AIPS HELP file for TVILINE in 31DEC24
As of Wed Sep 11 4:34:28 2024
TVILINE: Verb to draw a straight line on on an image on the TV
PIXXY 0.0 First point image pixxel
PIX2XY 0.0 Second point image pixel
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 TV channel to use; 0 => use
GRCHAN 0.0 8. Graphics channel to use if
TVCHAN=0. 0 => 2.
Type: Verb
Use: To draw a straight line into a TV image plane or graphics
channel from one image pixel position to another,
PIXXY.........Image pixel position for first point of line
PIX2XY........Image pixel position for last point of line
If both of these positions do not lie on the TV based
on the image to which they apply, thne the line will
not be drawn. This does not require that they lie
inthe subimage actually displayed, just that they fit
on the TV.
TVCHAN........TV channel to use; 0 => use graphics plane.
GRCHAN........Graphics channel to use if TVCHAN = 0. 0 => 2.