As of Wed Apr 24 17:52:48 2024


Type: Adverb   (Real)
Use:  The number of boxes associated with a verb, task, or procedure.
      It is often associated with CLBOX giving areas in an image. e.g.,
      for Clean.  It is also used as the number of samples (ranges) in
      X, where the histogram is the number of occurences as a function
      of X (e.g. image intensity, visibility amplitude).
Null value:  0
      Null value is usually assigned 1 for areas or some rather larger
      number for histograms.
   DELBOX........Verb to delete boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
   DRAWBOX.......Verb to draw Clean boxes on the display.
   REBOX.........Verb to reset boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
   TVBOX.........Verb to set boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
   BOX2CC........Converts CLBOX in pixels to CCBOX in arc seconds.
   CXIMAGR.......Grid UV data into a complex image, Fourier transform,
   LINIMAGE......Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
   MAPPR.........Simplified access to IMAGR.
   TKNBOXS.......Procedure to set Clean boxes 1 - n with the TK cursor.
   APCLN.........Deconvolves images with CLEAN algorithm.
   APGS..........Deconvolves image with Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm.
   APVC..........Deconvolves images with van Cittert algorithm.
   BSCLN.........Hogbom Clean on beam-switched difference image.
   CCEDT.........Select CC components in BOXes and above mininum flux.
   CHKFC.........Makes images of Clean boxes from Boxfile.
   CXCLN.........Complex Hogbom CLEAN.
   FIXBX.........Converts a BOXFILE to another for input to IMAGR.
   GREYS.........Plots images as contours over multi-level grey.
   HISEQ.........Task to translate image by histogram equalization.
                 NBOXES is the number of output intensity intervals.
   IMAGR.........Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging task.
   IMEAN.........Displays the mean & extrema and plots histogram of an
                 image.  NBOXES gives the number of samples in the
   IMFLT.........Fits and removes a background intensity plane from an
   IMLIN.........Fits and removes continuum emission from cube.  NBOXES
                 is the number of spectral ranges to examine.
   ISPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of region of a cube.  NBOXES
                 is the number of regions over which to find values.
   PCHIS.........Generates a histogram plot file from text input, e.g.
                 from PCRMS.  NBOXES gives the number of samples
                 (ranges) in the histogram.
   PFPL3.........Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does histogram).
                 NBOXES is the number of samples in the histogram.
   QUFIX.........Determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects
                 cal files.
   RFLAG.........Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
                 visibilities.  NBOXES is the number of samples in the
   RIRMS.........Computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv
                 data set.  NBOXES is the number of samples in the
   RSPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube.  NBOXES
                 is the number of regions over which to find values.
   SCIMG.........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
   SCMAP.........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
   SDCLN.........Deconvolves image by Clark and then "SDI" cleaning
   SERCH.........Finds line signals in transposed data cube.  NBOXES
                 is the number of spectral intervals to be searched.
   STEER.........Task which deconvolves the David Steer way.
   UVHGM.........Plots statistics of uv data files as histogram.  NNOXES
                 is the number of samples in the histogram.
   UVRMS.........Computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data
                 set.  NBOXES is the number of samples in the histogram.
   XBASL.........Fits and subtracts nth-order baselines from cube (x
                 axis).  NBOXES is the number of spectral ranges to be