AIPS HELP file for TYCOP in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 11 9:15:48 2025
TYCOP: task to copy SY or TY table values between IFs
INNAME Input image name (name)
INCLASS Input image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Input image disk unit #
INEXT Extension type: SY, TY
INVERS Input table file version no.
APARM List of IFs to average
BPARM List of IFs to receive values
0 -> all
OPTYPE ' ' do same operation in R&L
'R' do only in R polarization
'L' do only in L polarization
'R2L' average in R save in L
'L2R' average in L save in R
'AR2L' R -> L no averaging
'AL2R' L -> R no averaging
ANTENNAS List of antennas to do or
not to do (1 value < 0)
Task: TYCOP moves the calibration in AIPS TY or SY plus CD extension
tables from one or more IFs to other IFs. TY and SY table
values are easily made useless by RFI, so it may be wise to
move values from good spectral windows to those so affected.
The output table will be a new file.
OPTYPE, ANTENNAS, and BPARM select the data which are altered
by the requested operation. All other TY or SY data are passed
from INVERS to the output TY or SY table version unchanged.
NOTE re SY TABLES: if you average IFs using more than one in
APARM, the average is done in the recorded parameters Pdif,
Psum, Pgain, and Tcal. However, TYAPL applies them in ratios:
Tcal/Pdif for gains and Tcal * Psum / Pdif for weights.
Averaging should really be done in these parameters in TYAPL
rather than by TYCOP. TYAPL does NOT offer this option at
INNAME.....Input image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Input image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Input image name (seq. #). 0 => 1.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of input image. 0 => any.
INEXT......Extension type: 'TY' or 'SY'. Any other and the task
will take use SY if present, else TY. If SY tables are
done, the matching CD table is also done.
INVERS.....Version number of table to copy, 0=>highest no.
Output version is highest + 1.
APARM......List of IFs to average (first zero stops list)
(required except for AR2L and AL2R where it is ignored)
BPARM......List of IFs to receive the average value
BPARM(1) <= 0 -> all IFs receive the average value
(required except for AR2L and AL2R where it is ignored)
OPTYPE.....Controls which polarizations are used as:
'R ' average R and save in R, L unchanged
'L ' average L and save in L, R unchanged
'R2L' average R and save in L, R unchanged
'L2R' average L and save in R, L unchanged
'AR2L' IFs 1-n of R go to IFs 1-n of L, R unchanged
(one to one copy with no averaging)
'AL2R' IFs 1-n of L go to IFs 1-n of R, L unchanged
(one to one copy with no averaging)
OTHER average R and save in R, average L and save in L
NOTE - if there is only 1 polarization, then OPTYPE ' '
or OPTYPE 'R' are the only ones allowed and they will
operate on the one polarization (even if it is actually
ANTENNAS...List of antennas for which operation is to be done,
all 0 => all.
If any antenna number in the list is negative, then
the list is of those antennas for which the operation is
NOT desired. It will be done for all others.