AIPS HELP file for EXPLAIN in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:17:07 2025
EXPLAIN: Verb-like to list information about any AIPS symbol
TASK Name of object for which help
is desired. ' ' => HELP
Used if no immediate argument
DOCRT -3.0 132.0 > 0 => show on terminal,
else print it.
Printer disk file to save
Desired version of this info
The identity of the information desired may be given
as an immediate argument, i.e. EXPLAIN APCLN. If no
immediate argument is given TASK is used with ' ' =>
HELP which lists special kinds of files to provide
additional information and lists.
Type: Pseudoverb
Use: Causes helpful information to appear on the line printer or
terminal. The display generated by EXPLAIN begins with the normal
HELP information. For some tasks and verbs, additional
information is available to describe the task or verb and its
options and to give hints on how to use it. The grammar is
EXPLAIN nnnnnnnn
to list information about the individual verb, adverb, pseudoverb,
or task named (in nnnnnnnn). Additional informative EXPLAIN files
are listed below. Lists of tasks, verbs, adverbs, and procedures
by category may be displayed with the ABOUT pseudoverb (see HELP
TASK........If no immediate argument is given, TASK names the object
(task, verb, adverb, procedure, etc.) to be described.
' ' => HELP (this file).
DOCRT.......If >= 0, the explanation will be directed to your
terminal. If < 0, the explanation will be directed to
the line printer. Note that 0 goes to the terminal
rather than the printer, unlike print tasks.
With OUTPRINT not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
page-feed character in header lines; DOCRT=-3 suppresses
the header lines except at the beginning.
OUTPRINT....Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
(jjj = job #, nnn = user #). When OUTPRINT is not blank,
multiple outputs are concatenated and the file is not
actually printed.
VERSION.....Version of EXPLAIN information desired, i.e. 'OLD', 'NEW'.
See EXPLAIN VERSION for details.
The following EXPLAINers give additional information about AIPS
EXPLAIN ADVERB The nature and use of adverbs
STRINGS in that order
EXPLAIN ARRAY The nature and use of arrays
EXPLAIN ARRAYS Lists all arrays in the symbol table
EXPLAIN BATCHJOB Operations to prepare, submit and monitor batch
EXPLAIN DOTASK Information used in executing tasks
EXPLAIN NEWTASK Writing and incorporating a new task into AIPS
EXPLAIN PANIC Solutions to common problems
EXPLAIN POPSYM Symbols used in POPS interpretive language
EXPLAIN PROC The nature and use of procedures
EXPLAIN PROCEDUR The nature and use of procedures
EXPLAIN PROCS Lists all procedures in the symbol table
EXPLAIN PROCEDURES Lists all procedures in the symbol table
EXPLAIN PSEUDO The nature and use of pseudo verbs
EXPLAIN PSEUDOS List all pseudo verbs in the symbol table
EXPLAIN REALS Lists all real, non-array adverbs in the symbol
EXPLAIN ROAM Using the ROAM capability on the TV
EXPLAIN RUN The nature and use of run files
EXPLAIN STRINGS Lists all character-string adverbs in the symbol
EXPLAIN VERB The nature and use of verbs
EXPLAIN VERBS Lists all verbs in the symbol table followed by
all pseudoverbs
EXPLAIN WHATSNEW Major changes in AIPS the last few updates
The general help/explain files listing verbs and tasks have been
replaced by help files accessed with the pseudoverb ABOUT. These new
files will be updated regularly using software tools and, hence, will be
more current than previous lists.