AIPS HELP file for MODAB in 31DEC25
As of Thu Mar 6 19:10:58 2025
MODAB: Makes absorption/emissiom spectral-line image in I/V
OUTNAME Output image name (name).
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 Output image name (seq. #).
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Output image disk unit #.
FLUX Noise level to add
OPTYPE 'EMIT' for emission
else absorption
INLIST List of lines up to 99
COORDINA Ra, Dec coordinates
IMSIZE Ra, Dec number of pixels
CELLSIZE Ra, Dec increments in asec
APARM (1) Frequency (GHz) plane 1
(2) increment (GHz)
(3) number channels
(4) Continuum peak (Jy/bem)
(5) Continuum X (pixels)
(6) Continuum Y (pixels)
(7) Continuum BMAJ (pixels)
(8) Continuum BMIN (pixels)
(9) Continuum BPA (deg)
(10) I leakage gain
Type: TASK
Use: Creates spectral-image I/V cubes with absorption spectrum.
Emission spectrum also available.
OUTNAME....Output image name (name). Standard defaults.
Outclasses are IMODEL, QMODEL, and UMODEL
OUTSEQ.....Output image name (seq. #). 0 => highest unique.
OUTDISK....Disk drive # of output image. 0 => highest
number with sufficient space.
FLUX.......Noise level to be added (in the units of the image)
OPTYPE.....'EMIT' -> image of Gaussian described below as
"continuum" multiplied by spectrum making a
pure emission spectrum with no continuum
other -> image of Gaussian described below as
"continuum" multiplied by exp(-spectrum)
making absorption
INLIST.....Text file containing one line per source, giving
Tau, center chan 0, width in chans, L-R sep chans
separation has L at higher frequency than R for positive
blank separated free format. The resulting NGAUS will be
the number of non-comment lines in INLIST. Limit 99.
Blank lines and lines beginning with # or ; (semi-colon)
are taken as comments
COORDINA...RA (hours minutes seconds of time), declination (degrees,
minutes, seconds of arc) for reference pixel (at image
IMSIZE.....X, Y image size in pixels
CELLSIZE...X, Y image spacing in arc sec
APARM......(1) Reference frequency at first output plane in GHz
(2) Increment in frequency in GHz
(3) Number of frequency pixels
(4) Continuum flux in Jy/beam
(5) Continuum center X (pixels)
(6) Continuum center Y (pixels)
(7) BMAJ in pixels 0 -> 10
(8) BMIN in pixels 0 -> 10
(9) BPA in degrees
(10) add APARM(10)*I(chan) to V(chan)