AIPS HELP file for SNCOR in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 21:46:08 2025
SNCOR: Task which applies various corrections to SN tables.
INNAME Input UV file name (name)
INCLASS Input UV file name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input UV file name (seq. #)
INDISK Input UV file disk unit #
SOURCES Source list ' '=>all.
STOKES Stokes type to process
SELBAND Bandwidth to select (kHz)
SELFREQ Frequency to select (MHz)
FREQID Freq. ID to select, 0=>all
BIF 0.0 100.0 Lowest IF number 0=>all
EIF 0.0 100.0 Highest IF number 0=>all
TIMERANG Time range to use.
ANTENNAS Antennas to correct.
SUBARRAY 0.0 9999.0 Subarray; 0 => 1.
SNVER 0.0 9999.0 SN table version to update
OPCODE Operation code.See HELP
SNCORPRM Parameters (see HELP SNCOR).
BADDISK 0.0 9999.0 Disks to aviod for scratch
Task: This task copies the input SN table and then makes a number of
different corrections to the new SN table.
INNAME.....Input UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Input UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Input UV file name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of input UV file. 0 => any.
SOURCES....list of sources to process.
'*' = all; a "-" before a source name
means all except ANY source named.
STOKES.....The desired Stokes type of the output data:
'R ', 'L ', 'RL', ' '=> 'RL'.
FREQID.....Frequency identifier to select (you may determine
which is applicable from the OPTYPE='SCAN' listing
produced by LISTR).
BIF........First IF to process. 0=>all.
EIF........Highest IF to process. 0=>all higher than BIF
TIMERANG...Time range of the data to be used. In order:
Start day, hour, min. sec, end day, hour, min. sec.
Days relative to reference date.
ANTENNAS...A list of the antennas to be modified. If any
number is negative then all antennas listed are
NOT to be modified. All 0 => use all.
SUBARRAY...The subarray to modify. Do only one at a time.
SNVER......The SN table version number which is to be updated.
NOTE: 0 -> highest. It makes a new file with the
changed values.
OPCODE.....Operation code (see also EXPLAIN SNCOR):
'AVRT' => average selected fringe rates in a
'CLPA' => Flag amplitudes outside of the range
SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
'CLPP' => Flag phases outside of the range
SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
'CLPD' => Flag delays outside of the range (nsec)
SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
'CLPR' => Flag rates outside of the range (mHz)
SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
'CLPW' => Flag amplitudes, phases, rates and delays
where the weight is outside the range
SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
'XFER' => Transfers phases between frequencies with
scaling to compensate for ionospheric delays.
Also allows instrumental phase offsets
and new antenna amplitudes to be introduced.
'ZPHS' => Zero phases of selected solutions
'ZRAT' => Zero residual fringe-rates of selected
'ZDEL' => Zero residual delays of selected
'MULA' => Multiply gain amplitudes by SNCORPRM(1)
'REFP' => Reference phases to IF SNCORPRM(1)
'CPRT' => Copy the residual fringe rate from IF
denoted by SNCORPRM(1) to all specified
'CPSN' => Copy the whole solution from the IF
denoted by SNCORPRM(1) to all specified
'PCOP' => Copy the whole solution from one
polarization to the other (under
control of SNCORPRM(1))
'PNEG' => Flip the sign of the gain phase for
all selected solutions.
'NORM' => Normalize amplitudes to 1
SNCORPRM...Parameters: see above and below.
PHASPRM....More parameters: see above and below
BADDISK....A list of disks on which scratch files are not to
be placed. This will not affect the output file.
SNCOR: Task to apply corrections to an SN table in a variety of
Documentor: W. D. Cotton, W. C. Erickson (for "XFER")
Related Programs: LISTR, SPLIT, TACOP, TABED
This task will compute various corrections and apply them
directly to a solution (SN) table. The operation to be done
is determined by OPCODE. Details and/or additional information
for the various models is given below.
This option will cause all selected residual fringe rates
to be averaged.
This option flags any gain entries with an amplitude outside
of the range given by SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
This option flags any gain entries with a phase outside
of the range given by SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
This option flags any gain entries whose weight lies outside
the range SNCORPRM(1) (min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max).
This option transfers phases between frequencies and also sets
antenna amplitudes.
Antenna amplitudes: SNCORPRM(30):
If left blank, the antenna amplitude gains will be unchanged.
To manually set the antenna amplitude gains, enter
the desired amplitudes strictly in order 1 to 28 into
SNCORPRM(1) to SNCORPRM(28) and set SNCORPRM(30) to -1.
To set all antenna amplitude gains to 1.0 set SNCORPRM(30)
to +1.
Phase transfer parameters: PHASPRM(30)
PHASPRM(1) - PHASPRM(28) are the instrumental phase offsets
at the two frequencies for Antennas 1 to 28 (in radians).
[They must be strictly in order 1 to 28.]
PHASPRM(29) = The higher frequency in MHz.
PHASPRM(30) = The lower frequency in MHz.
This option flags any entries with a delay whose value in
nanoseconds is outside of the range given by SNCORPRM(1) (min) to
SNCORPRM(2) (max).
This option flags any entries with a fringe rate whose
value in milliHz is outside of the range given by SNCORPRM(1)
(min) to SNCORPRM(2) (max). The given fringe rate in mHz is at
the reference frequency.
This option causes the phases of selected gaines to be set
to zero. This is useful for the calibration of amplitudes only.
This option will cause the residual fringe-rates of the
selected solutions to be set to zero.
This option will cause the residual delays of the
selected solutions to be set to zero.
This option will cause the amplitudes of the selected
complex gains to be multiplied by SNCORPRM(1).
This option will reference all the phases to the IF
specified by SNCORPRM(1). If the phase for this IF is flagged
all phases will be flagged. Default = IF 1.
This option will copy the residual fringe-rate from the IF
denoted by SNCORPRM(1) to all specified IFs. Obviously If the
rate for the reference IF is flagged all IFS will be flagged.
Default = IF 1.
This option will copy the whole solution from the IF
denoted by SNCORPRM(1) to all specified IFs. Obviously If the
solution for the reference IF is flagged all IFS will be flagged.
Default = IF 1.
This option will copy the whole solution from one
polarization to the other, for all specified IF's. The copy
direction is specified by SNCORPRM(1):
SNCORPRM(1) = 1 => Copy polzn. 1 (R) to 2 (L)
= 2 => Copy polzn. 2 (L) to 1 (R)
No action is taken if there is only one polarization in the
SN table.
This option will flip the sign of the gain phase for
all selected SN solutions.
This option normalizes amplitudes to 1.