AIPS HELP file for POPSYM in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 6:41:42 2025
Type: Symbols used in the POPS interpretive language
----Arithmetic expressions
+ A + B Add the expression A to B
- A - B Subtract the expression B from A
* A * B Multiply the expression A with B
/ A / B Divide the expression A by B
** A ** B Calculate A to the power B
( ) (A+B)*C Grouping expressions as desired
= A = B Store the value of B into A
, A = 3,5,4 Separator of elements in an array
~ A(i) ~ 1,2,3 Store values in A(i),A(i+1)...
(change only as many as on RHS)
: TO Equivalent to the verb TO
; Separator between AIPS statements
----Logical expressions
> A > B A greater than B
< A < B A less than B
= A = B A equal B (numeric or string)
>= A >= B A equal to or greater than B
<= A <= B A equal to or less than B
<> A <> B A not equal to B (numeric or string)
! A ! B A or B
& A & B A and B
^ ^ A not A
----String expressions
!! A !! B string = string A followed by string B
SUBSTR SUBSTR(A,i,j) string = chars i through j of string A
LENGTH LENGTH(A) position last non-blank in A
CHAR CHAR(A) convert number A to string
VALUE VALUE(A) convert string A to number
----Looping constructions
AIPS syntax>
AIPS syntax>
THEN AIPS syntax>
ELSE AIPS syntax>
----Built-in functions
ACOS Arc-cosine
ASIN Arc-sine
ATAN Arctangent (one argument)
ATAN2 Arctangent (two arguments)
COS Cosine (degrees)
SIN Sine (degrees)
TAN Tangent (degrees)
EXP Exponential
LN Log base e
LOG Log base 10
SQRT Square-root
MAX Maximum i.e. X = MAX (A, B)
MIN Minimum i.e. X = MIN (A, B)
MODULUS Root-square sum of two arguments
MOD(A,B) A - (A/B) * B i.e. remainder of A/B
CEIL(A) Lowest integer >= A
FLOOR(A) Highest integer <= A
----Procedure building verbs
PROC PV Begin building a procedure
PROCEDUR PV Begin building a procedure
LIST pV List a procedure
EDIT PV Edit a procedure
ENDEDIT PV End editing a procedure
ERASE PV Delete line(s) of a procedure
MODIFY PV Modify a line in a procedure
RETURN V Last statement in a procedure
FINISH PV End procedure building
----Variable declarations
SCALAR pV Declare scalars
ARRAY pV Declare arrays
STRING pV Declare strings
----Input/Output functions
PRINT V Print the following keyword value(s)
TYPE V Print the following keyword value(s)
READ V Read value(s) from terminal after # prompt
----Other information
CORE pV Amount of core left in POPS
COMPRESS PV Compress the core area, recovering lost space
and acquiring any new vocabulary
CLRTEMP V Clear the temp data array
DEBUG pV Debug: turns on compiler debug information
DUMP V Dump K array on terminal screen
SCRATCH PV Remove procedures in POPS
$ PV Makes rest of input line a comment