As of Wed Oct 23 4:51:12 2024

TEPLT: Plots selected contents of a TECOR parameter table


INNAME                             UV data (name).
INCLASS                            UV data (class).
INSEQ             0.0    9999.0    UV data (seq. #).  0 => high
INDISK            0.0       9.0    Disk unit #.  0 => any
INVERS                             Input table file version no.
IN2VERS                            Second table for 'DIFF'
SOURCES                            Source list
QUAL            -10.0              Source qualifier -1=>all
TIMERANG                           Time range to plot
ANTENNAS                           Antennas to plot 0=>all
PIXRANGE                           Range to plot: 0 => self
                                   scale each antenna separately
NPLOTS            0.0      28.0    Number of plots per page
XINC              0.0     5000.0   Plot every XINC'th point
OPTYPE                             Data to be plotted on Y axis
                                   'TIME', 'HA', 'AZ', 'ZA',
                                   'AZIO', 'ZAIO', 'DLON',
                                   'DLAT', 'BX', 'BY', 'BZ',
                                   'STEC', 'MAG', 'TEC','IFR',
                                   'DISP', 'MULT', 'DIFF'
OPCODE                             Data to be plotted on X axis
                                      same choices as above but
                                      not MULT or DIFF
APARM                              MULT only: types to plot on Y
BPARM                              MULT only: corresponding
                                      minimum for each plot
CPARM                              MULT only: corresponding
                                      maximum for each plot
DO3COLOR         -1.0        2.0   > 0 use 3-color symbols for
SYMBOL          0.0        24.0    Plot symbol number: 1 - 24
FACTOR        -10.0        10.0    Scale plot symbols by FACTOR
                                   <0 => connect points too
DOSCAN         -1.0         2.0    = 1 -> plot full boundaries
                                   = 2 -> plot ticks at scans
LTYPE        -410.0       410.0    Type of labeling: 1 border,
                                   2 no ticks, 3 - 6 standard,
                                   7 - 10 only tick labels
                                   <0 -> no date/time
DOTV           -1.0         1.0    > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
                                   make a plot file
GRCHAN          0.0        88.0    Main graphics channel
                                      + 10 * label graphics chan
XYRATIO         0.0                X/Y ratio 0 -> fit TV or 1 PL


Type:  Task
Use:   Plots selected parameters versus time from a specified TE
       (TECOR, ALBUS) table.

