AIPS HELP file for PRRFI in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 13:01:49 2025
PRRFI: Prints excess spectral statistics from output of VBRFI
ANTENNAS Antennas to include 0=>all
INFILE VBRFI text file
BCOUNT Start number of input text
ECOUNT End number of input text
OUTFILE Logical name of output file
APARM (1) Clip level for Pmean
(2) Clip level for Pmax
(2) Clip level for Rmean
(2) Clip level for Rmax
(2) Clip level for Mmean
(2) Clip level for Mmax
Task: This task reads the output of VBRFI or VLBRF to make a list of
all frequencies exceeding user specified cutoff values. Up to
100 such output files may be concatenated. The output text files
have the name xxdddddddd.txt where xx is the station name and
dddddddd (yyyymmdd) is the date of the observation.
ANTENNAS...A list of the antennas to be included. All 0 => all.
If any number is negative then all antennas listed are NOT
included and all others are.
INFILE.....Text file with detailed RFI report. The task initially
tries to open the file as named. If that fails, then
it appends a BCOUNT to the name and tries again. NOTE: if
ECOUNT > BCOUNT, then this form of naming is required.
BCOUNT.....Multiple files may be read if they are named INFILE with an
integer appended from BCOUNT to ECOUNT. It is a good idea to
have the files be in increasing frequency order, but is not
required (i.e. there is likely to be overlap on occasion).
0 -> 1.
ECOUNT.....Highest file number. < BCOUNT -> BCOUNT.
OUTFILE....Logical name (environment variable) of a directory to hold
the print files.
APARM......(1) Print if Pmean (autocorrlation mean) > APARM(1)
(2) Print if Pmax (autocorrelation max) > APARM(2)
(3) Print if Rmean (AC rms mean) > APARM(3)
(4) Print if Rmax (AC rms max) > APARM(4)
(5) Print if Mmean (rms/mean mean) > APARM(5)
(6) Print if Mmax (rms/mean max) > APARM(6)
The task loops through all data separately for each of
these, so you probably do not want to do many of them.