your system manager if you are not sure which to use).
The resources from this file are automatically loaded into the
window system when you start it. You can also force new values
to be loaded with the xrdb command. For example:
xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
Resource names for the message window begin with AIPSmsg. The
actual resources available depend on the terminal emulator you
are using. You should consult your system documentation for a
complete list but the more important ones for the common terminal
types are given below.
More information about X Window System customization can be found
in the X Window System User's Guide published by O'Reilly and
Associates, or many other references on X11.
You do not need to set any resources for MSGSERVER to work.
Resources for xterm, aixterm, hpterm:
AIPSmsg*background Background colour (eg. wheat)
AIPSmsg*foreground Foreground colour (eg. navy)
AIPSmsg*iconGeometry Where to place the icon. The value should
be a standard geometry specification (eg.
+100+100). While this works fine with
window managers such as twm/tvtwm, some
people do not recommend it if you use the
OPEN LOOK or Motif window managers. Your
mileage may vary. (not hpterm, dxterm).
AIPSmsg*iconName The name to place under the icon (not
hpterm; AIPSmsg*iconic for dxterm).
AIPSmsg*iconStartup If set to True then MSGSERVER will be
started in iconic form (not hpterm).
AIPSmsg*geometry The initial size and placement of
the message window.
AIPSmsg*saveLines The number of lines of text to retain for
scrolling backwards (*saveLinesOffTop for
AIPSmsg*scrollBar Set to True to turn the scroll bar on: set
to False to turn it off (*scrollVertical
for dxterm).
AIPSmsg*tekInhibit If True disallow Tektronix mode (xterm
only; recommended).
Recommended settings are:
AIPSmsg*iconName: MSGSERVER (not hpterm)
AIPSmsg*saveLines: 500
AIPSmsg*scrollBar: True (see dxterm above)
AIPSmsg*tekInhibit: True (xterm only)
Resources for cmdtool and shelltool:
Nothing applicable.