As of Wed Oct 23 4:51:17 2024


Type: Adverb      (String*4)
Use:  To specify the operation to be used by a task or verb.  This
      adverb is similar to OPCODE and is used to avoid having everything
      use OPCODE.   See the task help files for the meaning of allowed
      values which are listed here.  A listed value of ' ' generally
      means anything else causes a default operation.

Null Value:   '    ' but interpretation depends on task or verb.
   COPIXEL.......Convert between physical and pixel coordinate values.
                 ' ', 'PIXE'
   EPOCONV.......Convert between J2000 and B1950 coordinates.
                 ' ', '1950'
   VLBAMPHC......Applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase stopping
                 centers.  'CONT', 'PSEU', 'SPEC', 'LINE'
   VLBARUN.......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA
                 data.  'CONT', 'PSEU', 'SPEC', 'LINE'
   VLBASNPL......Plots selected contents of SN or CL files.
                 'PHAS','AMP ','DELA','RATE','DDLY'
   VLBDDT........Verification tests using simulated data.  'ALL', '1',
                 '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'
   ATLOD.........Reads ATCA data in RPFITS format into AIPS.
                 'LOAD', 'LIST', 'SUMM', 'SYSC'
   ATMCA.........Determines delay/phase gradient from calibrator
                 observations.  'PHAS', 'MDEL'
   BLSUM.........Sums images over irregular sub-images, displays spectra.
                 ' ', 'WEIG', 'WEI2'
   BPPLT.........Plots selected contents of bandpass (BP) files versus
   BPWAY.........Determines channel-dependent relative weights.
                 ' ', 'SORC'
   BSGEO.........Beam-switched Az-El image to RA-Dec image translation.
                 '-SIN', '-TAN', '-ARC', '-NCP', '-STG', '-AIT', '-GLS',
   BSGRD.........Task to image beam-switched single-dish data.
                 '-SIN', '-TAN', '-ARC', '-NCP', '-STG', '-AIT', '-GLS',
                 '-MER', '-CAR', '-MOL', '-PAR'
   CCRES.........Removes or restores a CC file to a map with a Gaussian
                 beam.  'SUB', 'ADD', 'S+A', 'ADDP', 'S+AP',
                 'SGAU'. 'AGAU'
   CLCOP.........Copy CL/SN file calibration between polarizations or IFs.
                 'R2L', 'L2R', 'SWIT', 'AVER'
   CLINV.........Copy CL/SN file inverting the calibration.
                 ' ', 'PHAS', 'AMPL'
   CLOSE.........Plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over
                 closures.  'PHAS', 'AMP '
   DELZN.........Determines residual atmosphere depth at zenith and clock
                 errors.  'MDEL', 'PHAS', 'DISP', 'RATE'
   DIFUV.........Outputs the difference of two matching input uv data
                 sets.   ' ', 'DIV'
   DTCHK.........Task to check results of a test using simulated data.
                 'DE;A', 'RATE', 'PHAS', 'AMP'
   ELFIT.........Plots/fits selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL
                 files.  'PHAS','AMP ','DELA','RATE', 'TSYS','SUM',
                 'DOPL','SNR ', 'MDEL','TANT','ATM ','GEO ','CCAL',
                 'DDLY','REAL','IMAG', 'IFR ','PDIF','PSUM','PGN ',
                 'PON ','POFF','PSYS','PDGN','PSGN','POWR','PODB','MULT'
   ELINT.........Determines and removes gain dependence on elevation.
                 ' ', 'AMP', 'AMPL', 'AMPT', (?) 'DELA'
   FGCNT.........Counts samples comparing two flag tables.
                 ' ', 'ANTE', 'ANIF'
   FINDR.........Find normal values for a uv data set.
                 ' ', 'TIME', 'VDIF', 'VRFI'
   FITLD.........Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS)
                 data to disk.  ' ', 'UV', 'IM'
   FIXAN.........Fixes the contents of the ANtenna extension file.
                 'WRNG', 'CENT', 'SURF'  no default
   FLAGR.........Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights.
