AIPS HELP file for VLBDDT in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 12:22:01 2025
VLBDDT: Verification tests using simulated data
PRTASK Task to test (or 'ALL')
OPTYPE Test subtype (or 'ALL')
OUTFILE Output text file
TDISK Disk for intermediate files
VERSION Task version
Type: RUN file
Use: VLBDDT runs a sequence of verification tests using
simulated data to test the correctness of selected
AIPS tasks. Individual tasks can be specified or
the entire suite of tests can be performed.
PRTASK.....Select specific tasks to be tested. A list
of available tests is given below. Alternatively
'ALL' will run all available tests.
Default: ' ' => 'ALL'
OPTYPE.....Test subtype for the specified tasks. May be
set to 'ALL' to run all available tests for
that task. The subtypes are included in the
list of available tests below.
Default: ' ' => 'ALL'
OUTFILE....Output text file for test results. If it already
exists then new results will be appended.
TDISK......Disk to be used for intermediate files. VLBDDT
creates all test datasets required during
execution and deletes them after use.
VERSION....Version from which to run all tasks being tested
(e.g. NEW or TST or local directory). DTSIM
and DTCHK are run from TST always.
Available tests
Task Subtype Description
CALIB '1' Basic test of phase self-cal; SOLMODE 'P'
'2' Basic test of A&P self-cal; SOLMODE 'A&P'
BPASS '1' Basic test of BPASS for non-VLBA data;
full Stokes; 128 channels.
'2' Basic test of BPASS for VLBA data;
full Stokes; 128 channels.
BP Test BP correction modes (all DOBAND=1,7)
'1' non-VLBA; std; AC
'2' non-VLBA; std; XC
'3' non-VLBA; poly; AC
'4' non-VLBA; poly; XC
'5' VLBA; std; AC
'6' VLBA; std; XC
'7' VLBA; poly; AC
'8' VLBA; poly; XC
FRING '1' Basic fringe-fit test: no model; delay
and phase errors; no noise.
BLING '1' Basic fringe-fit test; no model; delay
and phase errors; no noise.
DOPOL Test polarization correction modes:
'1' DOPOL = 1; linear polarization model.
'2' DOPOL = 2; 2nd-order polzn. model.
'3' DOPOL = 3; 2nd-order polzn. model.
ALL 'ALL' Perform all available tests.