AIPS HELP file for PRTAC in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 9:39:55 2025
PRTAC: Task to print the accounting log file
USERID -32000. 32000.0 User to print: 32000 -> all
0 -> login complete list
PRTASK Restrict to task name(s)
PRTIME 0.0 Restrict to times closer than
PRTIME days; 0 => infinity
OPTYPE 'INIT' (AIPS Manager only)
'Y2K ' Last Y2K test only
DOCRT -3.0 132.0 > 0 => output on terminal
> 72 => terminal width
DOALL -1.0 1.0 > 0 => display versions
separately, else lump them
Printer disk file to save
Type: Task
Use: Prints contents of accounting file. If a single user is to be
printed, then a full list of his activities is printed. Summaries
by POPS number, user number, and task name (sorted by CPU and
occurences) are printed for the requested user or for all users.
This task can also be run as a stand-alone program and offers in
that mode a number of extra options.
USERID......Selects which user is printed (any user is available even
on systems with user-owned catalogs). 32000 => print
summaries only for all users. 0 => login user. (See
PRTASK......Selects the programs whose accounting stats are to be
printed. Any program name whose first characters match
the first non-blank characters of PRTASK will be selected.
Thus, PRTASK = 'UV' will cause the stats of UVMAP, UVSUB,
UVCOP, etc. to be printed. ' ' => all tasks by this rule.
PRTIME......Selects the time range to be included in the statistics
and printed. Include all times more recent than PRTIME
days, with 0 => infinity.
OPTYPE......'Y2K' for the last Y2K run and 'Y2KH' for the last HUGE
Y2K run. For the AIPS Manager only (user number 1). If
OPTYPE = 'INIT', the file will be initialized if the
password is entered correctly. Requires DOCRT true and
prints whatever is requested first.
DOCRT.......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
else write named OUTPRINT file only.
When OUTPRINT is not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
page-feed character on page headers and DOCRT=-3
suppresses page headers and most other header
True (> 0) use the terminal interactively. The task will
use the actual terminal width as a display limit
unless 72 < DOCRT < width. In that case, the display
limit will be DOCRT characters.
DOALL.......> 0 => list the OLD, NEW, TST versions separately in all
the summary listings. <= 0 => display only the sum of the
OUTPRINT....Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
(jjj = job #, nnn = user #). When OUTPRINT is not blank,
multiple outputs are concatenated and the file is not
actually printed.
PRTAC usage in stand-alone mode:
To run the program in stand-alone mode, exit AIPS (if needed) to reach
the shell input level. Then enter RUN PRTAC.
You will then be prompted for an operation:
ROPT Reset parameters to defaults
SOPT Set print control parameters
GO Print contents of accounting file
INIT Initialize the AC file(s)
QUIT Exit the program
HOST Enter a new host (only after SOPT has set HOST mode)
SOPT options are:
1. Restrict to a specific task name blank => all, no min match
2. Restrict to range of POPS numbers 0 0 => all
3. Restrict to one user number: 0 => all
(-999 restricts to an outdated list of NRAO staff)
4. Restrict to jobs starting after YYYY MM DD HH MM SS
0 0 0 0 0 0 => 1900 1 1 0 0 0
5. Restrict to tasks with cpu > x (seconds) 0 => all
6. Choose types of displays: full LIST, summaries by USERS, POPS,
TASKS, separate by versions
(F or T for false or true no default - initial value
and ROPT value FTTTT
7. File name to keep printer output blank => print on printer
8. Name of computer: blank => current one,
All => all of this site from HOSTS.LIST, else choose a computer
An AIPS Manager password is required for the last 2 and the
last one then allows you to loop over selected computers with
the HOST option
GO reads the accounting file and does the display. You can change
options with ROPT or HOST and do additional displays to the same
file (only). If All hosts are being done, GO will loop over host
names and prompt you on each one asking whether it should be done.
Answer n or N for "no", a or A for "all with no more prompts"; any
other answer will do the current host. All hosts are summed together
in the summary displays in this mode. This is appropriate for the new
environment in which each user (more or less) has his/her own
INIT prompts for the AIPS Manager password even if one was already
entered. It then prompts for a time before which the entries are to
be deleted. 0 0 0 0 0 0 => 2050 1 1 0 0 0
After that it does the one computer or loops over all hosts if that
was specified in SOPT. Again it prompts before each computer and
accepts no or all as answers.
Note that this prompting by machine allows you to keep a computer in
$AIPS_ROOT/HOSTS.LIST even if it is presently unavailable (or, more
exactly, its $NET0//ACD000000; file is presently
unavailable). There is another stand-alone program DRCHK that helps
you check the contents of the HOSTS.LIST, DADEVS.LIST, and NETSP files
to make sure that they are consistent and meaningful.