As of Fri Jul 26 22:28:47 2024

SNRMS: print selected contents of an SN, SY, TY, PC, or CL file


INNAME                             UV data (name).
INCLASS                            UV data (class).
INSEQ             0.0    9999.0    UV data (seq. #).  0 => high
INDISK            0.0       9.0    Disk unit #.  0 => any
INEXT                              Input 'SN','SY','TY','PC',
                                      or 'CL'
INVERS                             Input table file version no.
SOURCES                            Source list
QUAL            -10.0              Source qualifier -1=>all
TIMERANG                           Time range to print
STOKES                             Stokes type to print: R, L,
                                      RR, LL, RRLL, DIFF, RATO
                                      V, H, VV, HH, VVHH
SELBAND                            Bandwidth to print (kHz)
SELFREQ                            Frequency to print (MHz)
FREQID                             Freq. ID to print, -1=>all
SUBARRAY         -1.0              Limit to subarray; 0 -> 1
                                      -1 -> all
BIF               0.0      100.0   First IF to print, 0=>1.
EIF               0.0      100.0   Last IF to print 0 -> highest
ANTENNAS                           Antennas to print 0=>all
OPTYPE                             Data to be printed:
                                   'PHAS','AMP ','DELA','RATE',
                                   'TSYS','SUM ','DOPL','SNR ',
                                   'MDEL','TANT','ATM ','GEO ',
                                   'IFR ','PDIF','PSUM','PGN ',
                                   'PON ','POFF','PSYS','PDGN',
                                   'RDLY', ' '=phase
REFANT                             New reference antenna for
                                   'RPHS', 'RDLY'
BCOUNT                             If INEXT ='PC' and OPTYPE =
                                   'AMP' or 'PHAS, BCOUNT
                                   specifies the phase cal tone
                                   number to be printed. 0->1.
CUTOFF                             Table weights <= CUTOFF will
                                   not be printed, flagged data
                                   are not printed.
DOCRT            -10.0     150.0    > 0 -> use the terminal,
                                   else use the line printer
                                   > 72 => terminal width
                                   > 132 => TeX format
                                   < -3  => TeX format
                                   Printer disk file to save


Type:  Task
Use:   Prints max, min, mean, rms, median, mad scaled to an rms,
       number blanks, and antenna of selected calibration data from a
       specified SN, SY, TY, PC or CL table.

