AIPS HELP file for TV2COLOR in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 6:38:26 2025
TVCOLOR: Verb to activate a 2-color type of TV pseudo-color
OVERLAP 0.0 0.5 Fractional overlap of colors
TVLEVS 0.0 32768.0 Peak intensity at OFM
Instructions will appear on terminal.
Type: Verb
Use: Interactive function to pseudo color the sum of all visible TV
images. There are two methods implemented. The first method
consists of 2 colors as "linear" functions of intensity
increasing away from a central point. The cursor X position
controls the location of the central point and the Y position
changes the "gamma" correction made to the linear coloring
values. High Y values make softer colors, low makes the colors
harsher with a deeper minimum. Hit button A or B to switch the
colors used in a loop through the 6 possibilities. Hit button
C to switch to the second method.
This second method also uses two colors separated by a central
point. The two colors are separated by 1/2 of a turn in hue.
The cursor X position controls the position of the central
point. The cursor Y position controls the color saturation
with higher Y positions producing more saturated colors.
Hit button A to swicth both hues by 1/12 of a turn. Hit
button B to select whether the intensities are constant or
increase away from or toward the central point. Hit button
C to return to the first, pure-color method.
Press button D to exit.
OVERLAP...Fractional overlap of the 2 colors in the first method.
TVLEVS....Specifies the maximum intensity expected for the sum of
all visible, overlapped images. Has always been n x max
in one image (now 2046). < 2046 => 2046.