AIPS HELP file for TVHUEINT in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:58:22 2025
TVHUEINT: Verb to make hue/intensity display from 2 TV channels
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 TV channel for intensity
TV2CHAN 0.0 16.0 TV channel for hue
DOCIRCLE -1.0 1.0 > 0 => use circular colors
<= 0 => use spectrum colors
Cursor X position controls intercept and Y position
the slope of a linear transfer function applied to
one of the channels. Button A switches the roles of
the 2 channels, Button B switches which channel is
enhanced, Button C reverses the slope of the current
enhancement, and Button D exits. See OFFHUINT to
restore the TV to normal afterwards. Task HUINT may
also be of interest.
Type: Verb
Use: Produces a hue/intensity display using the TV. The two images
must already be loaded via TVLOD or TVALL. One image controls
the Hue of the display and the other the Intensity of the
display. The cursor X position controls the intercept and the
Y position the slope of a linear enhancement of one of the two
images. Pressing Button A reverses the roles of the two
images, Button B reverses which image is being enhanced, Button
C reverses the sign of the slope of the enhancement, and Button
D exits. Instructions including which channel is currently
which will appear on your terminal. For normal spectral line
work, the average velocity image is usually used as the hue
image and the integrated intensity image is used as the
Intensity image. See OFFHUINT to restore the TV to normal
Task HUINT does essentially the same operation as TVHUEINT, but
offers the option of saving the image and the step wedge for
later plotting in KNTR and LWPLA.
TVCHAN......Specifies TV channel to be used for intensity.
TVCHAN......Specifies the TV channel to be used for hue.
If either is out of range, 1 and 2 are used.
DOCIRCLE....Two color schemes are available: a spectrum scheme
from blue to red (DOCIRCLE <= 0.0) and a circular
scheme from blue to red to blue (DOCIRCLE > 0.0).