AIPS HELP file for DOPRINT in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 18:58:42 2025
Type: Adverb (Logical, > 0 => true)
Use: True (>0) means print to the terminal (user CRT).
False (<0) means print to regular output device (usually
the printer).
Zero (=0) means to do no printing.
In most tasks which use this parameter, setting DOPRINT to true
makes the task "interactive." This means that the task will not
resume AIPS until it has finished its print portions. It also
means that it will ask the user if he wishes to continue every
time the CRT screen has been filled. To terminate the printing
(and perhaps the task), enter "Q" or "q" in response to this
question. When printing to a file, DOPRINT=-2 suppresses
page-feed characters in page headers and DOPRINT=-3 suppresses
most header information including all page headers.
Null value: 0 => no print
This adverb is very similar to DOCRT except that it is used for
tasks in which the printed output is not the main purpose of the
task and for which it is usually not wanted.
INP........Displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - quick
form. DOPRINT <= -9 kills page-full stops.
INPUTS.....Displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - to msg
file. DOPRINT <= -9 kills page-full stops.
TVHELIX....Verb to activate a helical hue-intensity TV pseudo-
CLOSE......Plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over
CLPLT......Plots closure phase and model from CC file. DOPRINT
controls printing to output text file.
IMEAN......Displays the mean & extrema and plots histogram of an
image. DOPRINT controls printing to output text file.
IMFIT......Fits Gaussians to portions of an image
ISPEC......Plots and prints spectrum of region of a cube
JMFIT......Fits Gaussians to portions of an image
RLDIF......Determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects
cal files. DOPRINT controls printing of continuum only
matrix (RL .LR) displays.
RSPEC......Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube
VHDIF......Find/apply V minus H linear polarization phase
difference. DOPRINT controls printing of continuum
only matrix (VH \ HV) displays.
XYDIF......Find/apply X minus Y linear polarization phase difference
DOPRINT controls printing of continuum only matrix
(XY \ YX) displays.
VLACALIB...Runs CALIB and LISTR for VLA observation.
VLACLCAL...Runs CLCAL and prints the results with LISTR.