AIPS HELP file for OUTNAME in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:32:24 2025
Type: Adverb (String*12)
Use: Data files are stored in AIPS under logical names which have 3
parts: a 12-character "name" field, a 6-character "class" field,
and a numeric "sequence number" field. OUTNAME is used to specify
the "name" field for the output data file from a verb or task.
This adverb is handled by AIPS tasks and verbs under special
"wildcard" rules. These rules determine how the default output
name is combined with the user-specified OUTNAME to create the
name field actually used. Except for '*', '?', and trailing
blanks (when an * is present), all characters specified in OUTNAME
are copied to the corresponding character positions in the final
name field. A '?' in OUTNAME causes the corresponding character
in the default name to be used. An '*' in OUTNAME causes 0 or
more characters (as many as possible) from the default name to be
used beginning at the character position of the *. The number of
characters (excluding trailing blanks) which follow the * in the
user-specified OUTNAME determine how many characters may be used.
For the examples, assume that the default name is '123456789012'.
Then, OUTNAME = '*' results in an actual name of '123456789012'.
OUTNAME = 'A?B*D' results is 'A2B45678901D' and OUTNAME =
'?????? CALIB' results in '123456 CALIB'.
Null value: ' '
Taken as '*' and the "default" value for OUTNAME is the actual
name field of the first input file (e.g. INNAME with everything
filled in) unless the Help file for the specific task or verb
states otherwise.
BDF2AIPS......Read EVLA ASDM/BDF data into AIPS.
CLRONAME......Clears adverbs specifying the first output image.
GETONAME......Fills 1st output image name parameters by catalog slot
IMOHEAD.......Displays the output image header contents.
OBITIMAG......Access to OBIT task Imager without self-cal or peeling.
OBITMAP.......Simplified access to OBIT task Imager.
OBITPEEL......Access to OBIT task Imager with self-cal and peeling.
OBITSCAL......Access to OBIT task Imager with self-cal, NOT peeling.
QOHEADER......Verb to summarize the output image header: center
RENAME........Rename a file (UV or Image).
BLPOLCAL......Do BLCHN for I, Q, U, V models
CALMODEL......Applies SPLIT & UVSUB to make a model data set matching
a calibrator.
CXIMAGR.......Grid UV data into a complex image, Fourier transform,
CXPOLN........Procedure to make complex polarization images and beam.
DOFARS........Procedure to aid in Faraday rotation synthesis using
the FARS task.
FXALIAS.......Least squares fit aliasing function and remove.
IMFRING.......Large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING.
IMSCAL........Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.
LINIMAGE......Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
MAPPR.........Simplified access to IMAGR.
OOCAL.........Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-
dependent models.
OOFRING.......Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral
index options.
PEELR.........Calibrates interfering sources in multi-facet imges.
STUFFR........Averages together data sets in hour angle.
TDSTEP3.......Time-dependent imaging procedure "step 3"
TDSTEP5.......Time-dependent imaging procedure "step 5"
VLBAARCH......Procedure to archive VLBA correlator data.
VLBALOAD......Loads VLBA data.
VLBAMPHC......Applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase
stopping centers.
VLBARFI.......Calibrates VLBA autocorrelations, writes out statistics
VLBARUN.......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA
VLBAWIDE......Calibrates all VLA wide-band autocorrelations with
Y2KSAVE.......Verifies correctness and performance using standard
ACFIT.........Determine antenna gains from autocorrelations.
ACIMG.........Makes image of autocorrelation data showing time vs
AFARS.........Is used after FARS to determine Position and Value of
the maximum.
AGAUS.........Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to absorption-line
AHIST.........Task to convert image intensities by adaptive
AMKAT.........Renumbers MeerKAT antennas so that antenna number =>
station ID
APCLN.........Deconvolves images with CLEAN algorithm.
APGS..........Deconvolves image with Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm.
APVC..........Deconvolves images with van Cittert algorithm.
