As of Sat Feb 15 21:20:19 2025


Type: Adverb   (Real)
Use:  ECOUNT is a general adverb to express a number
      representing the maximum count of something in a process.
Null value:  0
      Null value assignment varies with task or verb.
   CCEDT.........Select CC components in BOXes and above mininum flux.
                 ECOUNT is the last CC row to copy.
   CCFND.........Prints the contents of a Clean Components extension
                 file.  ECOUNT is the last CC row to print.
   CCRES.........Removes or restores a CC file to a map with a Gaussian
                 beam.  ECOUNT is the last CC to use.
   CCSEL.........Select significant CC components.  ECOUNT is the last
                 CC to use.
   EXTAB.........Exports AIPS table data as tab-separated text.  ECOUNT
                 is the last table row written.
   HF2SV.........Convert HF tables from FRING/MBDLY to form used by
                 Calc/Solve.  ECOUNT is the last row written.
   OTFBS.........Translates on-the-fly continuum SDD format to AIPS UV
                 file.  ECOUNT is the last included scan.
   OTFIN.........Lists on-the-fly single-dish SDD format data files.
                 ECOUNT is the last scan listed.
   OTFUV.........Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV
                 File.   ECOUNT is the last scan included.
   PLRFI.........Plots spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF
   PRRFI.........Prints excess spectral statistics from output of VBRFI
                 & VLBRF.
   TABED.........Task to edit tables.  ECOUNT is the last row copied.
   TAFLG.........Flags data in a Table extension file.  ECOUNT is the
                 last table row to flag.
   TAPLT.........Plots data from a Table extension file.  ECOUNT is the
                 last table row plotted.
   TBDIF.........Compare entries in two tables.  ECOUNT is the last row
                 to compare.
   TBIN..........Reads a text file AIPS table into AIPS.  ECOUNT is the
                 last table record read.
   TBOUT.........Writes an AIPS table into a text file for user
                 editting.ECOUNT is the last table record written.
   TBSUB.........Make a new table from a subset of an old table.  ECOUNT
                 is the last table record read.
   TBTSK.........Paraform OOP task for tables.  ECOUNT is the last table
                 row copied.