AIPS HELP file for ABOUT in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 6:43:57 2025
ABOUT: Verb-like to lists of verbs and tasks by category
DOCRT -2.0 132.0 >= -1 => use terminal
< -1 use line printer
Printer disk file to save
Desired version of this info
The identity of the information desired must be given
as an immediate argument, i.e. ABOUT APCLN.
Type: Pseudoverb
Use: Causes helpful information to appear on your terminal or
the line printer. The grammar is
ABOUT nnnnnnnn
to display the list of adverbs, verbs, procedures and
tasks related to topic nnnnnnnnn.
DOCRT.......Allows the output to go directly to the line
printer if DOCRT < -1. Else the terminal is used.
OUTPRINT....Disk file name in which to save the line printer
output. ' ' => use scratch and print immediately
for interactive jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT =
'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn' (jjj = job #, nnn = user #).
When OUTPRINT is not blank, multiple outputs are
concatenated and the file is not actually printed.
VERSION.....Version of ABOUT information desired, i.e.
'OLD', 'NEW'. See HELP VERSION for details.
The list of categories recognized is as follows (where only the
upper case letters shown in the name are actually used):
ADVERB POPS symbol holding real or character data
ANALYSIS Image processing, analysis, combination
AP Tasks using the "array processor"
ASTROMETry Accurate position and baseline mesurements
BATCH Running AIPS tasks in AIPS batch queues
CALIBRATion Calibration of interferometer uv data
CATALOG Dealing with the AIPS catalog file
COORDINAtes Handling image coordinates, conversions
EDITING Editing tables, uv and image data.
EXT-APPL Access to extension files (tables)
FITS FITS format for data interchange
GENERAL General AIPS utilities
HARDCOPY Creating listings and displays on paper
IMAGE-UTil Utilities for handling images
IMAGE Transforming of images
IMAGING Creation of images: FFT, Clean, ...
INFORMATion General lists and user help functions
INTERACTive Functions requiring user interaction
MODELING Model fitting to uv or image data
OBSOLETE Functions slated for removal
ONED One-dimensional slices from images
OOP Tasks coded with object oriented principles
OPTICAL Functions of interest for optical astronomy data
PARAFORM Skeleton tasks for use in building new tasks
PLOT Displays of image and uv data
POLARIZAtion Calibration, analysis, display of polarization
POPS Aspects of the AIPS' user language POPS
PROCEDURe Creation of and available procedures
PSEUDOVErb Pseudoverbs in the POPS language and AIPS
RUN Creation of and available RUN files
SINGLEDIsh Functions of interest for single-disk radio data
SPECTRAL Functions for spectra-line and other 3D data
TABLE AIPS table extension files
TAPE Use of magnetic tapes
TASK AIPS tasks - available asynchronous functions
TV-APPL Tasks using the TV display
TV Basic functions on the TV display
UTILITY Basic functions on tables, uv and image data
UV Functions dealing with interferometer uv data
VERB Synchronous functions inside the AIPS program
VLA Functions of particular interest for the VLA
VLBI Functions of particular interest for very long
baseline data.