ATLOD.........Reads ATCA data in RPFITS dormat into AIPS.
AVER..........Averages over time UV data sets in 'BT' order.
AVSPC.........Averages uv-data in the frequency domain.
BAKLD.........Reads all files of a catalog entry from BAKTP tape.
BASRM.........Task to remove a spectral baseline from total power
BDAPL.........Applies a BD table to another data set.
BDEPO.........Computes depolarization due to rotation measure
BLANK.........Blanks out selected, e.g. non-signal, portions of an
BLAVG.........Average cross-polarized UV data over baselines.
BLCHN.........Compute closure offset corrections on a
channel-by-channel basis.
BLOAT.........Converts line data to greater number channels.
BLPCL.........Do divide by I,Q,U models for circular polarization
BLWUP.........Blow up an image by any positive integer factor.
BPWAY.........Determines channel-dependent relative weights.
BPWGT.........Calibrates data and scales weights by bandpass
BSAVG.........Task to do an FFT-weighted sum of beam-switched images.
BSCLN.........Hogbom Clean on beam-switched difference image.
BSCOR.........Combines two beam-switched images.
BSFIX.........Corrects the ra/dec offsets recorded by the 12m.
BSGEO.........Beam-switched Az-El image to RA-Dec image translation.
BSGRD.........Task to image beam-switched single-dish data.
BSMAP.........Images weak sources with closure phases.
BSMOD.........Creates single-dish UV beam-switched data with model
BSROT.........Modifies SD beam-switch continuum data for error in
CALIB.........Determines antenna calibration: complex gain.
CANDY.........User-definable (paraform) task to create an AIPS image.
CC2IM.........Make model image from a CC file.
CCRES.........Removes or restores a CC file to a map with a gaussian
CENTR.........Modifies UV data to center the reference channel.
CHKFC.........Makes images of Clean boxes from Boxfile.
CLINV.........Copy CL/SN file inverting the calibration.
CMPLX.........Combines complex images by a variety of mathematical
COMB..........Combines two images by a variety of mathematical
CONVL.........Convolves an image with a gaussian or another image.
CORER.........Calculates correlator statistics and flags bad ones.
CPYRT.........Replaces history with readme file, inserts copyright.
CUBIT.........Model a galaxy's density and velocity distribution from
full cube.
CVEL..........Shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity.
CXCLN.........Complex Hogbom CLEAN.
DAYFX.........Fixes day number problems left by FILLM.
DBAPP.........Appends one or more data sets to the output data set.
DBCON.........Concatenates two UV data sets.
DCONV.........Deconvolves a gaussian from an image.
DECOR.........Measures the decorrelation between channels and IF of
uv data.
DENAN.........Modifies UV data flagging all NaNs.
DESCM.........Copies a portion of a UV data set.
DFQID.........Modifies UV data changing the indicated FQIDs.
DFTIM.........Makes image of DFT at arbitrary point showing time vs
DGAUS.........Correct UV model for convolution by Clean beam
DIFRL.........Divides the RR data by LL data.
DIFUV.........Outputs the difference of two matching input uv data
DQUAL.........Rearranges source list, dropping qualifiers.
DSKEW.........Geometric interpolation correction for skew.
DSORC.........Copies a data set elliminating some source numbers.
DSTOK.........Drops the cross-hand polarizations.
DTSIM.........Generate fake UV data.
EVAUV.........Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does
statistics on results.
FACES.........Makes images of catalog sources for initial
FARS..........Faraday rotation synthesis based on the brightness vs
FETCH.........Reads an image from an external text file.
FFT...........Takes Fourier Transform of an image or images.
FILLM.........Reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes (post
Jan 88).
FILLR.........Reads old VLA on-line-system tapes into AIPS.
FITLD.........Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS)
data to disk.
FIXAL.........Least squares fit aliasing function and remove.
FIXFR.........Modifies UV data set making all frequencies increase or
FIXRL.........Correctes right vs left polarizations for a list of
FIXWT.........Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data.
