AIPS HELP file for UNQUE in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 9:24:01 2025
UNQUE: Verb which places a job file back into a batch work file
JOBNUM 101.0 3364.0 Number of job to unqueue
BATQUE 1.0 33.0 Batch work file output
REMHOST Name of batch queue host
Type: verb
Use: Removes a specified job, which is not already running, from the
job queue on host REMHOST. The contents of the job file (the
AIPS commands which were to be executed) are moved to the
specified batch work file. They replace any existing text in
that work file. The batch work file need not have the same
number as the job queue.
JOBNUM.....The number of the job to be un-queued.
BATQUE.....The number of the batch work file to which the text is to
be moved (1 to allowed maximum which is locally
dependent, often 2)
REMHOST....Name of remote host (in same Local area net) which is to
run the batch job. ' ' => this computer
Note that REMQUE is not needed - that information is
embedded in JOBNUM.