AIPS HELP file for DOWEDGE in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 8:50:14 2025
Type: Adverb (Logical, > 0 => true)
Use: True (>0) means do a wedge on the display, false (-1)
means do not add a wedge to the display.
Null value: true (1)
CHKFC......Makes images of Clean boxes from BOXFILE. DOWEDGE>0
causes facet numbers to be added to the boxes.
GREYS......Plot a gray-scale version of a plane of an image
with optional wedge and overlayed contours. If
DOWEDGE > 1, the wedge will be along the right
hand edge else it is along the bottom.
HUINT......Make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like
TVHUEINT. DOWEDGE controls plotting of a step wedge
on the top and/or on the right hand edge.
KNTR.......Make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple
panels. DOWEDGE controls where a wedge is plotted and
what range of values are represented.
MASKS......Makes mask image of Clean boxes from boxfile. DOWEDGE
controls whether facet numbers appear in the boxes and
what intensity is used for the edges of the boxes.
PCNTR......Generate plot file with contours plus polarization
vectors. DOWEDGE controls where a wedge is plotted and
what range of values are represented.
PLAYR......Task to load one or two images and play with them on the
TV. DOWEDGE controls the numer of contours in certain
OFM functions and can be changed interactively.
TVHUI......Make TV image from images of intensity, hue, saturation.
DOWEDGE controls plotting of a step wedge on the top
and/or on the right hand edge.
OFMCONT....Creates/modifies TV color OFMs with level or wedged
contours. DOWEDGE sets the number of contours and
whether they are level or step functions.