FLATN.........Re-grid multiple fields into one image incl
FLGIT.........Flags data based on the rms of the spectrum.
FLOPM.........Reverses the spectral order of UV data, can fix VLA
FQUBE.........Collects n-dimensional images into n+1-dimensional
FREQID image.
FRCAL.........Faraday rotation self calibration task.
FRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration,
delay, rate.
FUDGE.........Modifies UV data with user's algorithm: paraform task.
FXPOL.........Corrects VLBA polarization assignments.
FXTIM.........Fixes start date so all times are positive.
FXVLA.........Task to correct VLA data for on-line errors in special
GAL...........Determine parameters from a velocity field.
GLENS.........Models galaxy gravitational lens acting on 3 component
HA2TI.........Converts data processed by TI2HA (STUFFER) back to real
HAFIX.........Recomputes u,v,w when time is hour angle (UVdata is
output of TI2HA).
HGEOM.........Interpolates image to different gridding and/or
HISEQ.........Task to translate image by histogram equalization.
HOCLN.........Task to do a clean of holography images.
HOLGR.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
HOLOG.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
HUINT.........Make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like
IM2CC.........Task to convert an image to multi-facet Clean
IM2UV.........Converts an image to a visibility data set.
IMAGR.........Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging
IMCLP.........Clip an image to a specified range.
IMERG.........Merges images of different spatial resolutions.
IMFIT.........Fits Gaussians to portions of an image.
IMFLT.........Fits and removes a background intensity plane from an
IMLIN.........Fits and removes continuum emission from cube.
IMLOD.........Reads tape or disk files to load images to disk.
IMMOD.........Adds images of model objects to an image.
JMFIT.........Fits Gaussians to portions of an image.
LAYER.........Task to create an RGB image from multiple images.
LGEOM.........Regrids images with rotation, shift using
LTESS.........Makes mosaic images by linear combination.
M3TAR.........Translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format "A" TAR's into
MANDL.........Creates an image of a subset of the Mandlebrot Set.
MAPBM.........Map VLA beam polarization.
MASKS.........Makes mask image of Clean boxes from boxfile.
MATCH.........Changes antenna, source, FQ numbers to match a data
MATHS.........Operates on an image with a choice of mathematical
MCUBE.........Collects n-dimensional images into n+1-dimensional
MEDI..........Combines four images by a variety of mathematical
MFIMG.........Image the Earth magnetic field model or TEC data used
MK3IN.........Translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format "A" tapes into
MOD3D.........Computes a 3D CC model from a set of facets.
MODAB.........Makes simple absorption/emission spectral-line image in
MODIM.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in IQU
MODSP.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in I/V
MODVF.........Task to create a warped velocity field.
MOMNT.........Calculates images of moments along x-axis (vel, freq,
MORIF.........Combines IFs or breaks spectral windows into multiple
windows (IFs).
MOVE..........Task to copy or move data from one user or disk to
MSORT.........Sort a UV dataset into a specified order.
MULIF.........Change number of IFs in output.
MULTI.........Task to convert single-source to multi-source UV data.
MWFLT.........Applies linear & non-linear filters to images.
NINER.........Applies various 3x3 area operaters to an image.
NNLSQ.........Non-Negative-Least-Squares decomposition of spectrum.
NOIFS.........Makes all IFs into single spectrum.
OFUDG.........Modifies UV data with user's algorithm no cal adverbs:
paraform task.
OGEOM.........Simple image rotation, scaling, and translation.
OHGEO.........Geometric interpolation with correction for 3-D
OMFIT.........Fits sources and, optionally, a self-cal model to uv
OOSRT.........Sort a UV dataset into a specified order.
OOSUB.........Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
OTFBS.........Translates on-the-fly continuum SDD format to AIPS UV
OTFUV.........Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV
PADIM.........Task to increase image size by padding with some value.
PASTE.........Pastes a selected subimage of one image into another.
