AIPS HELP file for TVFLUX in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:31:31 2025
TVFLUX: procedure displays coordinates selected on the TV
No input adverbs
Instructions will also appear on terminal.
@ Output only adverbs
INNAME @ Image name (name)
INCLASS @ Image name (class)
INSEQ @ Image name (seq. #)
INTYPE @ Image physical type ('MA')
INDISK @ Disk number
PIXXY @ Pixel location (X,Y,...) in
@ image - last chosen
PIXVAL @ Intensity at PIXXY.
COORDINA @ Coordinates at pixel
ERROR @ > 0 => fit failed, else okay
TVBUT @ Value of last button = 8.
Type: Procedure
Use: TVFLUX is a simple procedure that loops reading TV cursor
positions with IMXY and returning the image value and coordinates
at that location to the terminal and message file with IMVAL. Hit
button A, B, or C to select a location. Hit button D to exit.
The returned values apply to the last position selected.
Adverbs: Output only
USERID......User ID of owner of image.
INNAME......Image name(name).
INCLASS.....Image name(class).
INSEQ.......Image name(seq. #).
INDISK......Disk drive # of image.
PIXXY.......Pixel location (X,Y,...) in the image. The last
one selected is returned.
PIXVAL......Intensity at this pixel.
COORDINA....The X and Y coordinates are found as:
Xpos = abs(CO(1)) + abs(CO(2))/60 + abs(CO(3))/3600
if any of CO(1), CO(2), CO(3) < 0: Xpos = -Xpos
Ypos = abs(CO(4)) + abs(CO(5))/60 + abs(CO(6))/3600
if any of CO(4), CO(5), CO(6) < 0: Ypos = -Ypos
Note that, although these are most suited to RA, Dec in
sexagesimal notation, they can be used for any type of
coordinate. The units are standard FITS units (e.g
degrees, m/sec, Hz, sec, etc.) except that right
ascensions are in hours of time.
ERROR.......If the verb is not aborted for error, but the
interpolation fails, ERROR will be TRUE (1), else
it will be FALSE (-1). Procedure exits if ERROR
is TRUE.
TVBUT.......Value of last button(s) pushed.