                 'TIME', 'RFI', 'HIST', 'ANTE', 'GAIN','VDIF', 'VRFI',
   FLATN.........Re-grid multiple fields into one image incl sensitivity.
                 ' ', 'NOIS', 'WEIG'
   FLOPM.........Reverses the spectral order of UV data, can fix VLA
                 error.  ' ', 'VLAE', 'IFTO', 'IFON'
   HAFIX.........Recomputes u,v,w when time is hour angle (UVdata is
                 output of TI2HA).   ' ', 'DELT'
   HOLGR.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
                 images.   'PFOC', 'SUBR'
   HOLOG.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
                 images.  'SUBR', 'SURP', 'PFOC'
   IMVIM.........Plots one image's values against another's.
                 'PTS', 'BINC', 'BIN'
   ISPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of region of a cube.
                 'FLUX', 'LGFL', 'LNFL', 'FDER', 'AVER','LGAV','LNAV',
                 'ADER'. 'XLGF', 'XLGA'
   LISTR.........Prints contents of UV data sets and assoc. calibration
                 tables.  'MATX','LIST','GAIN','SCAN','EFST','SEFD'
   MBDLY.........Fits multiband delays from IF phases, updates SN table.
                 ' ', 'DISP'
   MFIMG.........Image the Earth magnetic field model or TEC data used
                 by TECOR.  TYpe of magnetic field model: ' ', 'IGRF'
   MFPRT.........Prints MF tables in a format needed by modelling
                 software.  ' ', 'USER', 'LIST', 'STAR', 'STDE'
   MODAB.........Makes simple absorption/emission spectral-line image in
                 I/V.   ' ', 'EMIT'
   MODIM.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in IQU
                 polarization.   'SLAB', 'GAUS', 'EXP '
   OBPLT.........Plot columns of an OB table.  OPTYPE is the Y column
                 to be plotted.
   PATGN.........Task to create a user specified test or primary-beam
                 pattern.  'VLA', 'ATCA', 'EVLA, 'JVLA'
   PBEAM.........Fits the analytic function to the measured values of the
                 beam.  ' ', 'ELLI', 'SIMU'
   PCDIV.........Scales pulse-cal amplitudes by Tsys or Psum
   PCFIT.........Finds delays and phases using a pulse-cal (PC) table.
                 ' ', 'TOTA'
   PCVEL.........Shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity: planet
                 version.  ' ', 'HELI', 'SUN', 'LSR', 'GEOC'
   PDPLT.........Plots selected contents of PD tables.
                 'PHAS', 'AMP', 'A&P'
   PRTAC.........Prints contents and summaries of the accounting file.
                 ' ', Y2K', 'INIT'
   PRTSY.........Task to print statistics from the SY table.
                 ' ', 'DIFS','SUMS','TSYS', 'RMS', DRMS','SRMS','TRMS'
   REAMP.........Scale visibility amplitudes by IF- or subarray-dependent
                 factor.  'IF', 'SUBA'
   REWAY.........Computes weights based in rms in spectra.  ' ', MEDI'
   REWGT.........Modifies UV data re-scaling the weights only.
                 'IF', 'SUBA', 'FILE'
   RGBMP.........Task to create an RGB image from the 3rd dim of an image.
                 ;SUM', 'CLIP', 'CLIS', 'OPTD', 'OPT2', 'POPT', and 'POP2'
   RMSD..........Calculate rms for each pixel using data in a box around
                 the pixel.  'ROBS', 'HIST'
   RMTFC.........Convolves rotation measure transfer function with various
                 slab models.  'BOX1', 'BOX2', 'GAUS', 'GAU2'
   RSPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube.
                 ' ', 'LOW', 'MEDI'
   SDGRD.........Task to select and image random-position single-dish
                 data.  '-SIN', '-TAN', '-ARC', '-NCP', '-STG', '-AIT',
                 '-GLS', '-MER', '-CAR', '-MOL', '-PAR'
   SDIMG.........Task to select and image random-position single-dish
                 data.  '-SIN', '-TAN', '-ARC', '-NCP', '-STG', '-AIT',
                 '-GLS', '-MER', '-CAR', '-MOL', '-PAR'
   SDMOD.........Modifies single-dish UV data with model sources.
