As of Sat Feb 15 21:57:48 2025


Type: Adverb  (Real)
Use:  Disk unit # associated with the input image or data set given by
Null value:  0
      Null value usually means search all disk units.

   CLR2NAME......Clears adverbs specifying the second input image.
   GET2NAME......Fills 2nd input image name parameters by catalog slot
   IM2HEAD.......Displays the image 2 header contents to terminal,
                 message file.
   IMDIST........Determines spherical distance between two pixels.
   M2CAT.........Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
   Q2HEADER......Verb to summarize the image 2 header: positions at
   U2CAT.........List a user's UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK.
   BLPOLCAL......Do BLCHN for I, Q, U, V models.  2nd is I model.
   CALMODEL......Applies SPLIT & UVSUB to make a model data set matching
                 a calibrator.
   DOFARS........Procedure to aid in Faraday rotation synthesis using
                 the FARS task.  The 2nd image is of U polarization.
   IMFRING.......Large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING.  The
                 2nd catalog file is the large image to be broken into
   IMSCAL........Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.  The 2nd
                 catalog file is the large image to be broken into
   LINIMAGE......Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
   OOCAL.........Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-
                 dependent models.  The 2nd image is the source model.
   OOFRING.......Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral
                 index options.  The 2nd image is the source model.
   PEELR.........Calibrates interfering sources in multi-facet images.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean map model.
   TDSTEP5.......Time-dependent imaging procedure "step 5"
   TVDIST........Determines spherical distance between two pixels on TV
                 screen.  The 2nd image contains the 2nd pixel.
   VHCALIB.......Do CALIB for linear polarization with I, Q, U models.
   VLBABPSS......Computes spectral bandpass correction table.  the 2nd
                 image is the Clean model.
   VLBAMPHC......Applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase
                 stopping centers.  The 2nd data set contains the
                 VLBARUN calibration and flag tables.
   Y2KSAVE.......Verifies correctness and performance using standard
   ACFIT.........Determine antenna gains from autocorrelations.  The 2nd
                 data set contains the template.
   AFARS.........Is used after FARS to determine Position and Value of
                 the maximum.  The 2nd image is the imaginary part or
   APCLN.........Deconvolves images with CLEAN algorithm.  The 2nd image
                 is the dirty beam,
   APGS..........Deconvolves image with Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm.
                 The 2nd image is the dirty beam,
   APVC..........Deconvolves images with van Cittert algorithm.
                 The 2nd image is the dirty beam,
   BDAPL.........Applies a BD table to another data set.  The 2nd data
                 set is the one with the BD table.
   BDEPO.........Computes depolarization due to rotation measure
                 gradients.  The 2nd image is of the y-axis RN gradient.
   BLANK.........Blanks out selected, e.g. non-signal, portions of an
                 image.  The 2nd image contains the clip levels.
   BLCAL.........Compute closure offset corrections.  The 2nd image is
                 the Clean model image.
   BLCHN.........Compute closure offset corrections on a
                 channel-by-channel basis.  The 2nd image is the Clean
                 model image.
   BLING.........Find residual rate and delay on individual baselines.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   BLPCL.........Do divide by I,Q,U models for circular polarization
                 BLCHN.  The 2nd file is the I model.
   BLSUM.........Sums images over irregular sub-images, displays
                 spectra.  The 2nd image is the blotch image.
   BPASS.........Computes spectral bandpass correction table.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   BSCLN.........Hogbom Clean on beam-switched difference image.  The
                 2nd image is of the minus switch position.
   BSCOR.........Combines two beam-switched images. The
                 2nd image is of the minus switch position.
   CALIB.........Determines antenna calibration: complex gain.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   CAPLT.........Plots closure amplitude and model from CC file.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   CCRES.........Removes or restores a CC file to a map with a gaussian
                 beam.  The 2nd image is the image with the Clean
   CLPLT.........Plots closure phase and model from CC file.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   CMPLX.........Combines complex images by a variety of mathematical
   COMB..........Combines two images by a variety of mathematical
   CONVL.........Convolves an image with a gaussian or another image.
                 The 2nd image is the convolving image.
   CPASS.........Computes polynomial spectral bandpass correction table.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   CXCLN.........Complex Hogbom CLEAN.  The 2nd image is of the dirty
   DBCON.........Concatenates two UV data sets.
