AIPS HELP file for BSGEO in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 10:48:37 2025
BSGEO: Translate/interpolate Az-el beam-switched image to ra-dec
Input image
INNAME Image name (name)
INCLASS Image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Image disk drive #
Output image
OUTNAME Image name (name)
OUTCLASS Image name (class)
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Image disk drive #
BLC 0.0 4096.0 Bottom left corner of image
0=>entire image
TRC 0.0 4096.0 Top right corner of image
0=>entire image
IMSIZE 0.0 4096.0 Output image size in pixels
CELLSIZE Output cell size in arc sec
REWEIGHT (1) unused
(2) Min convolved weight
max(convolved weight)
< 0 => use abs value
XTYPE -20. 20. Conv. function type in x
default spheroidal
New round types - SEE HELP
YTYPE -20. 20. Conv. function type in y
default spheroidal
XPARM Conv. function parms for x
YPARM Conv. function parms for y
OPTYPE Projection code e.g. '-SIN'
APARM 1,2,3 = RA (h,m,s)
4,5,6 = Dec (d,m,s)
Type: Task
Use: BSGEO does an interpolation of an image from the relative
Azimuth-elevation coordinates of BSCOR to a standard Ra-Dec
coordinate image.
Interpolation is done only in the first 2 dimensions. The third
coordinate is used to provide images of the ra and dec relative to
the center.
NOTE: the input subimage is read into dynamically allocated memory.
Very large input arrays may cause swapping on your computer.
INNAME......The input image name. Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....The input image class. Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......The input image sequence number. 0 => high
INDISK......The input image disk drive no. 0 => any
OUTNAME.....The output image name. blank => Standard
defaults based on INNAME.
OUTCLASS....The output image class. Standard behavior.
OUTSEQ......The output image seq. no., 0=> highest unique
If >0; image will be created if new, overwritten if image
name exists.
OUTDISK.....Output disk drive no., 0=> highest with space
BLC.........The bottom left-hand pixel of the input image which
becomes the bottom left corner of the input subimage. The
value (0,0) means (1,1).
TRC.........The top right-hand pixel of the input image which becomes
the top right corner of the subimage. The value (0,0)
means take the top right hand corner of the image.
IMSIZE......Output image size in pixels [1=columns, 2=rows]. Default
is the input image size.
CELLSIZE....Output image cell size in arc seconds [1=columns, 2=rows].
Default is the input image cell size.
REWEIGHT....(1) unused here
(2) Minimum convolved weight (image with data replaced by
1.0's) to remain unblanked = REWEIGHT(2) *
max(convolved weight).
< 0 => use abs(convolved weight) compared to
abs(REWEIGHT(2)*max(convolved weight))
0 => -0.01. for interpolation output and no blanking
for convolution and weight outputs
XTYPE.......Convolution function type in X-direction
1=Pillbox, 2=exponential, 3=Sinc, 4=Exp*Sinc,
5=Spheroidal, 6=Exp*BESSJ1(x)/x
= 0 or > 6 (& < 11) -> 5.
11 - 16 => circular functions in radius corresponding
to 1 - 6 types above; YTYPE, YPARM are ignored.
If XTYPE < 0, the abs(xtype) is used and some of the XPARM
values are assumed to be in arc seconds rather than cells.
YTYPE.......Convolution function type in Y-direction
XPARM.......Array containing parameters for XTYPE. See HELP UVnTYPE
when n=convolution type.
XPARM(5) is number samples of convolution function used
per image cell for circular functions - 100 is used for
X/Y separable functions (types 1-6)
YPARM.......Array containing parameters for YTYPE.
OPTYPE......Projection code:
'-TAN' = tangent projection (optical),
'-SIN' = sine projection (normal interferometer),
'-ARC' = arc projection (Schmidt camera),
'-NCP' = North celestial pole (WSRT),
'-STG' = stereographic projection,
'-AIT' = Aitoff projection, (large field)
'-GLS' = Global sinusoidal projection (large field)
'-MER' = Mercator projection,
' ' => '-SIN'
See AIPS memo nos. 27 and 46 for more detail.
APARM.......1,2,3 are the RA as (h,m,s)
4,5,6 are the Dec, as (d,m,s)
The specified position is the CENTER of the RA and DEC
range before the application of the shifts (if any).
Default: uv data header RA and DEC, or, if they are 0, uv
data header Observed RA and Dec.
If APARM(4) is -0 then use APARM(4)=-0.1.