PATGN.........Task to create a user specified test or primary-beam
PBCOR.........Task to apply or correct an image for a primary beam.
PBEAM.........Fits the analytic function to the measured values of
the beam.
PCVEL.........Shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity:
planet version.
PGEOM.........Task to transform an image into polar coordinates.
PHASE.........Baseline Phase coherence measurement.
PHNEG.........Negates a UV datafile's visibility phase.
PHSRF.........Perform phase-referencing within a spectral line
POLCO.........Task to correct polarization maps for Ricean bias.
QBEAM.........Plot holography data as contour image and outputs
interpolated image.
REAMP.........Scale visibility amplitudes by IF- or subarray-
dependent factor.
REGRD.........Regrids an image from one co-ordinate frame to another.
REIFS.........Breaks spectral windows into multiple spectral windows
REMAG.........Task to replace magic blanks with a user specified
RESEQ.........Renumber antennas.
REWAY.........Computes weights based in rms in spectra.
REWGT.........Modifies UV data re-scaling the weights only.
RFARS.........Correct Q/U cubes for Faraday rotation synthesis
RFLAG.........Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
RGBMP.........Task to create an RGB image from the 3rd dim of an
RLCOR.........Corrects a data set for R-L phase differences.
RM............Task to calculate rotation measure and magnetic field.
RMFIT.........Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U cube.
RMSD..........Calculate rms for each pixel using data in a box around
the pixel.
RSPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube.
RSTOR.........Restores a Clean component file to a map with a
Gaussian beam.
SAD...........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image.
SBCOR.........Task to correct VLBA data for phase shift between USB &
SCIMG.........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
SCLIM.........Operates on an image with a choice of mathematical
SCMAP.........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
SDCAL.........Task to apply single dish calibration.
SDCLN.........Deconvolves image by Clark and then "SDI" cleaning
SDGRD.........Task to select and image random-position single-dish
SDIMG.........Task to select and image random-position single-dish
SDLSF.........Least squares fit to channels and subtracts from SD uv
SDMOD.........Modifies single-dish UV data with model sources.
SDTUV.........Task to convert SD table files to UV like data.
SDVEL.........Shifts spectral-line single-dish data to a given
SERCH.........Finds line signals in transposed data cube.
SETAN.........Reads an ANtenna file info from a text file.
SHADW.........Generates the "shadowed" representation of an image.
SKYVE.........Regrids a DSS image from one co-ordinate frame to
SMOTH.........Task to smooth a subimage from upto a 7-dim. image.
SNCOP.........Task to copy SN table averaging some input IFs.
SNDUP.........Copies and duplicates SN table from single pol file to
dual pol.
SNP2D.........Task to convert SN table single-channel phase to delay.
SPCOR.........Task to correct an image for a primary beam and
spectral index.
SPECR.........Spectral regridding task for UV data.
SPFIX.........Makes cube from input to and output from SPIXR spectral
SPIXR.........Fits spectral indexes to each row of an image incl
SPLAT.........Applies calibration and splits or assemble selected
SPMOD.........Modify UV database by adding a model with spectral
SPXMD.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in spectral
SQASH.........Task to collapse several planes in a cube into one
plane or row.
STACK.........Task to co-add a set of 2-dimensional images with
STEER.........Task which deconvolves the David Steer way.
STESS.........Task which finds sensitivity in mosaicing.
STFUN.........Task to calculate a structure function image.
SUBIM.........Task to select a subimage from up to a 7-dim. image.
SUFIX.........Modifies source numbers on uv data.
SUMIM.........Task to sum overlapping, sequentially-numbered images.
SUMSQ.........Task to sum the squared pixel values of overlapping,.
SWAPR.........Modifies UV data by swapping real and imaginary parts.
SWPOL.........Swap polarizations in a UV data base.
SYSOL.........Undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application for
Solar data.
TABED.........Task to edit tables.
