AIPS HELP file for MFPRT in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 11 9:00:26 2025
MFPRT: Task to print MF tables in modelling software format.
INNAME Image name (name)
INCLASS Image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #
INVERS 0.0 Start MF extension to list
IN2VERS 0.0 Final MF extension to list
XINC 0.0 32767. Increment between extensions
DOCRT -3.0 132.0 If > 0, write to CRT
> 72 => CRT line width
Printer disk file to save
FLUX Flux level below which to
ignore components.
0 => accept all cpts
IMSIZE 0.0 Min, max allowed component
size (asec.)
SORT Sort order: ' ' => '-F'
OPTYPE ' ' => basic list format
'USER' => BOX sets cols
'LIST' => source list format
'STAR' => STARS format
'STDE' => STARS w deconvolved
DOHMS -2.0 1.0 > 0 => coordinates displayed
in sexagesimal RA/DEC
-1 => degrees offset
-2 => asec offsets
FORMAT -1.0 3.0 = -1 => omit row numbers
DOALL -1.0 3.0 1, 2, 3 scale by primary beam
and bandwidth smearing
see help.
CLEV STARS: >0 scale by flux/CLEV
SYMBOL STARS: symbol type
< 0 => function of flux
BOX List of columns to be printed
0 -> all.
Type: Task
Use: MFPRT prints on the line printer or terminal the rows of an MF
extension file. If the line width is too small to hold all
columns, it will print as many as it can and then loop back to
the beginning to print the next set of columns. OPTYPE='STAR'
and OPTYPE='STDE' print in the format used by task STARS to
make an ST file to appear on image plots. OPTYPE='LIST' allows
you to print an MF table in the special format used for source
lists by such tasks as SETFC, FACES, and BOXES. The angular
units are degrees, arc seconds, or milli arc seconds, depending
on the cell size. The flux scale is Jy or milliJy or even
microJy as needed.
INNAME.....Image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of image. 0 => any.
INVERS.....First MF extension to list. 0 => 1.
Enables the user to run through all available MF tables
attached to a given file and list the values in one output
IN2VERS....Last MF extension to list < INVERS => to end.
XINC.......Increment between MF extension files. <= 0 => 1.
DOCRT......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
else write named OUTPRINT file only.
When OUTPRINT is not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
page-feed character on page headers and DOCRT=-3
suppresses page headers and most other header
information. When OUTPRINT is blank, the line
printer will be used. MFPRT now counts the lines
to be printed before printing any and asks for
permission to continue if the count > 500.
True (> 0) use the terminal interactively. The task will
use the actual terminal width as a display limit
unless 72 < DOCRT < width. In that case, the display
limit will be DOCRT characters.
OUTPRINT...Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
(jjj= job #, nnn = user #). When OUTPRINT is not blank,
multiple outputs are concatenated, and the file is not
actually printed.
FLUX.......Flux level below which to ignore components. The column
used is the total flux in I polarization, column 3.
0 => accept all components.
IMSIZE.....Minumum and maximum size allowed for components in arc
seconds. IMSIZE(2) <= 0 => accept all components. If not
given, then large, non-physical components may slip
through. The columns tested are the fit major and minor
axis sizes, columns, 6 and 7.
SORT.......Sort order to use: 'C', 'F', 'T', 'X', 'Y', 'J', 'N', 'P'
for channel, peak flux, total flux, X position, Y
position, major axis, minor axis, position angle. Use
'-C' etc for inverse order. ' ' => '-F'
OPTYPE.....' ' yields two different outputs depending on whether
the data have multiple spectral channels. The multi-
channel one may be forced with OPTYPE='LINE' and the
continuum one may be forced with OPTYPE='CONT'.
'USER' prints the columns specified in BOX like PRTAB but
with more appropriate units. See EXPLAIN for details.
'LIST' causes the output to be in the format used by
SETFC, BOXES and other tasks reading source lists.
These tasks expect the flux column to be in milliJy
but MFPRT may use microJy if the source total fluxes
are all less than 1 Jy and the lowest included flux is
less than 1 milliJy. The source diameter column is
the sqrt(Bmaj*Bmin) in arc sec and the format is
RA,Dec,Flux,Width as F9.5,1X,F9.5,I7,F10.4.
'LIDE' as 'LIST' but using deconvolved widths
'STAR' causes the output to be in the format used by
STARS: Ra, Dec (in sexagesimal), Major, Minor, PA,
Type, label. Size is fit size.
'STDE' causes the output to be in the format used by
STARS: Ra, Dec (in sexagesimal), Major, Minor, PA,
Type, label. Size is deconvolved size.
DOHMS......> 0 => give full source positions in sexagesimal format
<=0 => give source positions as offsets from the
reference in asec if DOHMS <= -1.5 otherwise in
degrees - for OPTYPE='STAR' DOHMS = -1 produces RA
and DEC in decimal degrees while -2 produces
offsets in arcsec
(not used in LIST, for OPTYPE 'STAR' task STARS can use
all values of DOHMS = 1, -1, and -2 -> set DECIMAL = 0, 1,
2, resp. in STARS)
FORMAT.....= -1 => omit row numbers. Otherwise all OPTYPEs except
'LIST', 'LIDE', 'STAR', and 'STDE' will print the
(sorted) row number with each row.