                 ' '. 'IMAG'
   SETFC.........Makes a BOXFILE for input to IMAGR.  ' ', 'USEF'
   SETJY.........Task to enter source info into source (SU) table.
                 ' ', 'SPEC','CALC','VCAL','VANT','REJY','REVL','RESE'
   SHOUV.........Displays uv data in various ways.  ;CLOS','SPEC',AVIF'
   SNBLP.........Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline
                 basis.  'PHAS','AMP ','DELA','RATE','REAL','IMAG','MULT'
   SNFIT.........Fits parabola to SN amplitudes and plots result.
                 'PODB', 'POWR', 'AMP'
   SNFLG.........Writes flagging info based on the contents of SN files.
                 'JUMP', 'AMP', 'A&P', 'DELA'
   SNIFS.........Plots selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files by
                 IF.  'AMP ','PHAS','REAL','IMAG','DELA','RATE','SNR',
                 'DOPL','TSYS','TANT','ATM ','PDIF','PSUM','PGN','PON',
   SNPLT.........Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files
                 versus time.  'PHAS','AMP ','DELA','RATE','TSYS','SUM',
                 'DOPL','SNR ','MDEL','TANT','ATM ','GEO ','CCAL','DDLY',
                 'REAL','IMAG','IFR ','PDIF','PSUM','PGN','PON','POFF',
   SNRMS.........Print statistics for selected contents of SN, SY, TY,
                 PC or CL files.  same as SNPLT
   SPFIX.........Makes cube from input to and output from SPIXR spectral
                 index.   ' ', 'CURV'
   SPIXR.........Fits spectral indexes to each row of an image incl
                 curvature.  ' ', 'CURV'
   SPRMS.........Plots spectral statistics of a selected subset of a uv
                 data set.  'AMP', 'PHAS', 'REAL', 'IMAG', 'SAMP', 'AUTO'
   SYPRT.........Task to print values from the SY table.
                 'DIFS','PDIF','SUMS','PSUM','TSYS','PSYS'  no default
   SYSOL.........Undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application for
                 Solar data.  ' ', 'PGN'
   SYVSN.........Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus
                 time.  'PSYS', 'PSUM', 'PDIF', 'TSYS', 'TANT'
   TABED.........Task to edit tables.
   TAFLG.........Flags data in a Table extension file.
                 'COPY','ADD ','MULT','DIV ','REPL','CLIP','DELE','UFLG'
                 'KEY '
   TEPLT.........Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables.
                 'TIME', 'HA', 'AZ', 'ZA','AZIO', 'ZAIO', 'DLON',
                 'DLAT', 'BX', 'BY', 'BZ','TECP', 'MAG',  TEC','IFR',
                 'MULT' sets Y axis
   TVHUI.........Make TV image from images of intensity, hue, saturation.
                 ' '. 'LUT'
   TYAPL.........Undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application.
                 ' ', 'PGN', 'CL', 'CLP'
   TYCOP.........Copy TY or SY table calibration between IFs.
                 ' ', 'R', 'L', 'R2L', 'L2R', 'AR2L', 'AL2R'
   UVAVG.........Average or merge a sorted (BT, TB) uv database.
                 ' ', 'CROS', 'AUTO'
   UVHOL.........Prints holography data from a UV data base with
                 calibration.  ' ', 'HOLG', 'PLOT'
   UVRMS.........Computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data
                 set.  'AMP','PHAS','REAL','IMAG',AUTO','SAMP'
   VPLOT.........Plots uv data and model from CC file.  ' ', 'AUTO'
   WETHR.........Plots selected contents of WX tables, flags data based on
                 WX.  'TEMP','PRES','DEWP','WVEL','WDIR','WGUS','PREC',
                 'DDEP', 'MULT', 'FLAG'
   XMOM..........Fits one-dimensional moments to each row of an image.
                 ' ', 'NBIV', 'MAX'
   ZAMAN.........Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption-line data.
                 ' ', '2SID', 'GAUS'
   ZEMAN.........Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data.
                 ' ', '2SID', 'GAUS'