TACOP.........Task to copy tables, other extension files.
TAFFY.........User definable task to operate on an image.
TAPPE.........Task to append 2 tables and merge to output table.
TASAV.........Task to copy all extension tables to a dummy uv or map
TBAVG.........Time averages data combining all baselines.
TBIN..........Reads a text file AIPS table into AIPS.
TI2HA.........Modifies times in UV data to hour angles.
TRANS.........Task to transpose a subimage of an up to 7-dim. image.
TVHLD.........Interactive task to load an image to the TV with
histogram equalization.
TVHUI.........Make TV image from images of intensity, hue,
TVSAD.........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with
TVSPX.........Fits spectral indexes to each image row, allows
interactive edit.
TYAPL.........Undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application.
UBAVG.........Baseline dependent time averaging of uv data.
UJOIN.........Modifies UV data converting IFs to spectral channels.
UNSPX.........Removes spectral index model from a data cube.
UTESS.........Deconvolves images by maximizing emptiness.
UV2MS.........Append single-source file to multi-source file.
UVADC.........Fourier transforms and corrects a model and adds to uv
UVADD.........Combines two matching uv data sets.
UVAVG.........Average or merge a sorted (BT, TB) uv database.
UVBAS.........Averages several channels and subtracts from uv data.
UVCMP.........Convert a UV database to or from compressed format.
UVCON.........Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array
UVCOP.........Task to copy a subset of a UV data file.
UVDEC.........Decrements the number of spectral channels, keeping
every nth.
UVDGP.........Copy a UV data file, deleting a portion of it.
UVDI1.........Subtract UV data(averaged up to one time) from the
other UV data.
UVFIL.........Create, fill a uv database from user supplied
UVFIX.........Recomputes u,v,w for a uv database.
UVFRE.........Makes one data set have the spectral structure of
UVGLU.........Glues UV data frequency blocks back together.
UVHIM.........Makes image of the histogram on two user-chosen axes.
UVIMG.........Grid UV data into an "image".
UVLIN.........Fits and removes continuum visibility spectrum, also
can flag.
UVLOD.........Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk.
UVLSD.........Least squares fit to channels and divides the uv data.
UVLSF.........Least squares fit to channels and subtracts from uv
UVMAP.........Makes images from calibrated UV data.
UVMOD.........Modify UV database by adding a model incl spectral
UVMTH.........Averages one data set and applied it to another.
UVNOU.........Flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce
UVPOL.........Modifies UV data to make complex image and beam.
UVRFI.........Mitigate RFI by Fourier transform or fitting the
UVSIM.........Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array
UVSRT.........Sort a UV dataset into a specified order.
UVSUB.........Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
UVWAX.........Flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce
VBCAL.........Scale visibility amplitudes by antenna based constants.
VBGLU.........Glues together data from multiple passes thru the VLBA
VBMRG.........Merge VLBI data, eliminate duplicate correlations.
VH2RL.........Converts from linear to circular polarization and vice
VHCAL.........Do divide by I,Q,U models for linear polarization data.
VHMOD.........Compute linear polarization point source model, applies
to data.
VLABP.........VLA antenna beam polarization correction for snapshot
VLBIN.........Task to read VLBI data from an NRAO/MPI MkII
VPFLG.........Resets flagging to all or all corss-hand whenever some
are flagged.
VTESS.........Deconvolves sets of images by the Maximum Entropy
WTMOD.........Modifies weights in a UV data set.
WTSUM.........Task to do a a sum of images weighted by other images.
XBASL.........Fits and subtracts nth-order baselines from cube (x
XGAUS.........Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to images: restartable.
XMOM..........Fits one-dimensional moments to each row of an image.
XSMTH.........Smooth data along the x axis.
XSUM..........Sum or average images on the x axis.
XTRAN.........Create an image with transformed coordinates.
XYMOD.........Compute linear polarization point source model, applies
to data.
ZAMAN.........Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption-line
ZEMAN.........Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data.