AIPS HELP file for AXDEFINE in 31DEC25
As of Thu Jan 23 20:47:02 2025
AXDEFINE: Verb to modify image axis description and values
INNAME Image name(name).
INCLASS Image name(class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #. 0=>any
NAXIS 0.0 7.0 Axis # to modify <= ndim+1
0 => ndim + 1
AXTYPE New axis type
AXINC Axis increment 0 => no change
AXVAL Axis value at ref. pixel =
AXVAL(1) + AXVAL(2).
AXREF Reference pixel location
Type: Verb
Use: AXDEFINE is used to add or alter axis descriptions in the
catalogue map header. The last 1-point axis may also be
removed from the header.
INNAME......Image name(name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image name(class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name(seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk drive # of image. 0 => any
NAXIS.......Number of the axis to be modified. If ndim+1,
add a new 1-point axis as axis ndim+1. Otherwise,
modify an existing axis. 0 => ndim+1.
AXTYPE......Axis type (8 chars left justified). No default.
Examples: 'VELO', 'FREQ', 'LAMBDA', 'TIME'
To remove the last axis, set AXTYPE = ' ' and
NAXIS to ndim. Only works if there is 1 point
on that axis.
AXINC.......Axis increment to set. 0 => no change.
Units are those of AXVAL.
AXVAL.......Axis coordinate value at reference pixel. Value is
AXVAL(1) + AXVAL(2) in double precision. No
default. Units are mks, degrees, Jy.
Note: velocities are meters/sec, therefore.
AXREF.......Reference pixel location. No default.
AXDEFINE: Verb to modify image axis description and values
AXDEFINE is a general purpose utility program that allows
one to define or re-define the description (or label) of an
image axis. Here it is important to note that AXDEFINE is
used to label an image axis; it does not in any way alter the
values which comprise the image. The following are three
common uses of AXDEFINE.
(1) Suppose we mapped a galactic object and, in UVMAP, we
rotated the map so as to present the object in galactic coor-
dinates. We use AXDEFINE to label the map ordinate and abscissa
as galactic longitude and latitude respectively. The appro-
priate values for the new axes are entered through the para-
meters AXREF, AXVAL and AXINC.
(2) We are trying to build a spectral line data cube but
MCUBE complains that frequency does not increment properly
along what we wish to be the third axis of the cube. Use
AXDEFINE to define the proper third-axis coordinate value for
each image to be used in the cube.
(3) We have now constructed a spectral line data cube and
we want to express the third axis coordinate as velocity not
frequency. Use AXDEFINE to label the third coordinate as
IMHEADER may be used at any time to examine the header
information and axes descriptions associated with a particular
The image abscissa is referred to as axis number 1 and
the ordinate is axis number 2. Use IMHEADER when in doubt.
The default value of NAXIS is to add a new axis with one
point (the present image) on that axis.
New axis label (8 characters, left-justified). Only
certain keywords are acceptable here because the program uses
these words to associate physical units appropriate for that
axis (e.g. one expresses 'DEC' in degrees not in, say,
Janskys). Among the labels recognized in this sense are:
RA. . . . .Any epoch you desire
DEC. . . . Any epoch you desire
GLON. . . .To designate galactic longitude
GLAT. . . .To designate galactic latitude
ELON. . . .Ecliptic longitude
ELAT. . . .Ecliptic latitude
LAMBDA. . .Wavelength (units are METERS!)
FREQ. . . .Frequency (in Hz)
VELO. . . .Velocity (note: in METERS/sec!!)
FELO. . . .Velocity, optical convention
(units: METERS/sec!!)
DATE. . . .Julian date
TIME. . . .Time (units are seconds)
blank . . .Remove last axis. Only work if there is
one point on this axis.
This list is amended periodically. Check with your system
manager and/or GRIPE.
The axis increment between successive points along the
axis specified by NAXIS. The units are the same as those
specified by AXTYPE. The increment, AXINC, may be positive
or negative.
With this parameter one specifies the value of the new
axis description at a single point along the axis. That
point one must, of course, also specify; this is done with
AXREF. AXVAL is expressed as AXVAL(1)+AXVAL(2) so that one
can enter a value with enough significant figures when
necessary (especially when specifying frequency, e.g.
AXVAL=1420.40E6, 5.75178E3).
Any point along the axis to be relabeled. At this point
the new axis will be given the value AXVAL. AXREF wants a
single number--you're specifying a point along a coordinate
axis not a pixel location on a multi-dimensional image.