AIPS HELP file for CCRES in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 7:24:10 2025
CCRES: removes and/or restores a CC file to an image
Input image
INNAME Image name (name)
INCLASS Image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Image disk drive #
BLC Bottom left corner
TRC Top right corner
Image with CC file appended
IN2NAME Image name (name)
IN2CLASS Image name (class)
IN2SEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
IN2DISK 0.0 9.0 Image disk drive #
INVERS 0.0 46655.0 CC file ver. no.
Output image
OUTNAME Image name (name)
OUTCLASS Image name (class)
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Image disk drive #
BCOUNT 0.0 First component
ECOUNT 0.0 Last component
BMAJ -999.9 FWHM(asec) maj. axis CLEAN
restoring beam - used even
on SUB - be careful
BMIN -999.9 FWHM(asec) min. axis CLEAN
restoring beam.
BPA -360.0 360.0 CLEAN beam position angle
FACTOR > 0 => additional scaling of
residual image above default
< 0 do no residual scaling
Type: Task
Use: CCRES does an in-core-based restoration of a CC file to an image.
It is similar to RSTOR, but that task requires the CC components
to fall on grid cells and the image to be an integer power of 2
in size. RSTOR also does its work with FFTs, meaning that the
image may not contain blanked pixels. CCRES can handle any size
image, any set of Clean components, so long as your machine has
enough memory, and will leave blanked pixels blank. The CC
file is copied from the second input map (which may be the
same as the first input map) to the output.
CCRES works only on single-plane images.
The residual image is scaled to the units of the output image
(Jy/ the new beam).
INNAME......The input map image name. Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....The input map image class. Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......The input map image sequence number. 0 => high
INDISK......The input map image disk drive no. 0 => any
BLC.........The bottom left corner of the input image in pixels to
be copied to the output image. 0 -> 1
TRC.........The top right corner of the input image to be copied to
the output image in pixels. Note TRC(3-7) are forced to
IN2NAME.....The image name for the CC file. blank => actual
INNAME, otherwise standard defaults.
IN2CLASS....The CC image class. Blank => actual INCLASS.
IN2SEQ......The CC image sequence number. 0 => actual INSEQ
IN2DISK.....The CC image disk drive no. 0 => any
INVERS......The CC file version number. 0=> highest
current one.
OUTNAME.....The restored map image name. blank => actual
OUTCLASS....The output map image class. Standard behavior:
blank => task name
OUTSEQ......The restored map image seq. no., 0=> highest unique
If >0: image will be created if new, overwritten if
image name exists and has the same number of pixels on
the axes. Use with great care or USE ZERO.
OUTDISK.....Restored Map disk drive no., 0=> highest with space
OPTYPE......'SUB ' subtract the Clean components of image 2 from
image 1. Use BMAJ et al if set, else use the
Clean beam of image 2 - THE USUAL DESIRE ON
'ADD ' as SUB but add rather than subtract.
'S+A ' subtract the Clean components of image 2 from
image 1 using the Clean beam of image 2 and then
add those same Clean components back using the
Clean beam specified in BMAJ, BMIN, BPA.
'ADDP' like ADD but put the point components in as
'S+AP' like S+A' but put the components in as points
'SGAU' Subtract the Gaussians in the CC table
'AGAU' Add the Gaussians in the CC table
Else SUB if image 1 is a normal Clean image, else ADD if
image 1 is a residual image, else quit.
BCOUNT......Use Clean components from BCOMP through ECOMP. 0 -> 1
ECOUNT......Use Clean components up to and including NCOMP.
< BCOMP => all.
BMAJ........The FWHM (asec) major axis of the restoring beam.
If 0: value obtained from input image; CCRES will
die if there is no beam in the input header.
BMIN........The FWHM (asec) minor axis of the restoring beam.
BPA.........The position angle in the unrotated image of BMAJ.