AIPS HELP file for OUTTEXT in 31DEC25
As of Thu Jan 23 19:37:44 2025
Type: Adverb (String*48)
Use: To specify the name of some disk file outside the usual AIPS
catalog system to be used as output from an AIPS verb or task.
The file can be a text file giving a basic data listings of
various sorts.
Format: The name is usually given by specifying a logical device plus
directory, followed by a colon, followed by the actual file
name. In Unix, logicals are environment variables. The
logical name must be set up before entering the AIPS program
and is usually in upper case. Thus, for example:
percent setenv MYAREA ~joeuser
for the C shell, and
$ myarea=$HOME; export MYAREA
for bourne, korn, and bash shells. Then in AIPS,
Note that the Unix-standard $ ahead of the logical is omitted.
AIPS-standard logicals like FITS (often AIPS/FITS) are available
also. Other forms are now acceptable as well:
will find the file in the $FITS directory (when reading or
writing FITS disk files) or in the directory local when you
started AIPS. A full path name may also be given
OUTTEXT = '/home/primate2/egreisen/AIPS/Text.prt
if it fits in 48 characters. Note that the trailing quote mark
is left off and this is the last command on the input line so
that the case is preserved.
In some programs, it is regarded as an error if OUTTEXT already
exists. Most concatenate to or replace pre-existing OUTTEXTs.
Null value: ' '
Taken to mean no subsidiary file. This can be an error.
ATMCA........Determines delay/phase gradient from calibrator
observations; OUTTEXT contains a table of fitted
delays and rates
BLSUM........Sums images over irregular sub-images, displays
spectra; OUTTEXT contains spectra in form suitable
for use in PLOTR
CLOSE........Plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over
CLPLT........Plots closure phase and model from CC file. OUTTEXT
contains the fit closure phases.
CONPL........Plots AIPS gridding convolution functions; OUTTEXT
lists the functions plotted
DFTPL........Plots DFT of a UV data set at arbitrary point versus
time. OUTTEXT contains a printed version of time,
brightness, and rms.
DTCHK........Task to check results of a test using simulated
data; OUTTEXT contains test results
FRMAP........Task to build a map using fringe rate spectra;
OUTTEXT contains the list of components found
FRPLT........Task to plot fringe rate spectra; OUTTEXT contains
fringe rate spectrum which is plotted
GAL..........Determine parameters from a velocity field; OUTTEXT
contains parameters found or the full plot data
IANTB........Writes out GC and TY data in ANTAB format
IMEAN........displays the mean & extrema and plots histogram of an
image; OUTTEXT contains fit results and histogram
IRING........integrates intensity / flux in rings / ellipses;
OUTTEXT lists the points plotted
MOMFT........Calculates images of moments of a sub-image; OUTTEXT
contains of log of the messages also written to the
PBEAM........Fits the analytic function to the measured values of
the beam; OUTTEXT records results of fit and data
POSSM........Task to plot total and cross-power spectra.; OUTTEXT
contains average spectrum plotted when NPLOTS=0
QUFIX........Determines Right minus Left phase difference,
corrects cal files. OUTTEXT file contains the
corrections determined when they are not applied.
QUOUT........Writes text file of Q, U versus frequency to be used
by RLDIF. OUTTEXT is the file thet gets these data.
REWAY........Computes weights based in rms in spectra. OUTTEXT
is an optional file to receive summaries, outliers,
and details of the statistics.
RFLAG........Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
visibilities. OUTTEXT is an optional output file
with channel-dependent weights.
RM2PL........Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit. OUTTEXT
is an optioanl file which receives model values,
Q and U spectra (data & model & residual).
SERCH........Finds line signals in transposed data cube; OUTTEXT
logs histograms, results, sigmas, etc.
SHADO........Calculate the shadowing of antennas at the array;
OUTTEXT records amount of shadowing vs hour angle
SLCOL........Task to collate slice data and models.; OUTTEXT is
reformatted list of slice points or models
SLICE........Task to make a slice file from an image; OUTTEXT
contains slice x, y, value in pixels and image units
SNFIT........Fits parabola to SN amplitudes and plots result.
OUTTEXT is an optional file to rceive the fit values.
TBOUT........Writes an AIPS table into a text file for user
editting; OUTTEXT copntains editable table contents
UVCRS........Finds the crossing points of UV-ellipses; OUTTEXT
contains list of crossing points and amplitude ratios
VLAMP........Makes ANTAB file for phased VLA used in VLBI
observations. OUTTEXT is the file to be fed to ANTAB.
XG2PL........Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and
ZEMAN/ZAMAN fits. OUTTEXT optionally receives
the spectra of the data, model, and model components.
HITEXT.......Writes lines from history extension file to text
file; OUTTEXT contains extracted history records
DOVLAMP......Produces amp calibration file for phased-VLA VLBI
data. OUTTEXT is the file to be fed to ANTAB.
VLBAMPHC.....Applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase
stopping centers. OUTTEXT is used to convey an
optional e-mail address to which to send a
completion notice.
VLBARFI......Calibrates VLBA autocorrelations, writes out
statistics. OUTTEXT is used to convey an optional
e-mail address to which to send a completion notice
VLBARUN......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to
VLBA data. OUTTEXT is used to convey an optional
e-mail address to which to send a completion notice