  INNAME.....UV file name (name).       Standard defaults.
  INCLASS....UV file name (class).      Standard defaults.
  INSEQ......UV file name (seq. #).     0 => highest.
  INDISK.....Disk unit #.               0 => any.
  INVERS.....Version number of table to plot, 0=>highest no.
  SOURCES....Source list.  '*' = all; a "-" before a source name means
             all except ANY source named.
  QUAL.......Only sources with a source qualifier number in the SU table
             matching QUAL will be used if QUAL is not -1.
  TIMERANG...Time range of the data to be plotted. In order: Start day,
             hour, min. sec, end day, hour, min. sec. Days relative to
             reference date.  If a start and stop time are given and
             the XAXIS is 1 (time), then all plots will be from the
             given start time to the given stop time.  Otherwise, the
             X-axis is plotted over the range of X values found in the
             data.  All plots in a given execution will be on the same
             X scale in any case.
  ANTENNAS...A list of the antennas to be plotted. All 0 => all.  If any
             number is negative then all antennas listed are NOT to be
             plotted and all others are.  NOTE: arrays such as the VLA
             and MeerKAT have essentially the same values for all
             antennas.  It is better to select only one.
  PIXRANGE...If PIXR(1) < PIXR(2), all plots will be from PIXR(1) to
             PIXR(2).  Otherwise each plot will be self-scaling.
  NPLOTS.....Number of antennas to plot per page (try >1 for MULT,
             1 otherwise.).
  XINC.......Plot every XINC'th point, 0 => 1.
  OPTYPE.....Data to be plotted on Y axis:
             1.  'TIME' = time in days
             2.  'HA  ' = source hour angle degrees
             3.  'AZ  ' = source azimuth degrees
             4.  'EL  ' = source elevation degrees
             5.  'AZIO' = ionosphere pierce point azimuth degrees
             6.  'ZAIO' = ionosphere pierce point zenith angle degrees
             7.  'DLON' = ionosphere pierce point longitude offset degrees
             8.  'DLAT' = ionosphere pierce point latitude offset degrees
             9.  'BX  ' = Earth magnetic field away from center Gauss
             10. 'BY  ' = Earth magnetic field East Gauss
             11. 'BZ  ' = Earth magnetic field North Gauss
             12. 'STEC' = electrons per meter squared toward source
                          / 10^16  ("slant TEC")
             13. 'MAG ' = Magntic field in source direction Gauss
             14. 'TEC ' = vertical electrons per meter squared / 10^16
             15. 'IFR ' = Ionospheric Faraday rotation rad/m/m
             16. 'DISP' = Dispersive delay seconds/m/m
             '    ' => 'IFR'
             'MULT' => plot multiple types as listed in APARM using the
                       type numbers given above.
             'DIFF' => like MULT but plot the values from INVERS minus
                       the correspnding values in IN2VERS (the 2
                       tables must match in detail)
  OPCODE.....Type of X axis plot - same codes as above except MULT
             '    ' => 'TIME'
  APARM......OPTYPE = 'MULT' only: Up to 10 types to be plotted.  They
             are identified by the numbers given in the OPTYPE
  BPARM......Corresponding minima of each plotted type.
             Dispersive delay has units nano sec here.
  CPARM......Corresponding maxima of each plotted type. 0's =>
  DO3COLOR...<= 0 => use line type 4 for all points plotted.
             > 0 =>  tells TEPLT to separate the plotted points
                 with color representing source.  The list of source
                 numbers actually occurring in the table, time range,
                 source list, et al. is translated into consecutive
                 integers (in the same order) and then assigned red
                 through dark blue.  Thus source numbers 1,2,5,10
                 become red, yellow, cyan, and blue, resp. no matter
                 what order they appear in the table.
  SYMBOL.....Choices are
              1: Plus sign           13: Star of David
              2: Cross (X)           14: Seven-pointed star
              3: Circle              15: Eight-pointed star
              4: Box                 16: Nine-pointed star
              5: Triangle            17: Ten-pointed star
              6: Diamond             18: 11-pointed star
              7: Pentagon            19: 12-pointed star
              8: Hexagon             20: 13-pointed star
              9: Septagon            21: 14-pointed star
              10: Octagon            22: Plus (+) with gap
              11: Nine-gon           23: Cross (X) with gap
              12: Five pointed star  24: Vertical line
  FACTOR.....Scale plot symbols by FACTOR     0 -> 1.
             If FACTOR < 0, draw lines between the points and use
             abs(FACTOR) to scale the points plotted.
  DOSCAN.....> 0 => plot scan boundaries when there is an NX table and
             the X axis is time.  The boundary is a tick mark when
             DOSCAN=2 and a full line when DOSCAN=1.
             <= 0 -> do not plot boundaries.
  LTYPE......Labelling type, see HELP LTYPE for details:
             1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 =
             relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage
             (BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels.  7-10 all labels
             other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted.
             Less than 0 is the same except that the plot file
             version number and create time are omitted.
             Add n * 100 to alter the metric scaling.
  DOTV.......> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise make a
             plot file for later display on one or more devices
             (including the TV if desired).
  GRCHAN.....Graphics channel (1 - 7) to use for line drawing.
             A value of 0 causes more than one graphics channel to be
             used.  To specify a channel to be used for plot labels
             add 10 * that graphics channel number.  If the label
             channel is zero, it is set to GRCHAN.  Use this to make
             labels 1 color and plot multiple plots on top of each
             other using different GRCHANs.  Note if one of the
             GRCHAN (lower digits) is to equal the label channel,
             then that must be the last of the overplots since the
             graphics channel is cleared before making the labels.
             Do not use the label channel if you plan to use TVCPS
             and specify the label channel there as well.  Note
             that channels 5, 6, and 7 are usable for labels and
             are not useful for overplotting.
  XYRATIO....Scale the X axis longer than the Y by XYRATIO.
                If DOTV >  0, 0 -> fit to the TV window
                If DOTV <= 0, 0 -> 1.


TEPLT: Plots selected contents of the TE table, the TECOR parameters

The TE table contains 15 columns

1. TIME, double precision in days
2. SOURCE, integer source number
3. ANTENNA, integer antenna number
4. HOUR ANGLE, real hour angle of source in degrees
5. AZIMUTH, real azimuth of source in degrees
6. ELEVATION, real elevation of source in degrees
7  AZION, real azimuth of ionosphere pierce point in degrees
8. ZAION, real zenith angle of ionosphere pierce point in degrees
9. DLON, real offset in longitude of ionosphere pierce point in degrees
10. DLAT, real offset in latitude of ionosphere pierce point in degrees
11. BFIELD, real x,y,z coordinates of B field at pierce point in Gauss
12. TEPATH, total electron content in direction of source in 10^16
    electrons per square meter
13. PROJECTED B, the magnetic field projected in direction of source
    in Gauss
14. TOTAL TEC, real total electron content on a vertical in 10^16
    electrons per square meter
15. IFR, real ionospheric rotation measure in radians per meter squared

               TEPATH = TEC / COS (ZAION)
               MAG = -1.0 * (B(1) * COS (ZAION)
     *                     + B(2) * SIN (ZAION) * SIN (AZION)
     *                     + B(3) * SIN (ZAION) * COS (AZION))
               IFR = 2.6E-17 * MAG * TEPATH