   DCONV.........Deconvolves a gaussian from an image.  The 2nd image is
                 of weights.
   DGAUS.........Correct UV model for convolution by Clean beam
   DIFUV.........Outputs the difference of two matching input uv data
   EDITR.........Interactive baseline-oriented visibility editor using
                 the TV.  The 2nd data set is displayed for comparison
                 purposes only and is optional.
   EVAUV.........Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does
                 statistics on results.  The 2nd image is the Clean
                 model image.
   FARS..........Faraday rotation synthesis based on the brightness vs
                 wavelength.  The 2nd image is of U polarization.
   FFT...........Takes Fourier Transform of an image or images.  The 2nd
                 image is the imaginary part.
   FIXAL.........Least squares fit aliasing function and remove.  The
                 2nd data set contains calibration information.
   FRCAL.........Faraday rotation self calibration task.  The 2nd image
                 is the Clean model image.
   FRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration,
                 delay, rate.  The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   FTFLG.........Interactive flagging of UV data in channel-time using
                 the TV.  The 2nd file is the work file.
   GAL...........Determine parameters from a velocity field.  The 2nd
                 image is of weights.
   GREYS.........Plots images as contours over multi-level grey.  The
                 2nd image is used for contouring.
   HGEOM.........Interpolates image to different gridding and/or
                 geometry.  The 2nd image is the template for regridding
                 the 1st.
   HOCLN.........Task to do a clean of holography images.
   HUINT.........Make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like
                 TVHUEINT.  The 2nd image is of hue.
   IBLED.........Interactive BaseLine based visibility EDitor.  The 2nd
                 file is the work file.
   IMAGR.........Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging
                 task.  The 2nd data set is the work file.
   IMERG.........Merges images of different spatial resolutions.  The
                 2nd image is the low resolution one.
   IMLHS.........Converts images to luminosity/hue TV display.  The 2nd
                 image is of hue.
   IMVIM.........Plots one image's values against another's.  The 2nd
                 image values control the Y values.
   KNTR..........Make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple
                 panels.  The 2nd image may be used for contours, grey
                 scale, or as a polarization cutoff (I pol).
   KRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration,
                 delay, rate.  The 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   LPCAL.........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.  The
                 2nd image is the Clean model image.
   MARSP.........Check Mars polarization angles
   MATCH.........Changes antenna, source, FQ numbers to match a data
                 set.  The 2nd data set defines the source, FQ, and
                 antenna numbers to be put in the 1st data set.
   MEDI..........Combines four images by a variety of mathematical
   MOD3D.........Computes a 3D CC model from a set of facets.  The 2nd
                 image is the multi-facet Clean model.
   MODIM.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in IQU
                 polarization.  The 2nd image is of Q polarization.
   MODSP.........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in I/V
                 polarization.  The 2nd image is of V polarization.
   MOMFT.........Calculates images of moments of a sub-image.  The 2nd
                 image is the dirty beam.
   OFUDG.........Modifies UV data with user's algorithm no cal adverbs:
                 paraform task.
   OHGEO.........Geometric interpolation with correction for 3-D
                 effects.  The 2nd image is the template for regridding
                 the 1st.
   OOSUB.........Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model.
   PANEL.........Convert HOLOG output to panel adjustment table.  The
                 2nd image is the mask image.
   PASTE.........Pastes a selected subimage of one image into another.
                 The 2nd image is pasted into the first.
   PCAL..........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model.
   PCFLG.........Interactive flagging of Pulse-cal data in channel-TB
                 using the TV.  The 2nd file is the work file.
   PCNTR.........Generate plot file with contours plus polarization
                 vectors.  The 2nd image is of polarization intensity.
   PDPLT.........Plots selected contents of PD tables.
   PLAYR.........Task to load one or two images and play with them on
                 the TV.
   PPAPP.........Applies Right minus Left phase difference to a 2nd data
                 set.  The 2nd data set contains the PP file to apply.
   QUFIX.........Determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects
                 cal files.  The 2nd image is a well-calibrated spectral
                 and polarization cube.
   QUXTR.........Extracts text files from Q,U cubes for input to TARS.
                 The 2nd image is of U polarization.
