AIPS HELP file for SHAHO in 31DEC25
As of Wed Jan 22 0:23:41 2025
SHAHO: Task to Flag holography data for shadowing
INNAME UV data (name).
INCLASS UV data (class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 UV data (seq. #). 0 => high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk unit #. 0 => any
SOURCES Sources selected/deselected
ANTENNAS Reference antennas
OUTFGVER Flag table version number
Used w single-source too
APARM 5: > 0 flag for shadowing
shadow diameter in m
6: flag for cross-talk
(see help) BL in m
DOHIST -3.0 1.0 > 0 -> add to history
Type: Task
Use: Holography data can be flagged by modifying a flag (FG) table.
This is done for both multi- and single-source data sets. The
only allowed reason here is shadowing of holography data.
INNAME.....UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......UV file name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk unit #. 0 => any.
SOURCES....List of sources in a raw data file to be selected.
If SOURCES = ' ', SOURCES(1) is set to 'HOLORASTER'
ANTENNAS...A list of ALL non-moving (reference) antennas.
OUTFGVER...Specifies the version of the flagging table into which
the flags are written (0 => highest, or 1 if no FG table
exists) for all data sets.
APARM......Flagging may be done on shadowing.
APARM(5) <= 0 -> 25.
This task flags data based on shadowing of one antenna by
another in the array. APARM(5) gives the minimum baseline
in meters before shadowing is thought to occur (e.g. 25 for
the VLA). You may also set APARM(6) to the minimum
baseline in meters below which cross-talk is likely to
occur. This deletes the single baseline which may cause
shadowing if it shortens more but not the other baselines
to the (pre)-shadowed antenna. This would be meant to omit
possible cross-talk when one antenna starts to see another
in its near-in sidelobes.
DOHIST.....True means add the individual flags in the history file,
else just record the use of UVFLG. (True is > 0)