AIPS HELP file for SYSOL in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 14:21:15 2025
SYSOL: Does nominal sensitivity application for Solar data
INNAME Input UV file name (name)
INCLASS Input UV file name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input UV file name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Input UV file disk unit #
FREQID 0.0 Frequency ID number: 0 -> 1
SUBARRAY 0.0 Subarray: 0 -> 1
FLAGVER -1.0 > 0 => apply flags to output
data and SY/SN tables
DOFLAG = 1,3 -> do NOT flag SY
= 2,3 -> do NOT flag SN
INVERS Input SY table undo 0=>none
IN2VERS Input SY table redo 0=>none
OUTNAME Output UV file name (name)
OUTCLASS Output UV file name (class)
OUTSEQ Output UV file name (seq #)
OUTDISK Output UV file disk unit
OPTYPE 'PGN' use SY post gain only
REWEIGHT Additional SY scaling factors
for visibilities, weights
DOWEIGHT -1.0 1.0 < 0 => do NOT compute weights
from SY values
NOTE: 0 means do weights
CUTOFF 0.0 1.0 > 0 => if fraction of good SY
values < CUTOFF, apply an
average correction instead
FQCENTER >= 0 -> center frequency axis
CALIN Antenna efficiencies file
BADDISK Disks to avoid for scratch
Task: For the EVLA, the SysPower table in the SDM records the switched
power when the noise tube is on and the switched power when the
noise tube is off. If the AIPS files are obtained via OBIT ---
AIPS "verb" BDF2AIPS --- then an SY table is available. It may
be applied to adjust the gains and the data weights. If one has
been applied, the application may be removed and a new SY table
(i.e. one clipped and smoothed by TYSMO) may be applied. This
is much like the Tsys application done formerly for the VLA but
there are differences. For details, see EVLA Memo 145 by Rick
Perley (May 2010). TYSMO, SNEDT, EDITA, and SNPLT all
understand SY tables and allow you to manipulate and/or view
them. The task uses the input INTTIM random parameter where
available as the integration time and, if unavailable, assumes
that the input weights are equal the integration time. If you
have done frequency averaging, this will not be true and the
weights will be incorrect after SYSOL (if INTTIM is missing).
Use SYSOL if your data includes EVLA observations of the Sun.
SYSOL uses solar Tcal values for the scans which observed the
Sun. Since not all antennas have solar Tcals, the average of
the gains over all antennas equipped with such Tcals will be
used for those antennas not so equipped.
Note that SYSOL with SY tables requires valid values for Pdif,
Psum, and the post-detector gains. If you have flagged data in
the SY table, SYSOL will flag the corresponding visibilities.
TYSMO allows you to replace flagged samples in the SY table with
averages from nearby samples. You should consider doing this
with all 3 data types before running SYSOL unlesss you want the
data to be flagged.
SYSOL now has the ability to apply a flag table to the data as
they are read. Like UVCOP, up to 600001 flags are allowed to
apply to a single time. This ability was added so that you can
use the required data copy in SYSOL instead of an additional
data copy in UVCOP to reduce the size of the data and dispense
with large flag tables generated by auto-flag tasks like RFLAG.
Note that SYSOL should copy the data set for 3 reasons: 1. The
system gains may do abrupt jumps usually at the original scan
boundaries but sometimes at other times. A CL table could
handle these jumps if it was structured to match the original
scans, but that original structure is often lost. 2. The data
weights after SYSOL need to have the amplitude gains applied to
them as well as the visibilities since any amplitude gains at
that point should only reflect errors in the assumed Tcal's.
However, it is completely incorrect to apply the amplitude gain
from the SY table to the weights computed from the SY table.
The CL tables contain a cumulative amplitude gain and there is
no reasonable way to differentiate the SY table gains from the
other gains later in the processing. 3. New weights are needed
and SYSOL computes remarkably good ones. This means the data
set must be rewritten to supply those weights and it is
completely unsafe to overwrite the input data set.
INNAME.....Input UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Input UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Input UV file name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of input UV file. 0 => any.
