AIPS HELP file for PLOTR in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:36:57 2025
PLOTR: Task to generate a plot file from text file
USERID -32000.0 32000.0 User ID - ignored
INNAME Image name(name).
INCLASS Image name(class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #. 0=>any
Text file with plot info
DOEBAR -1.0 10.0 > 0 -> INTEXT has an error
data column. > 1 -> plot
error bars on the data points
scaled by DOEBAR-1
APARM Controls over plot
(1,2) X value range
(3,4) Y value range
f(7) [(5)*X + (6)] on x axis
f(10)[(8)*Y + (9)] on x axis
See help
RPARM (1-30) Symbol types (0->24)
VPARM (1-30) Line types (0->..)
FPARM (1-30) Fitting order
DOPLOT -1.0 4.0 > 0 => plot fit results in
quadrant 1 - 4
FACTOR Scale symbol sizes
DOCOLOR > 0 => color column contains
values to use
LTYPE -410.0 410.0 Type of labeling: 1 border,
2 no ticks, 3 standard, 4 rel
to center, 5 rel to subim cen
6 pixels, 7-10 as 3-6 with
only tick labels
<0 -> no date/time
XYRATIO 0.0 XYratio scale plot
DOTV -1.0 1.0 > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
make a plot file
GRCHAN 0.0 88.0 Main graphics channel
+ 10 * label graphics chan
Type: Task
Use: PLOTR will write commands to a plot file for the execution
of a ????? plot for an arbitrary data file. Up to 30 types of
data may be in the input text file, each of which may be plotted
with a selected plot symbol (or omitted). They may be connected
by lines as well and may even be fit with ordinary or orthogonal
USERID......The ID of the owner of the image. Ignored
INNAME......Image name (name). Standard defaults. The plot file
is attached to this AIPS file which is otherwise ignored.
INCLASS.....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk unit #. 0 => any.
INTEXT......Text file containing plot strings and plot data (see
DOEBAR......> 0 => INTEXT has 3rd column = error bars
> 1 => plot these on the data samples, scaled by DOEBAR-1
APARM.......(1,2) X plot range. If APARM(2) <= APARM(1), self scale.
(3,4) Y plot range. If APARM(2) <= APARM(1), self scale.
These are after any scaling, functions in APARM
Scale and apply function to X and Y values:
On x axis plot function in APARM(7) of the value
On y axis plot function in APARM(10) of the value
APARM(5)=0 => 1; APARM(8)=0 => 1
Function types:
0 none (linear)
1 log
2 log10
3 exp
4 ** 2
5 ** 3
6 ** 0.5
7 ** 0.333
8 ** (-1)
9 ** (-0.5)
RPARM.......(1-30) Plot symbol number for data of type 1-30, resp.
You may have both a symbol and a line for each type
0: No symbol plotted for this type
1: Plus sign 13: Star of David
2: Cross (X) 14: Seven-pointed star
3: Circle 15: Eight-pointed star
4: Box 16: Nine-pointed star
5: Triangle 17: Ten-pointed star
6: Diamond 18: 11-pointed star
7: Pentagon 19: 12-pointed star
8: Hexagon 20: 13-pointed star
9: Septagon 21: 14-pointed star
10: Octagon 22: Plus (+) with gap
11: Nine-gon 23: Cross (X) with gap
12: Five pointed star 24: Vertical line
VPARM.......(1-30) Line type number for data of type 1-30, resp.
You may have both a symbol and a line for each type
0: No line plotted for this type
1: connected solid step line
2: connected solid line
3: dashed line, 1 break between points
4: dashed line, 2 breaks between points
5: and so on (VPARM(I)-2 breaks between points)
FPARM.......(1-30) Optional polynomial fitting of curve of type 1-30
If polynomial fit, the VPARM lines are the fit curve
not lines between the data points.
0: no fitting
> 0, fit with ordinary polynomial of order FPARM(i).
The rms and parameters of the fit will be reported.
< 0, fit with orthogonal polynomial of order
abs(FPARM(i)). The rms of the fit will be reported
but the parameters are not very meaningful.
Maximum is 8 but the task may not be able to find
orthogonal polynomials this high, depending on the
input data.
DOPLOT......If > 0 and only 1 FPARM is selected, the fit parameters
are plotted in a quadrant of the plot. 1 lower left,
2 lower right, 3 upper right, 4 upper left
FACTOR......Symbol size multiplier; 0 -> 1.
DOCOLOR.....> 0 => each symbol will be drawn with a color from blue
to red as the color column value ranges from 0 to 1 or
as line "types" 1,2,3,4 as the color column contains
values 2,3,4,5 (resp). Note that, by default, line type
1 is used for labeling, line type 2 is used for
connected lines, line type 3 for connected step lines,
and line type 4 for symbols.
LTYPE.......Labelling type, see HELP LTYPE for details:
1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 =
relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage
(BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels. 7-10 all labels
other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted.
