As of Sat Feb 8 5:32:16 2025

PEELR: RUN PEELR for proc to calibrate interfering sources


INNAME                             Input UV file name (name)
INCLASS                            Input UV file name (class)
INSEQ             0.0     9999.0   Input UV file name (seq. #)
INDISK            0.0        9.0   Input UV file disk unit #
IN2NAME                            Input image name (name)
IN2CLASS                           Input image name (class)
IN2SEQ            0.0     9999.0   Input image name (seq. #)
IN2DISK           0.0        9.0   Input image disk unit #
OUTNAME                            Output UV file name (name)
OUTCLASS                           Output UV file name (class)
OUTSEQ           -1.0     9999.0   Output UV file name (seq. #)
OUTDISK           0.0        9.0   Output UV file disk unit #.
NFIELD            1.0     4096.0   Number facets in IN2NAME
NGAUSS            1.0       10.0   Number resolutions in IN2NAME
PPARM             0.0              List of <= 100 facets to peel
BCHAN             0.0    16384.0   Lowest channel number 0=>all
ECHAN             0.0    16384.0   Highest channel number
SOLINT                             CALIB solution interval (min)
SOLTYPE                            Soln type,'  ','L1','GCON',
                                      'R', 'L1R', 'GCOR'
SOLMODE                            'P' phase only, else 'A&P'
WEIGHTIT          0.0        3.0   Modify data weights function
APARM                              General CALIB parameters
                                      1=min. no. antennas
                                      2 > 0 => data divided
                                      3 > 0 => avg. RR,LL
                                      5 > 0 => avg. IFs.
                                      6=print level, 1=good,
                                        2 closure, 3 SNR
                                      7=SNR cutoff (0=>2)
                                      8=max. ant. # (no AN)
                                      9 >= 0 => pass failed soln
                                     (7, 9 differ from CALIB)
CPARM                              CALIB Phase-amp. parameters
                                      1 = Min el for gain
                                           normalization (deg)
                                      2 >0 => normalize gain
                                      3 avg. amp. closure err
                                      4 avg. ph. closure err
                                      5 >0 => scalar average
                                      6 limit clipping in robust
BADDISK                            Disk #'s to avoid


Proc:  This procedure begins by subtracting the CC model found in
       NMAPS = NFIELD*NGAUSS images beginning with IN2NAME from the UV
       data in INNAME making temporary UV file PEELUS.  Then for each
       facet number (1-NFIELD) listed in PPARM it:
           1. Copies facets PPARM(i), PPARM(i)+NFIELD, etc to
              PPARM(i) + (NGAUSS-1)*NFIELD to image set PEE00n
           2. Adds the CC model in PEE00n back to PEELUS making
           3. Runs CALIB (A&P) on PEELW0 with model PEE00n making
              PEELW1.  Adverbs SOLINT, SOLTYP, SOLMODE, APARM, and
              CPARM are active and MINAMPER and MINPHSER are set to
          ( 4. Optionally runs IMAGR on PEELW1. - not available )
           5. Subtracts PEE00n model from PEELW1 making PEELW2.
           6. Inverts SN table from PEELW0 (step 3) placing it in file
           7. Runs SPLIT on PEELW2 with inverted gain table making a
              new PEELUS.
       Finally, it adds the model in IN2NAME back TO the final PEELUS
       making OUTNAME.  All the time it deletes those files that are
       no longer needed.

       Some cautions:
       (1) CALIB can delete data because of failed solutions which can
       cause your data set to shrink steadily.  Be sure to pass data
       at failed solutions and to allow fairly low SNRs - these
       considerations cause PEELR's defaults to differ from CALIB's.
       (2) CALIB can get quite strange solutions.  Be sure to check
       its solutions closely with APARM(6) set to examine SNRs and
       even solutions.  SNPLT may also be useful in deciding whether
       it has doen something sensible.
       (3) If you get bad A&P solutions, you might consider try
       phase-only solutions first.

       You must first compile the procedure via
            RUN PEELR
       Then you may execute it by simply entering the word PEELR.
       The procedure will be remembered in the lASTEXIT SAVE/GET file
       and so does not need to be re-RUN.

