AIPS HELP file for DOALL in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 11 9:20:44 2025
Type: Adverb (logical, > 0 => true)
Use: Tells a task to perform its operations repetitively. For
example, on all data siles selected via other adverb values.
Null value: false (-1).
BDF2AIPS......Read EVLA ASDM/BDF data into AIPS. DOALL requests
loading of the pointing table.
IMSTAT........Returns statistics of a sub-image. DOALL controls
whether pure zero pixels are included.
SPY...........Verb to determine the execution status of all AIPS
tasks. DOALL requests listing all processes not just
those that appear to be AIPS related.
STQUEUE.......Verb to list pending TELL operations. DOALL requests
a list for all AIPS numbers not just NUMTELL.
TVCUBE........Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie.
DOALL requests the loop to go over all multi-pixel
axes numbered > 2.
TVMOVIE.......Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie.
DOALL requests the loop to go over all multi-pixel
axes numbered > 2.
TVSTAT........Find the mean and RMS in a blotch region on the TV.
DOALL controls whether pure zero pixels are included.
ALBUS.........Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation using
ALBUS. DOALL controls whether sources are done all
together or one at a time.
BAKTP.........Writes all files of a catalog entry to tape in host
format. DOALL requests all matching files.
BPERR.........Print and plot BPASS closure outputs. DOALL requests
separate displays for each IF and correlator.
DEFLG.........Edits data based on decorrelation over channels and
time. DOALL requests flagging all sources in a time
DISKU.........Shows disk use by one or all users. All files larger
than DOALL Mbytes are listed individually.
ELINT.........Determines and removes gain dependence on elevation.
DOALL requests all times to be plotted, not just those
used in the fitting.
FILLR.........Reads old VLA on-line-system tapes into AIPS. DOALL
requests that all sources be loaded into a multi-source
data set.
FITAB.........Writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS
format. DOALL requests all matching files to be
FITTP.........Writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS
format. DOALL requests all matching files to be
FIXWT.........Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data.
DOALL requestes than an over-all correction factor be
found and applied.
FLAGR.........Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights.
DOALL requests that all channels be flagged not just
IMEAN.........Displays the mean & extrema and plots histogram of an
image. DOALL controls whether pure zero pixels are
MATCH.........Changes antenna, source, FQ numbers to match a data
set. DOALL specifies which of antennas, sources,
and/or frequency are done.
MFPRT.........Prints MF tables in a format needed by modelling
software. DOALL request scaling by the primary beam
and/or bandwidth smearing in printed peaks abd fluxes.
PRTAC.........Prints contents and summaries of the accounting file.
DOALL requests that the versions be separated.
SAD...........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image.
DOALL allows multiple peaks to be fit in an island.
SDLSF.........Least squares fit to channels and subtracts from SD uv
data. DOALL causes the fit to be done on the average
of all spectra occurring at the same time.
TBDIF.........Compare entries in two tables. DOALL requests that
all rows be printed not just those that differ.
TIORD.........Checks data for time baseline ordering, displays
failures. DOALL tells the task to ignore all of the
data selection advetbs and to use simple disk I/O.
TVSAD.........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with
interaction. DOALL allows multiple peaks to be fit in
an island.
UFLAG.........Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV.
DOALL controls what is actually flagged on each flag.
UVHGM.........Plots statistics of uv data files as histogram.
DOALL requests plots of the Gaussian fits and controls
how the histogram is plotted.
UVLOD.........Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk.
DOALL requestes loading of all sources in EXPORT
VLBRF.........Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data
for RFI. DOALL controls whether the max/min is taken
from each record or from the medians.
WIPER.........Plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV.
DOALL controls what is actually flagged on each flag.