AIPS HELP file for VLBAIT in 31DEC25
As of Mon Dec 9 13:17:38 2024
VLBAIT: Procedure for reading and processing VLBA data
DOTKPL If = 0 will send plots to
printer via LWPLA
If = 1 will use TEK window
DOZAP If = 1 will zap the SPLIT
and AVSPC files after VPLOT
has been run.
VLBSOU Source to process, must be
===== VLBA FITS FILE ======
NOREAD If > 0 will read not read
the fits file
DATAIN Disc file name
OUTNAME File name (name)
OUTCLASS File name (class)
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 File name (seq. #)
0 => highest unique number
-1 => FITS tape value
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive # (0 => any)
===== CL GENERATION =======
GENCL If > 1 then will generate
a CL table
===== Plot raw data =====
PLOTRAW If > 0 will plot the raw
amplitudes & phases
===== Plot TP spectra =====
PLOTTP If > 1 will plot total power
===== Do fringe fitting ===
DOFRNG If > 1 will do fringe-fitting
FRNGANT Reference antenna for fitting
FRINGINT Solution interval for fitting
(minutes) 0 => 15
DOPRINT If > 1 will print solutions
LSQOFF If = 1 will only do FFT
===== Plot solutions =======
PLOTSOL If > 1 will plot delay/rate
ANTPLOT Antennas to plot, 0 => all
=== Plot calibrated data ===
PLOTCAL If = 1 will plot the
calibrated amplitudes only.
If = 2 will plot the
calibrated phases only.
If = 3 will plot the
calibrated amplitudes &
If = 0 will plot nothing
If CHAN1 and CHAN2 are
different, then data will be
averaged across given channel
range before plotting.
CHAN1 0.0 4096.0 Lowest channel number 0=>all
CHAN2 0.0 4096.0 Highest channel number 0=>all
If BBC1 and BBC2 are different,
then data will be averaged
across given IF range before
BBC1 0.0 100.0 Lowest IF number 0=>all
BBC2 0.0 100.0 Highest IF number 0=>all
TSCALE Start and stop time to plot
(fractions of a day), 0 =>
plot all
ASCALE Min and max values of amp to
plot, 0 => self-scale
PSCALE Min and max values of phs to
plot, 0 => self-scale
===== GENERAL ===============
BADDISK 0.0 9.0 Disks to avoid.
Procedure: This procedure will read a VLBA FITS file, plot
total power spectra, do basic fringe-fitting, plot
the delays and rates, calibrate the data and then plot
the resultant amplitudes and phases. After plotting it
will delete the PL extension files.
To define the procedure type:
this only needs to be done once.
The user can them examine the inputs to the VLBA
procedure by typing:
To run the procedure type:
DOTKPL......If = 0 will send the plots generated to a laser
printer using the task LWPLA. If set to 1 will
use the TEK emulator to display the plots, this will
mean that the user has to hit RETURN after each
plot because DOWAIT is true.
DOZAP.......During the running of the procedure some
intermediate files are generated, if DOZAP = 1 these
will be deleted when the procedure ends.
VLBSOU......The source to be processed, this must be specified.
===== VLBA FITS FILE ======
NOREAD......If > 0 will not read the FITS input file, useful
for running parts of the procedure without having
to do all steps.
DATAIN......48-character name of the disk file from which to
read a FITS file. It must be in the form
where is the remote computer name,
is the environment variable (logical
name) for the disk area in which the file named
is stored. is usually omitted
when the file is local to the current computer.
OUTNAME.....The output filename (name). Standard behavior
with default = the portion of the DATAIN string
after the ':' and before any '.' with a maximum of
12 characters.
OUTCLASS....The output filename (class). Default = 'RAW'
OUTSEQ......The output filename (seq #). 0 => Find the
lowest number which produces a unique mapname.
-1 => use the sequence number on the tape (if
any - works only on tapes written by FITTP).
OUTDISK.....Disk drive # (0 => highest with space)
===== CL GENERATION =======
GENCL.......If GENCL > 1 then a new default CL table will be
generated. At the current time (Apr 5 1993) the
VLBA FITS files do not carry the CL table - they
will soon.
===== Plot raw data =====
PLOTRAW.....If PLOTRAW > 0 then the raw amplitudes and phases
will be plotted. Use CHAN1, CHAN2, BBC1, BBC2 to
select data combined for each baseline. Phases
are plotted on a fixed +/- 180-degree Y-axis.
There will be 5 plots/page.
===== Plot TP spectra =====
PLOTTP......If PLOTTP > 1 then the total power spectra from
each antenna will be plotted. All spectral
channels and BBC's will be on the same plot.
There will be 2 plots/page.
===== Do fringe fitting ===
DOFRNG......If DOFRNG > 1 then the data will be fringe-fitted.
FRING will be run in a mode in which the delays
and rates are determined independently for each
FRNGANT.....Reference antenna for fitting
FRINGINT....Solution interval for fitting (minutes) 0 => 15 min
DOPRINT.....If > 1 will print delay/rate solutions.
LSQOFF......If = 1 will only do FFT search, i.e. will switch off
the least-squares portion.
===== Plot solutions =======
PLOTSOL.....If PLOTSOL > 1 then the delay/rate solutions will be
plotted for each antenna listed in ANTPLOT. The
delays/rates for all BBC's will be plotted in one
plot, with one antenna/page.
ANTPLOT.....Antennas to plot, 0 => all. If there is an antenna
with no solutions SNPLT will die, there is no easy
way to trap this in a POPS procedure so the user
must specify the antennas he/she knows are there.
=== Plot calibrated data ===
PLOTCAL.....If PLOTCAL > 0 then the calibrated amplitudes
and/or phases will be plotted.
If = 1 will plot the calibrated amplitudes only.
If = 2 will plot the calibrated phases only.
If = 3 will plot the calibrated amplitudes &
If = 0 will plot nothing.
There will be 5 plots/page.
Channel selection:
If CHAN1 and CHAN2 are different, then data will be
averaged across given channelrange before plotting.
CHAN1.......Lowest channel number 0=>1
CHAN2.......Highest channel number 0=>all
If BBC1 and BBC2 are different,then data will be
averaged across given IF range before plotting.
BBC1........Lowest IF number 0=>1
BBC2........Highest IF number 0=>all
TSCALE......The start and end times to plot, in fractions of
a day. 0 => plot all times.
ASCALE......The minimum and maximum amplitude to plot. 0 =>
PSCALE......The minimum and maximum phase (degrees) to plot.
0 => self-scale.
===== GENERAL ===============
BADDISK.....Disks to avoid.