AIPS HELP file for HUINT in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 12:03:32 2025
HUINT: Make TV image from images of intensity/hue like TVHUEINT
INNAME Intensity image name
INCLASS Intensity image class
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Intensity image seq. #
INDISK Intensity disk drive #
IN2NAME Hue image name
IN2CLASS Hue image class
IN2SEQ 0.0 9999.0 Hue image seq. #
IN2DISK Hue image disk drive #
DOOUTPUT -1.0 3.0 > 0 => write RGB output cube
2, 3 -> also write RGB wedge
OUTNAME Output RGB cube name
OUTCLASS Output RGB cube class
OUTSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Output RGB cube sequence #
0 => highest unique
OUTDISK Output RGB cube disk drive #
0 => highest with space
OUT2NAME Output RGB wedge name
OUT2CLAS Output RGB wedge class
OUT2SEQ 0.0 9999.0 Output RGB wedge sequence #
0 => highest unique
OUT2DISK Output RGB wedge disk drive #
0 => highest with space
IMSIZE Pixel size of output wedge
TBLC 0.0 4096.0 Bottom left corner of image
0=>entire image
TTRC 0.0 4096.0 Top right corner of image
0=>entire image. See HELP!
TXINC 0.0 1000.0 Increment in pixels on X axis
TYINC 0.0 1000.0 Increment in pixels on y axis
DOALIGN -2.0 1.0 > 0 => images must line up
TVCHAN 0.0 15.0 TV channel to use
DOWEDGE -1.0 3.0 > 0 => plot a wedge on top.
> 1.5 => wedge on right edge
> 2.5 => both wedges
DOCIRCLE -1.0 1.0 > 0 => plot hues through a
full circle, else only blue
through red.
PIXRANGE Min,Max of image intensity
0 => entire range.
DPARM (1,2) pixrange for hue image
Type: Task
Use: HUINT will construct a TV image based on two AIPS images, one
representing intensity and one representing hue. The task
attempts to replicate the function of the verb TVHUEINT but with
the possibility to save the result as a rather peculiar image.
The program enters an interactive mode in which the user selects
options from a menu shown on a graphics overlay plane. Options
are to enhance each of the images individually, to select
linear, square-root, or one of 2 logarithmic transfer functions
for intensity or hue, and to exit with or without final updates
and an output file. On-line help for the options is available by
positioning the cursor to the option and pushing button D.
Pushing buttons A, B, or C selects the option.
Unlike TVHUI, this task works only on TVs capable of supporting
the TVHUEINT verb. The XAS TV does this as did some hardware
TVs of old.
INNAME......Image name for intensity. Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image class for intensity. Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image seq. # for intensity. 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk unit # for intensity. 0 => any.
IN2NAME.....Image name for hue. Standard defaults.
IN2CLASS....Image class for hue. Standard defaults.
IN2SEQ......Image seq. # for hue. 0 => highest.
IN2DISK.....Disk unit # for hue. 0 => any.
DOOUTPUT....> 0 => write an output image with the 3rd axis being
RGB. The full range of input intensities is NOT carried
along (i.e. PIXRANGE is applied and the actual numbers
will be in the range 0 - 1.). The display intensity
transfer function is used as well as the scaling,
clipping and transfer function of the hue image done
from DPARM(1 -> 2) plus any interactive enhancement.
>= 2 => also write an image of the hue-intensity step
wedge. 2 causes the hue to be on the (usually short)
vertical axis with intensity on the (usually longer)
horizontal axis, 3 reverses this.
<= 0 -> skip output file.
OUTNAME.....Output name for RGB cube. Standard defaults.
OUTCLASS....Output class for RGB cube. Standard defaults.
OUTSEQ......Output seq. # for RGB cube. 0 => highest unique
OUTDISK.....Disk drive # of RGB cube. 0 => highest with
OUT2NAME....Output name for RGB wedge. Standard defaults.
OUT2CLAS....Output class for RGB wedge. Standard defaults.
OUT2SEQ.....Output seq. # for RGB wedge. 0 => highest unique
OUT2DISK....Disk drive # of RGB wedge. 0 => highest with
IMSIZE......Controls the X and Y sizes in pixels of the output wedge
image which is written when DOOUTPUT = 2 or 3.
IMSIZE(1) < 25 -> TTRC(1)-TBLC(1)+1 or the maximum TV
X size if that is less.
IMSIZE(2) < 20 -> 0.2 * Max (IMSIZE(1), 100)
TBLC........Bottom Left Corner of intensity image used in the
display. (0,0) means (1,1). The hue image window is
the same size as the intensity image window, but a
smaller window will be selected if needed to overlap the
images. See DOALIGN. The image size is also limited by
the size of the TV. TBLC is ignored on writing the
output image except for any alignment adjustments.
TTRC........Top Right Corner of grey-scale image: (0,0) means top
right corner of map. NOTE: for the intensity image
TTRC(3-7) is set to TBLC(3-7) since only one plane is
shown. If the hue image is a cube, TTRC(3) is taken to
select the plane of that cube to be used for hue. This
allows a hue image of one plane to color am intensity
image of another plane of the same cube. TTRC is
ignored on writing the output image except for any
alignment adjustments.
TXINC.......Increment in pixels between displayed pixels along
the X axis. 0 => 1. Ignored while doing output.
TYINC.......Increment in pixels between displayed pixels along
the X axis. 0 => 1. Ignored while doing output.
DOALIGN.....Controls how the intensity, hue, and saturation images
are to be aligned (see HELP DOALIGN). True (>.1) means
that the images must agree in their coordinates, though
not necessarily in the reference pixel position.
Alignment is by coordinate values (if DOALIGN > -0.1) or
by offsets from the reference pixel positions (if
DOALIGN <= -0.1). If DOALIGN < -1.5, alignment is at
pixels (1,1,...) ignoring the headers.
TVCHAN......TV channel to use: 0 => 1. Two channels are used, one
for the intensity image and one for the hue image.
Unlike TVHUEINT, the option to switch roles of the
images is NOT offerred.
DOWEDGE.....If false (<= 0.0), do not plot a step wedge. Otherwise
plot a wedge on the TV, but not in the output image. (A
wedge image is written if DOOUTPUT = 2 or 3.)
If 1.5 >= DOWEDGE > 0.0, then plot a wedge along the top
of the image. If > 1.5, plot a wedge along the
right-hand edge of the image. If > 2.5, plot wedges
along both the top and the right-hand side. Each wedge
is a wedge in intensity along the longer side of the
wedge and in hue along the shorter side of the wedge.
Multiple wedges are drawn for each saturation level.
DOCIRCLE....False (<= 0) means that colors range from red to green
to blue only. This is appropriate for 0th and 1st
moment images for example. True means that colors range
from red to green to blue and back to red (through
purple). This is appropriate to polarization intensity
and angle images, for example.
PIXRANGE....Min,Max of Image intensity. 0 => entire range
DPARM.......(1,2) pixrange for HUE image. 0,0 => full range