Less than 0 is the same except that the plot file
version number and create time are omitted.
Add n * 100 to alter the metric scaling.
DOTV........> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise
make a plot file for later display on one or
more devices (including the TV if desired).
GRCHAN.....Graphics channel (1 - 7) to use for line drawing.
A value of 0 causes more than one graphics channel to be
used. To specify a channel to be used for plot labels
add 10 * that graphics channel number. If the label
channel is zero, it is set to GRCHAN. See HELP GRCHAN
for additional discussion.
PLOTR: Task to create a PLOTR-plot extension file
PLOTR generates a plot extension file containing a PLOTR plot,
its border, and labels. The plot itself may be displayed on a
printer, TEK screen, or TV graphics channel by the tasks LWPLA, TKPL,
or TVPL respectively.
The INTEXT text file begins with 5 lines of text containing
Line Contents
1 Plot title (at top of plot)
2 Bottom line #1
3 Bottom line #2
4 X-axis label (<= 20 chars)
5 Y-axis label (<= 20 chars)
Then, optionally, lines giving symbol labels for types -1 through -30
using format:
SL n text
where SL starts in column 1 of the line, n is the label for symbol
types n (either sign will be interpreted as -1 through -30). The text
of the label starts with the first non-blank after the number.
Then 1 line per data point for up to a total of 100000 points for 30
types giving X(i) Y(i) Type(i), color(i), where Type is an integer
from 1 through 30. If DOEBAR > 0, the data columns are X(i) Y(i) E(i)
Type(i), color(i). Type 0 (or blank) -> type 1. Negative types use
the same symbol as their positives but also plot the string given at
the beginning of the file. Thus they are normally used for annotation
is some otherwise blank part of the plot. Colors on data samples
range from 0 to 1 OR integers 2 through 5 for line types 1 through 4
(yellow, green, pink, cyan). If blank, the color is set by the type
of line being plotted.
At any point in the input file you may insert comment lines. Any line
starting with $ or # is taken as a comment and ignored. You may also
have in-line comments starting with a $ or a # (but not both).
Example input file
# Example input file for noise tests
Frequency switch noise tests
Gaussian widths 25, 25, 50, 257 channels
Peak = 100, noise = 3 degrees
# axis units follow
Total throw (chans)
Non-signal soln rms
# symbol labels follow
SL -1 1024-channel, 4 Gaussian
SL -2 512-channel, 3 Gaussian
SL -3 512-channel, 4 Gaussian (incl wide)
$ data points follow
8 11.59 2 $ sample type 2 - sample comment
8 11.81 3 # sample type 3 - another in-line comment
8 18.52
10 10.88 3
10 14.99
16 9.21 2
16 10.47 3
16 11.61
20 7.97 3
20 10.60
20 10.93
24 7.36 3
24 7.50 2
24 9.44
30 6.99 3
30 9.00
32 6.08 2
32 6.22 3
32 8.10
40 5.37 2
40 5.49 3
40 5.91 3
40 7.22
40 7.52
48 4.98 2
48 5.00 3
48 7.06
50 5.15 3
50 6.68
56 4.32 3
56 4.58 2
56 6.49
60 4.70 3
60 6.14
60 6.23
64 4.28 2
64 4.45 3
64 6.05
70 4.18 3
70 5.63
72 3.90 2
72 4.20 3
72 5.65
80 3.67 2
80 3.91 3
80 4.29 3
80 5.31
80 5.41
88 3.44 3
88 3.62 2
88 5.16
90 3.84 3
90 4.94
96 3.45 2
96 4.10 3
96 4.81
100 3.58 3
100 4.79
100 4.95
100 22.50 -3
100 23.50 -2
100 24.50 -1
104 3.34 2
104 3.89 3
104 4.79
110 3.55 3
112 3.20 2
112 3.82 3
112 4.47
120 3.13 2
120 3.43 3
120 3.82 3
120 4.49
128 2.91 2
128 3.00 3
128 4.26
130 2.97 3
136 2.91 2
136 3.42 3
136 4.07
140 3.20 3
140 4.08
144 2.83 2
144 3.74 3
144 3.95
150 3.70 3
152 2.82 2
152 3.82 3
152 3.89
160 3.46 3
170 2.89 3
180 2.61 3
180 3.52
190 2.97 3
200 3.59 3
210 4.92 3
220 3.23
220 3.84 3
230 3.11 3
240 2.99 3
250 2.51 3
260 2.24 3
260 2.98
270 2.35 3
280 2.35 3
290 2.06 3
300 2.07 3
300 2.75
310 2.13 3
320 2.25 3
330 2.20 3
340 2.62
340 26.27 3
350 19.17 3
360 14.17 3
370 14.67 3
380 2.40
380 9.75 3
390 6.36 3
400 5.59 3