       The procedure makes lots of intermediate UV files which it
       deletes as soonas possible while it runs.  This means that
       certain names may not occur on your data disks.  These are
             name         class        seq numbers
             ------       ------      ---------------
             OUTNAME      PEELUS      <GETPOPSN> (the aips number)
             OUTNAME      PEE001      <GETPOPSN> (the aips number)
             OUTNAME      PEELW0      <GETPOPSN> (the aips number)
             OUTNAME      PEELW1      <GETPOPSN> (the aips number)
             OUTNAME      PEELW2      <GETPOPSN> (the aips number)
             OUTNAME      OUTCLASS    OUTSEQ
       If there is more than one resolution, the image classes PEE002
       etc will also be used.  The procedure will check for these
       names and quit if any of them are present at the start of the
  INNAME.....Input UV file name (name).      Standard defaults.
  INCLASS....Input UV file name (class).     Standard defaults.
  INSEQ......Input UV file name (seq. #).    0 => highest.
  INDISK.....Disk drive # of input UV file.  0 => any.
  IN2NAME....Input Clean image name (name).      Standard defaults.
  IN2CLASS...Input Clean image name (class).     Standard defaults.
  IN2SEQ.....Input Clean image name (seq. #).    0 => highest.
  IN2DISK....Disk drive # of Clean image file.   0 => any.
  OUTNAME....Output UV file name (name).     Standard defaults.
  OUTCLASS...Output UV file name (class).    Standard defaults.
  OUTSEQ.....Output UV file name (seq. #).   0 => highest unique
  OUTDISK....Disk drive # of output UV file. 0 => INDISK
  NFIELD.....Number of facets per resolution size.  No default
  NGAUSS.....Number of resolutions.  0 -> 1
  PPARM......List of facet numbers to "peel".  No default
             Up to 100 facets may be listed.  (Remember the ~ verb
             that allows multiple values to be stored starting at any
             address; e.g. PPARM(11) ~ 87, 99, 123, 49 sets PPARM of
             11 through 14 only.)
Parameters used for CALIB
  BCHAN......First channel to use. 0=>all.
  ECHAN......Highest channel to use. 0=>all higher than BCHAN
             Channels BCHAN through ECHAN are averaged to find a
             single continuum value for determining the gains.
             Note used in the SPLIT step.
  SOLINT.....Solution interval in minutes for CALIB step. 0 -> 1/6
  SOLTYPE....Solution type:
               '    ' => normal least squares,
               'R   ' => as ' ' with robust iteration
               'L1  ' => L1 solution; a weighted sum of the moduli
                         of the residuals is minimized.
			 The computed gain solutions are less
			 influenced by wild data points, but there
			 is some loss of statistical efficiency.
	      		 See [F.R. Schwab, VLA scientific Memo #136]
			 for further details.
               'L1R ' => as 'L1' with robust iteration
               'GCON' => least squares which may include gain
               'GCOR' => as 'GCON' with robust iteration
             The robust versions iterate the solution, discarding data
             that does not fit the current solution well enough.  They
             should be less disturbed by bad data, but will be
  SOLMODE....'P' => phase only solutions.  Anything else => 'A&P' for
             amplitude and phase.
  WEIGHTIT...If > 0, change the data weights by a function of the
             weights just before doing the solution.  Choices are:
             0 - no change   weighting by 1/sigma**2
             1 - sqrt (wt)   weighting by 1/sigma may be more stable
             2 - (wt)**0.25
             3 - change all weights to 1.0
  APARM......CALIB: general control parameters not used in the SPLIT
  APARM(1)...Minimum number of antennas allowed for a solution.
             0 => max (3, min (6, Numant/2))
  APARM(2)...If > 0 then the input data has already been
             divided by a model; only solutions will be
  APARM(3)...If > 0 then average RR, LL
  APARM(5)...If > 0 then make a combined solution for the IFs;
             if <= 0 then make separate solutions.
  APARM(6)...Print flag, 0=none, 1=time, closure error statistics,
             2=individual closure failures, 3=some additional info
             including the antenna signal to noise ratio, 4=solutions,
             5=data too.  MINAMPER and MINPHSER are both set to 10.
  APARM(7)...The minimum allowed signal-to-noise ratio.
             0 => 2 (in PEELR, a different default than CALIB itself)
  APARM(8)...If there is no antenna (AN) table with the input
             file then the maximum antenna number in the file
             should be entered in APARM(8).
  APARM(9)...When solutions fail or there is insufficient data
             and APARM(9) >= 0 then (1,0) is written to the SN
             table.  This will preserve the previous calibration
             but this option should be used with extreme care.
             Note that CALIB passes solutions only if APARM(9)>0,
             PEELR changes APARM(9)=0 to 1.
  CPARM......CALIB phase-amplitude parameters.
  CPARM(1)...Minimum elevation in degrees for the solutions used to
             constrain the mean gain modulus.
  CPARM(2)...If > 0, constrain the mean gain modulus of the calibration
             applied to be unity.  This is mostly used in self
  CPARM(3)...If > 0, the values of any amplitude closure errors whose
             average absolute percentage value exceeds CPARM(3) will be
             printed if APARM(6) > 0.
  CPARM(4)...If > 0, the values of any phase closure errors whose
             average absolute value exceeds CPARM(4) degrees will be
             printed if APARM(6) > 0..
  CPARM(5)...If > 0 then the amplitudes will be scalar averaged
             before determining the solutions.
  CPARM(6)...The robust solution method discards data more than
                    f(iter) * rms(iter)
             from the current solution to find the iter+1 solution
             f(iter) = max (g(iter), CPARM(6)) and
             g = 7.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.8, 2.6, 2.4, 2.2, 2.5.
             Thus CPARM(6) can be used to limit the discarding to less
             restrictive values.
  BADDISK....Disk #'s to avoid for scratch files