AIPS HELP file for SOLINT in 31DEC24
As of Thu Sep 12 12:27:32 2024
Type: Adverb (scalar)
Use: This adverb specifies the time interval to use in determining
calibration parameters or to average before plotting in minutes.
Null value:
0 => often scan average but depends on task.
CRSFRING......Procedure to calibrate cross pol. delay and phase
IMFRING.......Large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING.
IMSCAL........Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.
OOCAL.........Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-dependent
OOFRING.......Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral
index options.
PEELR.........Calibrates interfering sources in multi-facet imges.
VLBACPOL......Procedure to calibrate cross-polarization delays.
VLBACRPL......Plots crosscorrelations.
VLBAFRGP......Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration.
VLBAFRNG......Fringe fit data and apply calibration.
VLBAKRGP......Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration.
VLBAKRNG......Fringe fit data and apply calibration.
VLBARUN.......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA
ACCOR.........Corrects cross amplitudes using auto correlation
ACFIT.........Determine antenna gains from autocorrelations.
ACSCL.........Corrects cross amplitudes using auto correlation
ALVAR.........Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set.
SOLINT is the basic integration time of the data in sec.
ALVPR.........Prints statistics on the Allan Variance of a UV data set.
SOLINT is the basic integration time of the data in sec.
ANBPL.........Plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based
values. SOLINT is the data averaging interval.
APCAL.........Apply TY and GC tables to generate an SN table.
ATMCA.........Determines delay/phase gradient from calibrator
BLAVG.........Average cross-polarized UV data over baselines.
SOLINT is the pre-averaging interval.
BLCAL.........Compute closure offset corrections.
BLING.........Find residual rate and delay on individual baselines.
BPASS.........Computes spectral bandpass correction table.
CALIB.........Determines antenna calibration: complex gain.
CAPLT.........Plots closure amplitude and model from CC file.
CLOSE.........Plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over
CLPLT.........Plots closure phase and model from CC file.
CPASS.........Computes polynomial spectral bandpass correction table.
DEFLG.........Edits data based on decorrelation over channels and time.
SOLINT is the averaging time in seconds to compare
vector and scalar averages.
DIFUV.........Outputs the difference of two matching input uv data
sets. SOLINT is the maximum time difference to compare
data values.
EDITA.........Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on TY/SY/SN/CL
tables. Times within SOLINT are treated as equal.
EDITR.........Interactive baseline-oriented visibility editor using the
TV. Times within SOLINT are treated as equal.
EVACL.........Evaluates statistics in closure phase and amplitude.
EVAUV.........Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does
statistics on results SOLINT is used in the phase and
amplitude closure statistic computation.
FGSPW.........Flags bad spectral windows.
FINDR.........Find normal values for a uv data set. SOLINT is the
interval over which the rms is determined.
FIXWT.........Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data.
SOLINT is the interval over which the rms is determined.
FLAGR.........Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights.
SOLINT is the interval over which the rms is determined.
FLGIT.........Flags data based on the rms of the spectrum.
SOLINT is the interval over which the rms is determined.
FRCAL.........Faraday rotation self calibration task.
FRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration, delay,
FRPLT.........Task to plot fringe rate spectra. SOLINT is the
interval for each plot; 0 -> all times.
KRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration, delay,
LPCAL.........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.
OMFIT.........Fits sources and, optionally, a self-cal model to uv
PCAL..........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.
PCAVG.........Averages pulse-cal (PC) tables over time.
PCFIT.........Finds delays and phases using a pulse-cal (PC) table.
PLOTC.........Plots color schems used by 3-color plot tasks.
POSSM.........Task to plot total and cross-power spectra.
RFI...........Look for RFI in uv data. SOLINT is the time interval
over which the rms is determined in seconds.
RIRMS.........Computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv
data set
RLCAL.........Determines instrumental right-left phase versus time (a
RLDLY.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna R-L delay
SCIMG.........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
SCMAP.........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
SNEDT.........Interactive SN/CL/TY/SY table editor using the TV.
Times within SOLINT are treated as equal.
SNIFS.........Plots selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files by
SPCAL.........Determines instrumental polzn. for spec. line UV data.
SPLAT.........Applies calibration and splits or assemble selected
SPRMS.........Plots spectral statistics of a selected subset of a uv
data set.
TBAVG.........Time averages data combining all baselines.
UVMLN.........Edits data based on the rms of the spectrum.
UVPLT.........Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways.
UVRMS.........Computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data
VBRFI.........Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data
for RFI.
VPLOT.........Plots uv data and model from CC file.