DOALL......= 1 or 3 scale Peaks and fluxes for primary beam
correction stored in MF table
= 2 or 3 scale Peaks for bandwidth smearing correction
stored in table
CLEV.......> 0 => ('STAR', 'STDE' only) scale source sizes by total
flux divided by CLEV.
<=0 => ('STAR', 'STDE' only) no scaling of source size
SYMBOL.....Symbol type used for sources ('STAR' only)
1: Plus sign 12: Five pointed star
2: Cross (X) 13: Star of David
3: Circle 14: Seven-pointed star
4: Box 15: Eight-pointed star
5: Triangle 16: Nine-pointed star
6: Diamond 17: Ten-pointed star
7: Pentagon 18: 11-pointed star
8: Hexagon 19: 12-pointed star
9: Septagon 20: 13-pointed star
10: Octagon 21: 14-pointed star
11: Nine-gon 22: Cross (X) with gap
23: Vertical line
If SYMBOL < 0, then the symbol used is
flux/(-SYMBOL) + 1
BOX........To select the column numbers to be printed including their
order. Up to 40 may be selected. 0 => all columns in
basic order.
The MF table has a great many columns. They are
1. Plane integer
2. Peak intensity Jy or milli-Jy / beam
3. Integrated I flux Jy or milli-Jy
4. X offset of center degrees or sexagesimal
5. Y offset of center degrees or sexagesimal
6. Major axis angle
7. Minor axis angle
8. position angle degrees
9. Integrated Q flux Jy or milli-Jy
10. Integrated U flux Jy or milli-Jy
11. Integrated V flux Jy or milli-Jy
12. Error in peak intensity Jy or milli-Jy / beam
13. Error in I flux Jy or milli-Jy
14. Error in X offset angle
15. Error in Y offset angle
16. Error in major axis angle
17. Error in minor axis angle
18. Error in position angle degrees
19. Error in Q flux Jy or milli-Jy
20. Error in U flux Jy or milli-Jy
21. Error in V flux Jy or milli-Jy
22. Type of model integer
23. Deconvolved major axis angle
24. Deconvolved minor axis angle
25. Deconvolved position angle degrees
26. Deconvolved major axis lower limit angle
27. Deconvolved minor axis lower limit angle
28. Deconvolved position angle lower limit degrees
29. Deconvolved major axis upper limit angle
30. Deconvolved minor axis upper limit angle
31. Deconvolved position angle upper limit degrees
32. Residual image rms Jy or milli-Jy / beam
33. Residual image peak Jy or milli-Jy / beam
34. Residual image flux Jy or milli-Jy
35. X pixel of center pixels
36. Y pixel of center pixels
37. Major axis in pixels pixels
38. Minor axis in pixels pixels
39. Position angle in pixel space degrees
40. Primary beam factor to apply ----
41. Bandwidth smearing factor to apply ----
42. Computed velocity (from column 1 actually) km/s
Note that the beam and delay factors have not been applied to the
brightnesses stored in the MF table.
OPTYPE='LINE': displays independent of number spectral channels
OPTYPE= something not recognized: displays for multi-channel images
columns 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25 1
with columns 4, 5, 6, 7, 23, and 24 scaled by the angular scale
appropriate to the image: degrees, arc seconds, milli-arcseconds,
columns 4 and 5 are in hexidecimal if requested, column 2 may be in
Jy, milli-Jy, or micro-Jy depending on the peak values, and column
1 will be listed normally and in velocity if possible.
OPTYPE='CONT': displays independent of number spectral channels
OPTYPE= something not recognized: displays for single-channel images
columns 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25
with columns 4, 5, 6, 7, 23, and 24 scaled by the angular scale
appropriate to the image: degrees, arc seconds, milli-arcseconds,
columns 4 and 5 are in hexidecimal if requested, and column 2 and 3
may be in Jy, milli-Jy, or micro-Jy depending on the peak values.
OPTYPE='USER' displays
columns as set by BOX in the order set by BOX. The units are as
listed above for each column with "angle" meaning degrees,
arc-seconds, or milli-arcsec depending on the scale of the image.
OPTYPE='LIST' displays
columns 35, 36, 3, 6, 7
with columns 35 and 36 converted to center coordinate in degrees,
column 3 in milli-Jy (or perhaps micro-Jy), and columns 6 and 7
combined into a size parameter [sqrt(bmaj*bmin)] in arcsec. The
output form,at is suitable for input to SETFC, BOXES, and other
source-list using tasks.
OPTYPE='STAR' displays
columns 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
with columns 4,5 converted into a sexagesimal coordinate pair,
column 3 used to set the symbol and potentially to scale the
component size initially set by columns 6 and 7. The printed
display is suitable for STARS an gives RA, Dec, Major, Minor, PA,
type, and label with Major ind Minor in arcsec.
OPTYPE 'STDE' displays
columns 3, 4, 5, 23, 24, 25
with columns 4,5 converted into a sexagesimal coordinate pair,
column 3 used to set the symbol and potentially to scale the
component size initially set by columns 23 and 24. The printed
display is suitable for STARS an gives RA, Dec, Major, Minor, PA,
type, and label with Major ind Minor in arcsec.