FREQID.....Frequency ID number to do 0 => 1
SUBARRY....Subarray to do 0 => 1
FLAGVER....If > 0, apply the specified flag table version to the
data and do not copy it to the output. Unlike regular
calibration routines (but like UVCOP), FLAGVER = 0 means
no flagging. The flag table is applied to any TY, SY,
and SN tables as they are copied (spectral-channel
independent flags only).
DOFLAG.....Controls whether FLAGVER is applied to tables or not.
= 0 => apply FLAGVER (if > 0). If 1 => do not flag SY
tables, =2 => do not flag SN tables, =3 => do NOT flag
SN or SY tables.
INVERS.....Input version number of the SY table which was applied to
the data and is to be unapplied. 0 => none
If input file is in correlation coefficient form, it is
an error to set INVERS > 0.
IN2VERS....Input version number of the SY table that is to be
applied after INVERS is undone. 0 => none
If the data are not in correlation coefficient form on
input or after INVERS is undone, then it is an error to
set IN2VERS > 0.
If INVERS <= 0 and IN2VERS <= 0, then the program will
set IN2VERS to max SY version if the data are correlation
coefficients and INVERS to max SY version if the data are
in visibility form, leaving the other at 0.
OUTNAME....Output UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
OUTCLASS...Output UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
OUTSEQ.....Output UV file name (seq #). 0 => highest unique
OUTDISK....Output UV file disk unit. 0 => highest w space.
OPTYPE.....'PGN' use the SY table post-gain only to adjust gains
The following are a bad idea for reasons given above:
In the case of the above three OPTYPEs, DOWEIGHT is set
to -1. Any other value of OPTYPE does the normal
operations with Pdif and Psum from the SY table and will
write a new data set with weights controlled by the
user-chose value of DOWEIGHT.
REWEIGHT...Scale the visibilites by REWEIGHT(1) and the weights by
REWEIGHT(2). This option is allowed for now on SY tables
only since the correct scaling is uncertain. 0 -> 1
DOWEIGHT...>= 0 => compute weights from SY values, < 0 do not change
input weights. NOTE the non-standard use of the logical
in which 0 is true.
CUTOFF.....<= 0 => data for which there is not a valid SY table
value are flagged.
> 0 => The SY table is examined in advance. If the
fraction of valid SY table entries for a
particular polarization, IF, and antenna is less
than CUTOFF, the gain and weight factors for that
antenna, IF, and polarization will be taken to be
the average of those parameters for the antennas
that are not "skipped". The data are not flagged.
FQCENTER,..> 0 => Change frequency axis reference pixel to
Nchan / 2 + 1
else => do not change reference pixel
CALIN......The name of a text file to provide antenna efficiencies
as a function of antenna, frequency, and polarization.
By default, the system file is called:
If it is missing, a small table which is antenna and
polarization independent is used instead.
BADDISK....The disk numbers to avoid for scratch files (sorting
tables mostly).
SYSOL: Task to apply system temperature corrections to EVLA
observations Which include the Sun.
Related programs: BDF2AIPS, TYSMO, TYAPL
Since the Sun is much brighter than other radio sources EVLA antennae
must be equipped with special high-temperature noise sources in order
to calibrate solar data. For most bands these solar calibration
sources are only available on a few antennae.
The SY table should be inspected for bad values before running SYSOL.
Valid values of Pdif, Psum, and Pgain must appear for all antennae.
If you run UVCOP on the data set to apply the on-line flags, the SY
table will also be flagged. This helps in getting rid of bad SY
values. EDITA my be used to flag UV data for bad SY table values and
SNEDT may be used to edit/modify SY values. TYSMO may be used to clip
and smooth SY tables. TYCOP may be used to replace IFs (spectral
windows) which have been rendered useless by RFI.
The SY table contains a column which informs AIPS whether the values
in a row were obtain with normal Tcal values or with Solar Tcal
values. SYSOL does the normal TYAPL operation on all non-Solar data.
For Solar data, the gain and weight factors are computed for each
antenna having a Solar Tcal and the average is then used for each
antenna not so equipped.