  INNAME.....UV file name (name).       Standard defaults.
  INCLASS....UV file name (class).      Standard defaults.
  INSEQ......UV file name (seq. #).     0 => highest.
  INDISK.....Disk unit #.               0 => any.
  INEXT......'SN','TY, 'PC', 'SY', or 'CL' table to be examined
  INVERS.....Version number of table to print, 0=>highest no.
  SOURCES....Source list.  '*' = all; a "-" before a source name means
             all except ANY source named.
  QUAL.......Only sources with a source qualifier number in the SU table
             matching QUAL will be used if QUAL is not -1.
  TIMERANG...Time range of the data to be printed. In order: Start day,
             hour, min. sec, end day, hour, min. sec. Days relative to
             reference date.  If a start and stop time are given and
             the XAXIS is 1 (time), then all prints will be from the
             given start time to the given stop time.  Otherwise, the
             X-axis is printed over the range of X values found in the
             data.  All prints in a given execution will be on the same
             X scale in any case.
  STOKES.....The desired Stokes type of the displayed data:
             'R' = RCP, 'L' = LCP, 'RL' or 'RRLL' both RCP and LCP
             'V' = VLP, 'H' = HLP, 'VH' or 'VVHH' both VLP and HLP
             'DIFF' = vector difference between RCP and LCP or between
                 VLP and HLP.  Thus, if OPTYPE='AMP', the result will
                 not be zero even when both polarizations have the
                 same amplitude if the phases differ.
             'RATO' = ratio between RCP and LCP or VLP and HLP - done
                 for amplitudes, system and antenna temperatures, and
                 SNRs only.
  SELBAND....Bandwidth of data to be selected.  If more than one IF is
             present SELBAND is the width of the first IF required.
             Units = kHz.
  SELFREQ....Frequency of data to be selected. If more than one IF is
             present SELFREQ is the frequency of the first IF required.
             Units = MHz.
  FREQID.....Frequency identifier to select (you may determine which is
             applicable from the OPTYPE='SCAN' listing produced by
             LISTR).  If either SELBAND or SELFREQ are set, their values
             overide that of FREQID.  However, setting SELBAND and
             SELFREQ may result in an ambiguity.  In that case, the task
             will request that you use FREQID.  -1 => all, 0 => first
  SUBARRAY...Limit display to specific subarray.  -1 -> all, 0 -> 1.
  BIF........First IF IF to print
  EIF........Last IF to print.
             If OPCODE = 'IFDF'/'IFRA' will print difference/ratio of
             specified quantity between BIF and EIF.
  ANTENNAS...A list of the antennas to be printed. All 0 => all.  If any
             number is negative then all antennas listed are NOT to be
             printed and all others are.
  OPTYPE.....Data to be printed:
             1.  'PHAS' = phase,
             2.  'AMP ' = amplitude,
             3.  'DELA' = singleband delay (SN & CL)
             4.  'RATE' = rate (SN, CL & PC)
             5.  'TSYS' = sys. temp. (TY)  (for VLA is nominal
             6.  'SUM ' = all ampl. and all phases on a single print.
                          PIXRANGE controls amplitude scaling  and
                          phases are auto scaled.
             7.  'DOPL' = doppler offset (CL)
             8.  'SNR'  = signal/noise (SN & CL)
             9.  'MDEL' = multiband delay (SN & CL)
             10. 'TANT' = ant. temp. (TY)  (for VLA either back- or
                          front-end system temperature)
             11. 'ATM'  = atm. delay (CL)
             12. 'GEO'  = geometric delay (CL)
             13. 'CCAL' = cable cal (PC)
             14. 'DDLY' = dispersive delay (SN & CL)
             15. 'REAL' = real part
             16. 'IMAG' = imag part
             17. 'IFR ' = Ionospheric Faraday rotation (affects pol
                          cal) (SN & CL)
             18. 'PDIF' = EVLA Gb * (Pon - Poff)  (SY)
             19. 'PSUM' = EVLA Gb * (Pon + Poff)  (SY)
             20. 'PGN ' = EVLA post sync-detector gain = Gb   (SY)
             21. 'PON ' = EVLA Pon  (noise tube on) (SY)
             22. 'POFF' = EVLA Poff  (noise tube off) (SY)
                          Note that PON and POFF give numbers smaller
                          than PDIF and PSUM by the factor Gb which
                          is, by default, 512 and usually ranges in
                          the 400's when it has been set.
             23. 'PSYS' = EVLA PSUM/PDIF/2 * Tcal (=Tsys) (SY)
                          uses values from the CD table
             24  'PDGN' = EVLA Pdif / (4096 * Pgain * Pgain)
             25  'PSGN' = EVLA Psum / (4096 * Pgain * Pgain)
             26. 'POWR' = (1/Gain amp)^2
             27. 'PODB' = Log10 (1/Gain amp)^2
             '    ' => 'PHAS'
                 'RPHS' = print phase re-referenced to REFANT
                 'RDLY' = print delay re-referenced to REFANT
               . 'MULT' => print multiple types as listed in APARM
                           using the type numbers given above.
  BCOUNT.....If INEXT ='PC', and OPTYPE = 'AMP' or 'PHAS' then BCOUNT
             specifies the phase cal tone number to be printed. 0 -> 1.
  CUTOFF.....If >= 0, the task will examine the weight column of the
             table and if the weight <= CUTOFF, the task will not print
             that sample.  If = 0, will print all good points; flagged
             data are not printed.  CUTOFF is ignored for TY and PC
             tables and OPTYPEs MDEL, ATM, GEO, and CCAL.
  DOCRT......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
                   else write named OUTPRINT file only.
                   When OUTPRINT is not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
                   page-feed character on page headers and DOCRT=-3
                   suppresses page headers and most other header
                   information.  When OUTPRINT is blank, the line
                   printer will be used. UV PRT now counts the lines
                   to be printed before printing any and asks for
                   permission to continue if the count > 500.
             True  (> 0) use the terminal interactively.  The task will
                   use the actual terminal width as a display limit
                   unless 72 < DOCRT < width.  In that case, the display
                   limit will be DOCRT characters.
             > 132 => write the output as a TeX table input (i.e. with
                   & between columns).
             < -3  => write output as TeX table form
  OUTPRINT...Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
             ' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
             jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
             (jjj= job #, nnn = user #).  When OUTPRINT is not blank,
             multiple outputs are concatenated, and the file is not
             actually printed.