AIPS HELP file for QUXTR in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 6:25:32 2025
QUXTR: Extract Q, U spectra to text files for TARS use
INNAME Input Q image name (name).
INCLASS Input Q image name (class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input Q image name (seq. #).
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Input Q image disk unit #.
IN2NAME Input U image name (name).
IN2CLASS Input U image name (class).
IN2SEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input U image name (seq. #).
IN2DISK 0.0 9.0 Input U image disk unit #.
Output text file base name
VPARM 0.0 Ra,Dec pixel pairs to do
Type: TASK
Use: This task is used to extract Q/U spectra in text files for input
to the TARS task which tests Faraday rotation synthesis. The Q
and U images may be in any transposition, but freq-Ra-Dec works
INNAME.....Input Q image name (name). No default.
INCLASS....Input Q image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Input Q image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of input Q image. 0 => any.
IN2NAME....Input U image name (name). No default.
IN2CLASS...Input U image name (class). Standard defaults.
IN2SEQ.....Input U image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
IN2DISK....Disk drive # of input U image. 0 => any.
OUTFILE....Text file base name for output spectra (numbers 1,2,3,..
will be appended).
VPARM......Up to 15 pairs of the Ra,Dec pixel numbers to be written
the text file(s). A zero terminates the list.