AIPS HELP file for IMSIZE in 31DEC24
As of Mon Sep 16 6:12:07 2024
Type: Adverb (real array, 2 elements)
Use: Size of a 2-dimensional image to produce or process.
The first element is usually called the X coordinate and
measures the number of columns in the image. The second
element, the Y coordinate is a measure of the number of
rows in the image.
Null Value: 0
Null value assignment varies with verb or task.
COWINDOW......Set a window based on coordinates.
MAXFIT........Returns pixel position and image intensity at a
maximum. IMSIZE sets the serach area for the peak.
COTVLOD.......Proc to load an image into a TV channel about a
CXIMAGR.......Grid UV data into a complex image, Fourier transform,
CXPOLN........Procedure to make complex polarization images and beam.
DOOSRO........Calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data.
LINIMAGE......Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
MAPPR.........Simplified access to IMAGR.
PIPEAIPS......Calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data.
TVMAXFIT......Displays fit pixel positions and intensity at maxima on
TV. IMSIZE sets the serach area for the peak.
VLARUN........Calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data.
VLBAMPHC......Applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase stopping
VLBARUN.......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA
BOXES.........Adds Clean boxes to BOXFILE around sources from a list.
BPEPL.........Plots bandpass tables overlaying multiple times like
BPEDT. IMSIZE sets the grid size when making a gridded
BSGEO.........Beam-switched Az-El image to RA-Dec image translation.
BSGRD.........Task to image beam-switched single-dish data.
BSMAP.........Images weak sources with closure phases.
BSTST.........Graphical display of solutions to frequency-switched
CANDY.........User-definable (paraform) task to create an AIPS image.
CC2IM.........Make model image from a CC file.
CHKFC.........Makes images of Clean boxes from Boxfile.
CONVL.........Convolves an image with a gaussian or another image.
IMSIZE is size of box to find peak when
cross-correlating 2 images.
DSKEW.........Geometric interpolation correction for skew.
FACES.........Makes images of catalog sources for initial calibration.
FIXBX.........Converts a BOXFILE to another for input to IMAGR.
FLATN.........Re-grid multiple fields into one image incl sensitivity.
GLENS.........Models galaxy gravitational lens acting on 3 component
HGEOM.........Interpolates image to different gridding and/or geometry.
HUINT.........Make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like
IM2CC.........Task to convert an image to multi-facet Clean Components.
IMAGR.........Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging task.
LGEOM.........Regrids images with rotation, shift using interpolation.
MANDL.........Creates an image of a subset of the Mandlebrot Set.
MAPBM.........Map VLA beam polarization.
MFIMG.........Image the Earth magnetic field model or TEC data used
MFPRT.........Prints MF tables in a format needed by modelling
software. IMSIZE is the min and max component size in
asec to be printed.
MODAB.........Makes simple absorption/emission spectral-line image in
MODIM.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in IQU
MODSP.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in I/V
MODVF.........Task to create a warped velocity field.
OGEOM.........Simple image rotation, scaling, and translation.
OHGEO.........Geometric interpolation with correction for 3-D effects.
PADIM.........Task to increase image size by padding with some value.
PATGN.........Task to create a user specified test or primary-beam
PGEOM.........Task to transform an image into polar coordinates.
REGRD.........Regrids an image from one co-ordinate frame to another.
RMSD..........Calculate rms for each pixel using data in a box around
the pixel. IMSIZE is the size of the box used to find
the local rms.
SCIMG.........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
SCMAP.........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
SDGRD.........Task to select and image random-position single-dish
SDIMG.........Task to select and image random-position single-dish
SETFC.........Makes a BOXFILE for input to IMAGR.
SKYVE.........Regrids a DSS image from one co-ordinate frame to
STFUN.........Task to calculate a structure function image.
TVHUI.........Make TV image from images of intensity, hue, saturation.
IMSIZE is the size of the output wedge.
UFLAG.........Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV.
IMSIZE should be that used in IMAGR.
UVFIT.........Fits source models to uv data. IMSIZE is the min and
max allowed component size in asec.
UVGIT.........Fits source models to uv data. IMSIZE is the min and
max allowed component size in asec.
UVHIM.........Makes image of the histogram on two user-chosen axes.
UVIMG.........Grid UV data into an "image".
UVMAP.........Makes images from calibrated UV data.
UVPLT.........Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways.
IMSIZE sets the size of the grid when making a
gridded image for plotting.
WIPER.........Plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV.
IMSIZE is the size of the grid to be displayed on the