AIPS HELP file for TVHELIX in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 6:57:10 2025
TVHELIX: Verb to color the TV with a hue-intensity helix
TVLEVS 0.0 32768.0 Peak intensity at OFM
DOPRINT -1.0 132.0 > 0 => voluminous display of
helix parameters
Instructions will appear on terminal.
Type: Verb
Use: Interactive function to pseudo color the sum of all visible TV
The function available here is due to Dave Green (MRAO) and
does a helix in OFM colors which is monotonically increasing in
perceived intensity. It is being published as:
Green, D. A., 2011, Bulletin of the Astronomical
Society of India, 39, 289.
Press button A to toggle the direction of rotation of the
helix. Press button B to increment the number of rotations by
0.5 - it starts at 1.5 and reverts to 1.0 after exceeding 4.
Press button C to increment the saturations by 0.2 - it starts
at 1.0 and reverts to 0 (black & white) after 2.0.
(Saturations over 1.0 cause some levels to be clipped, but the
perceived saturation still increases all the way up to 2.0.)
The cursor X position controls the starting color and the
cursor Y position controls the gamma of the color curve.
Press button D to exit.
TVLEVS....Specifies the maximum intensity expected for the sum of
all visible, overlapped images. Has always been n x max
in one image (now 2046). < 2046 => 2046.
DOPRINT...= 1 => display the helix parameters as they are changed
during the interaction
=-1 => display the parameters once at the end
= 0 => no display of parameters