AIPS HELP file for BOXFILE in 31DEC25
As of Thu Jan 23 21:24:53 2025
Type: Adverb (String*48)
Use: To specify the name of a disk text file outside the usual AIPS
catalog system to be used to specify field parameters and Cleaning
areas. Up to 4096 fields may be specified and BOXFILE must be
used for fields numbered > 64 to specify RASHIFT, DECSHIFT,
FLDSIZE, or BCOMP. To specify Clean boxes for fields numbered >
1, the BOXFILE option is required. IMAGR also allows the
weights for the various spectral channels to be set using the
BOXFILE. A BOXFILE may be written or rewritten with verb
FILEBOX and by IMAGR as OBOXFILE giving the results of
interactive setting of the boxes.
Each line of text is read from the file and leading and trailing
blanks are discarded. "Column 1" as used below actually means
the first non-blank column on the card.
The field parameters are specified by giving the letter F or f in
column one, followed by the field number, the X and Y FLDSIZE, the
RASHIFT and the DECSHIFT. Values given in BOXFILE override those
given by the corresponding adverbs (including 0s).
Alternatively, the field parameters may be specified by giving the
letter C or c in column one, followed by the field number, the X
and Y FLDSIZE, and the field center right ascension (HH MM SS.S)
and declination (signDD MM SS.S) separated by blanks.
The boxes are specified by giving the field number left justified
in column one followed by, for rectangular fields, the bottom left
corner x and y and top right corner x and y pixel numbers of the
field or, for circular fields, a -1 to signify circular, the
radius in pixels, and the center x and y in pixel number for the
field. The number of Clean boxes per field is limited to
min [ 4096, (64*4096)/(NFIELD*NGAUSS) ]
To specify that a field has no Clean boxes, specify the BLC and
TRC as four zeros.
In IMAGR only, to mark regions which should never be Cleaned,
include lines beginning with U or u. Following that character
with at least one blank, enter the facet number and four values
as for Clean boxes (i.e either rectangular or circular). The
UNClean boxes may be changed with the TV when DOTV is true.
Thus, for example
U 2 100 100 130 121
u 001 -1 5 235 237
will protect one area in each of facets 1 and 2 from Cleaning.
This option is primarily used to isolate a source to one special
facet and to keep it from being Cleaned in another facet.
Modeling routines may then use the special facet - or all facets
except the special one - to isolate the source. Task CCEDT is
also used for this purpose when UNClean boxes have not been
The number of components to use at the restart of an IMAGR
(BCOMP) may be given by putting the letter B or b in column one
followed by the field number and the value of BCOMP to be used.
When combining more than one spectral channel or IF, you may
wish to alter their relative weights in a temporary fashion.
The BOXFILE option allows this with W cards. Put W or w in
column 1, then a weight, then a channel number (0 -> all), and
last an optional IF number (absent -> 0, 0 -> all).
To have "stars" plotted on the TV along with an image, enter up
to 100 lines of form beginning with S or s and containing
S HH MM SS.SS DD MM SS.SS Major Minor PA Type
where HH MM SS.SS is the right ascension, DD MM SS.SS is the
declination, Major and Minor are the longer and shorted axes of
the star in arc seconds, PA is the position angle in degrees
(East of North), and Type is the integer "star" type
1: Plus sign (default) 12: Five pointed star
2: Cross (X) 13: Star of David
3: Circle 14: Seven-pointed star
4: Box 15: Eight-pointed star
5: Triangle 16: Nine-pointed star
6: Diamond 17: Ten-pointed star
7: Pentagon 18: 11-pointed star
8: Hexagon 19: 12-pointed star
9: Septagon 20: 13-pointed star
10: Octagon 21: 14-pointed star
11: Nine-gon 22: Plus with gap
23: Vertical line
24: Cross (X) with gap
Defaults for Major, Minor, PA, and Type are 1, 1, 0, and 1.
Lines in the file whose first non-blank character is anything
besides F, f, C, c, B, b, W, w, S, s, or a number 0-9 are
treated as comments. The characters # $ percent & * ; will never be
used for data and hence are the safest comment-indicating
Format: The name is usually given by specifying a logical name,
followed by a colon, followed by the actual file name. In
Unix, logicals are environment variables. The logical name
must be set up before entering the AIPS program and is usually
in upper case. Thus, for example:
percent setenv MYAREA ~joeuser
for the C shell, or
$ myarea=$HOME; export MYAREA
for bourne, korn, and bash shells. Then in AIPS,
Note that the Unix-standard $ ahead of the logical is omitted.
Other forms are now acceptable as well:
will find the file in the directory local when you started AIPS.
A full path name may also be given
INFILE = '/home/primate2/egreisen/AIPS/Text.prt
if it fits in 48 characters. Note that the trailing quote mark
is left off and this is the last command on the input line so
that the case is preserved.
Null value: ' '
Taken to mean no file. This is an error to those tasks and verbs
that require am input set of boxes. Imaging tasks may procede
with not input boxes.
DFILEBOX.....Verb to delete Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to
DRAWBOX......Verb to draw Clean boxes on the display.
FILEBOX......Modifies or creates a BOXFILE using the TV
BOXES........Adds Clean boxes to BOXFILE around sources from a list
CCEDT........Select CC components in BOXes and above mininum flux.
CHKFC........Makes images of Clean boxes from Boxfile
FILIT........Interactive BOXFILE editing with facet images.
FIXBX........Converts a BOXFILE to another for input to IMAGR
IMAGR........Fourier transforms and Cleans uv data with wide-field,
interactive TV, and data weighting options.
MASKS........Makes mask image of Clean boxes from boxfile.
SABOX........Create box file from source islands in facet images.
SCIMG........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop
SCMAP........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
SETFC........Makes a BOXFILE for input to IMAGR
LINIMAGE.....Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
To specify a field's parameters:
F 2 450 450 -25.5 6.7
specifies that field 2 is to have a FLDSIZE of 450x450 with an RASHIFT
of -25.6 and a DECSHIFT of 6.7 arcsec. If this is the only F card in
the file, then fields 1, and 3 through NFIELD are set by the adverb
values. Alternatively,
C 2 450 450 11 34 45.67 -00 14 23.1
specifies that field 2 is to have a FLDSIZE of 450x450 with a center
RA of 173.6902917 degrees and a center Declination of -0.23975
degrees. All 9 numbers must be given; the sign is optional for
positive declinations and is given only on the degrees term.
To set Clean boxes, specify one box per line, as field
field blc-x blc-y trc-x trc-y (5 integers) e.g.
1 200 205 220 222
1 230 232 240 241
2 100 100 130 121
or circular "boxes" as
field -1 radius center-x center-y (5 ints) e.g.
001 -1 10 210 214
001 -1 5 235 237
3 -1 15 255 513
Specifies 4 boxes for field 1 and one each for fields 2 and 3.
See also IMAGR and FILEBOX.
To set weights, for example:
W 0.1 1
W 0.5 2
W 0.8 2 3
W 0.1 63
assigns weight 1 to all channels 3-62, weight 0.1 to all channels 1
and 63, weight 0.5 to channel 2 except for 0.8 in channel 2, IF 3.
These "weights" multiply the weights already assigned to the data.
BCOMP values are also set. For example, to include no components
from field 98 and some from 99 include the lines:
B 98 0
B 99 243
Fields 1 through NFIELD*(Number of scales) may be specified.