AIPS HELP file for VPARM in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 18:46:56 2025
Type: Adverb (Real(30))
Use: A general adverb which contains thirty elements to send to a
Null value: Usually 0.
CLCOP.....Copy CL/SN file calibration between polarizations or IFs.
VPARM provides a list of IFs to be replaced by the average.
CUBIT.....Model a galaxy's density and velocity distribution from
full cube. The VPARM are velocity values in km/s for a
rotation curve provided by the user.
DTCHK.....Task to check results of a test using simulated data.
VPARM provides Tsys for the IFs in K.
DTSIM.....Generate fake UV data.
VPARM provides Tsys for the IFs in K.
FIXRL.....Correctes right vs left polarizations for a list of
antennas. VPARM provides the list.
HOLOG.....Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
images. VPARM provides a model to be used rather than
fitting the data.
PBEAM.....Fits the analytic function to the measured values of the
beam. VPARM provides the parameters controlling the
PLOTR.....Basic task to generate a plot file from text input.
VPARM defines which data groups are plotted with
connecting lines and the line type.
QUXTR.....Extracts text files from Q,U cubes for input to TARS.
VPARM defines the RA/Dec pairs to extract.
RFLAG.....Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
visibilities. VPARM provides controls over the plotting.
SPXMD.....Adds images of model objects to image cubes in spectral
TARPL.....Plot input and output text files of the TARS task.
VPARM defines which data groups are plotted with
connecting lines and the line type.
VBCAL.....Scale visibility amplitudes by antenna based constants.
VPARM provides those constants for antennas 61-90.