AIPS HELP file for FILEBOX in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 7:09:53 2025
FILEBOX: Verb to reset boxes with TV cursor & write to file
GRCHAN 0.0 8.0 Graphics channel to use.
NFIELD 0.0 4096.0 Field number to attach to box
0 => get from image class
BOXFILE Text file to receive boxes
Uses TV cursor to select the image with which the
BOXes are associated (if needed). Other input is from
TV cursor. See HELP FILEBOX or the terminal (during
execution) for instructions.
Type: verb
Use: To set up to 2048 circular or rectangular Clean boxes into a
text file for use by the IMAGR task. Note that IMAGR can use
"only" MIN (4096, 262144 / NFIELD) of these boxes. If BOXFILE
already exists, it is read into memory and the boxes in it for
the specified field will be used as an initial list of boxes
to be modified and increased in number with FILEBOX. Any boxes
in the specified field which do not fit completely on the
currently displayed image will remain unmodified. Partially
visible ones will be displayed however and the order of the
boxes will not be changed. Any new boxes for the field will be
added to the end of the list of boxes for that field.
The terminal will issue instructions. If there is more than one
image on the TV, the routine asks the user to point out the image
with which to convert the input boxes to TV pixels for the
initial display of them. The routine begins in a "search" mode.
In this mode, move the cursor to any lower left or upper right
corner of any rectangular box or the center or any point on the
circumference of any circular box. Then press button A or B to
reset that corner. Or push button C to start a new box or D to
exit. While resetting a corner, button A marks the current
corner and switches to the other corner of the current box (or
switches between setting the radius and the center of the current
circular box). Buttons B and C mark the current point, with B
then creating a new box and C reverting to the search mode
leading to the resetting of another box, and button D exits. The
number of boxes may be increased during FILEBOX.
Input only adverbs:
GRCHAN......Graphics channel to use. 0 -> 3.
NFIELD......Field number for boxes; < 1 or > 4096 => get from image
class if possible, otherwise take 1.
BOXFILE.....Text file to which the boxes are written. It will be
created if needed and will be rewritten if it already
exists. Use this as BOXFILE to IMAGR.
Note that BOXFILE may also be used to specify field parameters to IMAGR.