   RFARS.........Correct Q/U cubes for Faraday rotation synthesis
                 results.  The 2nd image is of U polarization.
   RLCAL.........Determines instrumental right-left phase versus time (a
                 self-cal).  The 2nd image is a Clean model.
   RM............Task to calculate rotation measure and magnetic field.
                 The 2nd image is of noise.
   RM2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit.
                 The 2nd image is of U polarization.
   RMFIT.........Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U cube.
                 The 2nd image is of U polarization.
   RSTOR.........Restores a Clean component file to a map with a
                 Gaussian beam.  The 2nd image has the Clean components
                 to be restored to the 1st image.
   SAD...........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image.
                 The 2nd image is of the noise (rms).
   SDCLN.........Deconvolves image by Clark and then "SDI" cleaning
                 methods.  The 2nd image is of the dirty beam.
   SDMOD.........Modifies single-dish UV data with model sources.  The
                 2nd image is of the model.
   SPCOR.........Task to correct an image for a primary beam and
                 spectral index.  The 2nd image is of spectral index.
   SPFIX.........Makes cube from input to and output from SPIXR spectral
                 index.  The 2nd images are the outputs from SPIXR.
   SPFLG.........Interactive flagging of UV data in channel-TB using the
                 TV.  The 2nd file is the work file.
   STEER.........Task which deconvolves the David Steer way.  The 2nd
                 imager is of the dirty beam.
   TADIF.........Prints differences between two table-format extension
   TBDIF.........Compare entries in two tables.
   TRUEP.........Determines true antenna polarization from special data
                 sets.  The 2nd data set is of visibilities with a feed
                 having been rotated.
   TVFLG.........Interactive flagging of UV data using the TV.  The 2nd
                 file is the work file.
   TVHUI.........Make TV image from images of intensity, hue,
                 saturation.  The 2nd image is of hue.
   TVIEW.........Display image cube in all 3 transpositions with
                 rotation & reference.  The 2nd image is the "reference"
   TVRGB.........Make TV image from images of true color (RGB) images.
                 The 2nd image is of green.
   TVSAD.........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with
                 interaction.  The 2nd image is of noise (rms).
   TVSPC.........Display images and spectra from a cube.  The 2nd image
                 is of the transposed cube.
   UNSPX.........Removes spectral index model from a data cube.  The 2nd
                 image is of spectral index.
   UTESS.........Deconvolves images by maximizing emptiness.  The 2nd
                 image is of the dirty beam.
   UVADC.........Fourier transforms and corrects a model and adds to uv
                 data.  The 2nd image is of the Clean model.
   UVADD.........Combines two matching uv data sets.
   UVCON.........Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array
                 layout.  The 2nd image is of the model.
   UVDI1.........Subtract UV data (averaged up to one time) from the
                 other UV data.  The 2nd data set is averaged over all
                 times and then subtracted from the first.
   UVDIF.........Prints differences between two UV data sets.
   UVFRE.........Makes one data set have the spectral structure of
                 another.  The 2nd data set defines the desired spectral
   UVGLU.........Glues UV data frequency blocks back together.
   UVMTH.........Averages one data set and applies it to another.  The
                 2nd data set has the averaged 1st data set applied to
   UVSUB.........Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
                 The 2nd image is the Clean model.
   VBGLU.........Glues together data from multiple passes thru the VLBA
   VHCAL.........Do divide by I,Q,U models for linear polarization data.
   VLABP.........VLA antenna beam polarization correction for snapshot
                 images.  The 2nd image is of the antenna fractional
   VPLOT.........Plots uv data and model from CC file.  The 2nd image is
                 of a Clean model.
   VTESS.........Deconvolves sets of images by the Maximum Entropy
                 Method.  The 2nd image is of the dirty beam.
   WARP..........Model warps in Galaxies.
   WTSUM.........Task to do a a sum of images weighted by other images.
                 The 2nd image is the single image to be added.  If
                 IN2NAME is blank the INSEQ to IN2SEQ are added.
   XG2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and
                 ZEMAN/ZAMAN fits.  The 2nd image is of V polarization.
   ZAMAN.........Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption-line
                 data.  The 2nd image is of I polarization.
   ZEMAN.........Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data.
                 The 2nd image is of I polarization.