AIPS HELP file for BDAPL in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 11:17:44 2025
BDAPL: Applies BD table to another data set
INNAME UV data to calibrate: name
INCLASS UV data to calibrate: class
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 UV data to calibrate: seq #
INDISK 0.0 9.0 UV data to calibrate: disk
IN2NAME UV data with BD table: name
IN2CLASS UV data with BD table: class
IN2SEQ 0.0 9999.0 UV data with BD table: seq. #
IN2DISK 0.0 9.0 UV data with BD table: disk
BLVER 0.0 version of BD table to use
OUTNAME Output UV data: name
OUTCLASS Output UV data: class
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 Output UV data: seq. #
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Output UV data: disk #
FQCENTER >= 0 -> center frequency axis
Type: Task
BLCHN determines a baseline-dependent correction as a function
of spectral channel and IF. It applies it to the data set input
to BLCHN and also saves a BD table containing the results with
that input data set. POSSM can plot the BD table. BDAPL now
allows the BD table to be applied to another data set so long as
that data set contains the same number of spectral channels and
IFs as the one input to BLCHN. Note that both these tasks - and
the calibration itself - should be regarded as experimental. It
would be better to correct the data fully for known real effects
(such as polarization leakage) than to do this correction
blindly. However, it is not too terrible since no
time-dependence is allowed.
Procedure BLPOLCAL allows BLPCL to compute similar BD tables with
4 polarizations. These may also be applied by BDAPL.
INNAME......Name of UV data set to which the BD table is to be
applied. Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Class of UV data set to which the BD table is to be
applied. Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Sequence number of UV data set to which the BD table is
to be applied. 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk drive # of UV data set to which the BD table is
to be applied. 0 => any.
IN2NAME.....Name of UV data set having the BD table to be applied.
' ' => INNAME
IN2CLASS....Class of UV data set having the BD table to be applied.
' ' => INCLASS
IN2SEQ......Sequence number of UV data set having the BD table to be
applied. <= 0 => INSEQ
IN2DISK.....Disk number of UV data set having the BD table to be
applied. <= 0 => INDISK
BLVERS......Version number of BD table to be applied. 0 -> highest
OUTNAME.....The output UV data set name. ' ' => INNAME
OUTCLASS....The output UV data set class. ' ' => BDAPL
OUTSEQ......Output UV data set seq. #. 0 => highest unique.
OUTDISK.....Output disk number. 0 => highest with space.
FQCENTER,...> 0 => Change frequency axis reference pixel to
Nchan / 2 + 1
else => do not change reference pixel