AIPS HELP file for TVALL in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:06:30 2025
TVALL: Proc loads image to TV, shows labeled wedge, enhances
INNAME Image name(name).
INCLASS Image name(class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #. 0=>any
TBLC 0.0 4096.0 Bottom Left Corner of image
0=>entire image
TTRC 0.0 4096.0 Top Right Corner of image
0=>entire image
TXINC -100.0 256.0 Load every TXINC'th column
TYINC -100.0 256.0 Load every TYINC'th row
TVCHAN 1.0 16.0 Image channel to load
TVCORN 0.0 512.0 TV pixel location of bottom
left corner of image
PIXRANGE Min,Max of image intensity
0=>entire range
FUNCTYPE Image intensity transfer func
'LN' Linear. unknown=>'LN'
'LG' Logarithmic
'L2' More logarithmic
'SQ' Square root
'NE' Negative linear
'NG' Negative logarithmic
'N2' Negative more log.
'NQ' Negative square root
TVLEVS 0.0 32768.0 Peak intensity at OFM
GRCHAN 0.0 7.0 Graphics channel to use: 0->2
Instructions will also appear on terminal.
Type: Procedure
Use: TVALL is a procedure which combines the separate functions of
several verbs. It clears the screen, loads the image into one
or more TV channels, loads a step wedge from PIXRANGE(1) to
PIXRANGE(2), and labels the wedge. The verb goes into an
interactive mode at this point. If button A is hit, the routine
allows alteration of the black and white transfer function
(cursor X sets intercept and Y sets slope). If A is hit again,
the color contour enhancement is performed (cursor X sets
starting point of contours, Y sets width). If button B is hit,
the zoom magnification is incremented and the cursor position
controls the position about which the image is zoomed. Button C
is like Button B except the magnification is decremented. Hit
button D to exit.
INNAME......Image name(name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image name(class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name(seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk drive # of image. 0 => any.
TBLC........The Bottom Left-hand pixel of the subarray of
the map to be displayed. The value (0,0,...)
means take the entire first plane of the image.
TRC.........The Top Right-hand pixel of the subarray of
the map to be displayed. The value (0,0,...)
means take the entire plane of the image.
TXINC.......Load every TXINC'th column beginning at TBLC.
TXINC = -1 => interpolate columns to fill as much
of the screen as possible. TXINC = -2 =>
interpolate one column between image columns (if
possible), -3 => 2 interpolated columns, etc.
TYINC.......Load every TYINC'th row beginning at TBLC.
TYINC = -1 => interpolate rows to fill as much of
the screen as possible. TYINC = -2 =>
interpolate one row between image rows (if
possible), -3 => 2 interpolated rows, etc.
TVCHAN......Image channel to load. 0 => channel 1.
TVCORN......TV pixel location (X,Y) of the bottom left-corner
of the image. 0=>center on TV
PIXRANGE....Min,Max intensity to display. 0=>entire range
FUNCTYPE....Image intensity transfer function
'LN' => linear; 'NE' => negative lin.
'LG' => log; 'NG' => negative log;
'L2' => extreme log; 'N2' => negative extra log;
'SQ' => square root,; 'NQ' => negative square root;
others => linear.
TVLEVS......Specifies the maximum intensity expected for the sum of
all visible, overlapped images. Usually n X max in one
image (now 2046). Values less than this are made 2046.
GRCHAN......Graphics channel to use for the lettering. Graphics
channel 8 is used for a black background. Unless
changed by GWRIT or the .Xdefaults file (see HELP XAS),
the normal color for channel 1 is yellow, 2 the
previously familiar green, 3 pink, 4 cyan, 5 reddish, 6
dark blue, 7 orange. 0 -> 2.