AIPS HELP file for HF2SV in 31DEC25
As of Thu Jan 23 19:38:31 2025
HF2SV: Convert HF table to Binary Output for Calc/Solve
INNAME Main input file (name).
INCLASS Main input file (class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Main input file (seq. #).
0 => high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk unit #. 0 => any
INEXT 'HF' only.
INVERS Input file version no.
ANTENNAS Reference antennas 0 => all
BCOUNT 0.0 99999.0 Beginning row to copy
ECOUNT 0.0 99999.0 Last row to copy: 0 => end
OUTFILE Logical name of directory
for output.
Type: Task
Use: This task reads the HF files created by CL2HF or written
in by MK3IN. This is simply a bookkeeping program which
converts each HF row into a file directory structure
which can be read in directly by dbedit in the calc
solve package.
INNAME......Main file name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Main file name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Main file name (seq. #). 0 => highest
INDISK......Disk drive # of image. 0 => any
INEXT.......Input table type. Must be 'HF'.
INVERS......Input extension file version #.
ANTENNAS....Reference antennas. 0 => all
One reference antennas will do all baselines to
that antenna.
BCOUNT......Beginning row number to be included .
ECOUNT......Last row number included. 0 = highest.
OUTFILE.....The logical name used for the directory in which
the data is put. The directory must already be
DOCUMENTOR: Ed Fomalont 94.11.15
The program HF2SV reads an HF file created by CL2HF. The HF file
contains the fringe-fit residual rates, delays and phases
determined from FRING and MBDLY (or BLING and BLAPP), and the
apriori rates, delays and phases calculated from the CL table.
Many other parameters associated with the scan are also given in
the HF file. The output file has 6 binary records, each with
256 bytes. Their contents are described in the documentation
for dbedit in the solve software package.
The files written by HF2SV are placed under the directory given
in OUTFILE. The proper definition of OUTFILE is generally
made before AIPS is initiated by the setenv command. The
predefined logical files, like FITS can be used.
For example, before initiating AIPS type in unix
setenv HFTEST /tmp_mnt/AIPS/USERS
mkdir SBAND (if not already existing)
Then, begin AIPS. For OUTFILE='HFTEST:SBAND', the following
files will be made during execution.
which contains a summary of all of the data files which have
been written. The data files are in:
ddd-hhmm is the day number of the observations
egs. 241-1434.
AB is the baseline, one capital letter per
station. The codes are defined by the
infile parameter in CL2HF.
F is the band designation. egs X or S.
MM is a sequence number, from 01 to 99. It
distinguishes separate fringe results of
the same data.
abcdef is a 6-figure, 26-base time stamp. It
is not used at the present time.
In general the directory /ddd-hhmm contains several files;
one for each baseline fringe fit and one file of the form
wd/ddd-hhhmm/SOURCE. This latter file is optional and not
needed by solve.
The files under OUTFILE can be read directly into solve
using the program dbedit. If the files are to be transported
elsewhere it is more convenient to place them in a tar file.
For example, if the files are located in
then execute tar from the tmp_mnt/AIPS/USERS
to create a file tarfile which contains everthing in the
SBAND directory. This tar file can then be conveniently
transported over ftp or by tape. It can then be put back
into the original directory structure by running
tar xvf TARSBAND
in a desired directory DIR. The data will be put under
directory DIR/SBAND.