AIPS HELP file for OVERLAP in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 13:15:32 2025
Type: Adverb (scalar)
Use: To specify how overlaps are handled in imaging
Null value: <= 0
Taken to mean do nothing about overlaps.
IMAGR........Fourier transforms and Cleans uv data with wide-field,
interactive TV, and data weighting options.
IMAGR will review each field (if OVERLAP > 0) and see
if any components from it also fall in any other field.
If so, it will restore them there as well. Note that
this is done by brute force convolution since the
components of one field do not fall on the grid points
of another field and is therefore fairly slow.
In addition, if OVERLAP > 1, IMAGR will use a sequence
of Cleaning designed to reduce the instabilities
inherent in Cleaning an object from more than one
field. This functions only if DO3DIMAG > 0 as well.
PDPLT........Plots selected contents of PD tables. OVERLAP > 0
tells the task to plot all antennas on one plot.
SCIMG........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
editing. OVERLAP is used as in IMAGR.
TV2COLOR.....Verb to activate a 2-color pseudo-color display on the
TV. OVERLAP specifies the fractional overlap of the
two colors.
LINIMAGE.....Build image cube from multi-IF data set. OVERLAP is
passed to IMAGR,
TDSTEP3......Time-dependent imaging procedure "step 3"