AIPS HELP file for TBLC in 31DEC25
As of Wed Jan 22 0:19:05 2025
Type: Adverb (Real array, 7 elements)
Use: The array subscripts of the pixel at the Bottom Left Corner of the
desired subarray of the image. The first value in TBLC gives the
column number of the pixel; the second value in TBLC gives the row
number of the pixel. The array may contain up to 7 dimensions.
This adverb is used with TV functions, but is otherwise the same
as BLC.
Null value: 7*0
Null value is usually assigned to (1,1,...), the bottom left
corner of the entire image.
TVCUBE........Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie.
TVLOD.........Verb to load an image into a TV channel.
TVMOVIE.......Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie.
TVROAM........Load up to 16 TV image planes and roam a subset thereof.
TVALL.........Procedure loads image to TV, shows labeled wedge,
FILIT.........Interactive BOXFILE editing with facet images.
HUINT.........Make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like
PLAYR.........Task to load one or two images and play with them on the
TVCPS.........Task to copy a TV screen-image to a PostScript file.
TBLC applies only when the image is read from disk.
TVHLD.........Interactive task to load an image to the TV with
histogram equalization.
TVHUI.........Make TV image from images of intensity, hue, saturation.
TVIEW.........Display image cube in all 3 transpositions with rotation
& reference.
TVRGB.........Make TV image from images of true color (RGB) images.
TVSPC.........Display images and spectra from a cube.