AIPS HELP file for STORE in 31DEC24
As of Thu Oct 10 8:37:04 2024
Type: Pseudoverb (other statements allowed on line)
Use: To temporarily store the current contents of core so that
the current context of AIPS can be restored at a later
time. This will save all procedures and the current
value of all variables. Only one copy of core may be
saved in this way. This storage is temporary and is lost
when you exit the AIPS program.
Grammer: STORE 1
The input line may contain other statements besides the
STORE 1 command. However, since the STORE is a pseudo-
verb, it will be executed before any of the normal verbs
on the command line.
SAVE and GET provide user-specific, semi-permanent areas
that may be shared between various executions of AIPS
including batch.