AIPS HELP file for VERSION in 31DEC24
As of Thu Sep 12 12:32:11 2024
Type: Adverb (Character * 48)
Use: To specify which version of a program and its INPUTS
and HELPs are desired. The current standard values are
'OLD' Well-tested versions (hopefully).
'NEW' Latest improvements.
'TST' Code under active development (NRAO only)
'OLDPSAP' These are not used anymore
'LOCAL' Programs developed only for local site.
In addition, programs and their INPUTS and HELPs files may occur
in private areas. When VERSION is not set to one of the above,
it is assumed to point at such an area. For example, to run a
program from your work area /u/myname/aips, you would set the
environment variable (for example) MYAREA to /u/myname/aips and
then set VERSION='MYAREA' inside AIPS. Note that the environment
variable has to be defined BEFORE you enter AIPS. For the old
VMS implementation, logical names are used instead. For Unix, it
is essential that the environment variable be uppercase, though
what it translates to obviously need not be. This will work if
the tasks's .EXE and .HLP files are in the specified area or if
they are in the default area (the one from which you are running
AIPS). You may use VERSION to specify a sequence of areas to be
used. The identifier for each area must be separated from the
next by a | character. For example,
tells AIPS to look first in the area pointed to by MYAREA, then
to whatever is in YOURAREA, and finally in the default area. The
first area in which a help (.HLP) file is found (using min match
remember!) will be taken. Advice: for verbs, VERSION should be
set to the version of the AIPS program you are using. Misleading
information may otherwise arise on INPUTS and HELP.
Null value:
Blank means the current version of AIPS which you are running
(either TST, NEW, or OLD).
ABOUT.........Displays lists and information on tasks, verbs, adverbs.
APROPOS.......Displays all help 1-line summaries containing specified
DEFAULT.......Verb-like sets adverbs for a task or verb to initial
EXPLAIN.......Displays help + extended information describing a
GO............Starts a task, detaching it from AIPS or AIPSB.
HELP..........Displays information on tasks, verbs, adverbs.
INP...........Displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - quick
INPUTS........Displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - to msg
OUTPUTS.......Displays adverb values returned from task, verb, or proc.
QINP..........Displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - restart
RUN...........Pseudoverb to read an external RUN files into AIPS.
SHOW..........Verblike to display the TELL adverbs of a task.
SUBMIT........Verb which submits a batch work file to the job queue.
TGET..........Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task.
TUGET.........Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task from
another user #
TPUT..........Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in file for TGETs.
VGET..........Verb-like gets adverbs from version task parameter save
VPUT..........Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in files for VGETs.
VLBDDT........Verification tests using simulated data.
Y2K...........Verifies correctness and performance using standard
Y2KSAVE.......Verifies correctness and performance using standard
AIPSC.........AIPS main program for testing and queuing batch jobs.